Power Of The Super Intendants

Habakkuk:So y'all think y'all can just torment my friends huh?

Anderson:Something like that.

Habakkuk:Alright let's go

Anderson:Have it your way snotty nose brat!

Nakir would go charging at Nickson with a fierce intent. Nickson would easily dodge all of Nakir's attacks as he turned himself into fire.

Adron and Luke would be brawling it out hitting each other blow for blow.

Luke:I've only been gauging your power, now it's about time I show more of mine!

Luke would then get series, as he was now knocking Adron around like nothing.

Adron:Damn, he's way stronger than I expected! This fight will be a tough one.

Habakkuk and Anderson were hitting each other blow for blow in an even battle.

Anderson:You're much stronger than your friends, who are you?

Habakkuk:I'm Habakkuk, why does it matter?

Anderson:He's that boy that was in their memories when we checked them. I never knew he would be this strong…

Habakkuk punched Anderson in the face, sending him flying into a nearby wall.


James:Hello my pet…

Izaya:I'm no ones pet! I'm going to kill you right here!

Izaya's muscles would bulk up as he started to grow in size, his eyes would glow red as his hair turned spiky, he was now in the huge grey skinned form.

Izaya:I'm going to rip you apart!!!

Izaya would charge at James with full power but, James would easily dodge his attacks. James would laugh at the monsters petty attempts

Izaya:I'll show you for making fun of me!

Izaya's arm would glow red as he punched James so hard, he would collapse. Izaya would then start punching into James body while he was on the ground.

Nakir would try everything he could to take down Nickson but Nickson was too strong and fast

for him. Nickson would easily knock around Nakir like he was nothing. Nakir would punch Nick in the face landing a blow on him that irritated him.

Nickson:Now i'm going to end this!

Nickson would make flames erupt from his head, he would grow in size up to 7 feet, his eyes were glowing orange and his skin was now orange with yellow veins and fire around him.

John was easily beating down into Kaywahn, beating him within an inch of his life.

Kaywahn:Are you really going to kill me Johnathan?

John:You gotta make that choice, are you going to make me kill you or will you give up is entirely up to you.

Luke:Nick powered up huh? I will as well…

Luke would have spiky white hair with glowing blue eyes and his body was now electricity.

Adron:What the hell?!

Luke also now had pale skin and bigger muscles

Luke:Since my colleague powered up, I did too…

Adron:Damn you're that strong?!

Luke:Seems like you could be scared or impressed.

Adron:Damn I'm a bit of both, but I can't let him know that

Luke:Are you finally ready to stop running and finally rise up against us?

Adron:What does it look like?!

Adron goes for a punch to the face but Luke quickly catches it.


Adron:This guy is even stronger Zay!

Luke:You think we would be weaker than him, you're sadly mistaken!

Luke would electrocute Adron. Then he would knee him in the gut and punches him into a wall.

Adron would get up ready for round 2.

Adron:I have to use it! Guardian get ready to release your power!

Adron would then transform back into the form he used against John.

Luke:So this is your power huh?

Adron smirks...

Luke:You're cocky, lets really see what you can do!

Adron goes dashing at Luke punching him in the face so hard the ground would shake.

Luke:Not bad young man, but that won't be enough to stop me!

Adron:Look at you! You're practically stumbling back from that punch! You're done for!!

Luke:That demon like form judges your emotions, it makes you really cocky boy!

Luke would strike at Adron but Adron would dodge and knee Luke in the gut with both legs and then Adron would kick him into the air followed by multiple red blast all connected.

Adron would go charging at Luke with a fury of punches, Luke would dodge them all and punch Adron's fist as they were now clashing.

Adron would take his other hand and throw a punch but, Luke would punch that fist with his other hand. The clash would keep going on as everything was shattering around them.

Adron:We seem even for right now! It's time to turn up the heat!

Adron laughs as he powered up even more, he would then go onto blast Luke's hands sending him flying and Adron appeared behind him and kicked him to the ground.

Luke:I'm impressed kid…

Adron would be punching into Luke's face rapidly nonstop. The more Adron punches the heavier it got.

Luke:This kid is actually really powerful, he has my respect but it's time to end this now!

Luke would catch Adron's punch with ease and shocked him, sending him flying into the air.

Luke:You're strong indeed, but i'll have to finish this, im sorry.

Luke would faze his hand into Adron's chest until he coughed up blood and went back into his normal form.

Luke:Now that that's out of the way, there's no need for me to fight anymore.

Adron:Damn, you were just playing around with me? How are you guys this strong?!

Luke:It's the simple fact that we were born with a lot of potential you earthlings can never have with your puny limits. There's no way you can ever be able to pose a threat to any of us, your too weak.

Nakir would use his guardian power as well and he went dashing at Nickson, the fight was kind of even at first with them both hitting each other blow for blow.

Nickson:Not bad kid, but that was only a little warm up.

Nakir:A what?!

Nickson would light his hands into flames and punch down into Nakir's chest rapidly.

Nakir would scream in agony, then Nickson would pick Nakir up by the throat and would continue to punch him in the chest.

Nickson:You little fool, did you really think you could challenge me?! You're just an earthling brat with nothing good going for you, give it up already this is your limit!

Adron would look in Nickson's direction

Nickson:You thought you can really rebel against us with that traitor John over there?

Nickson would throw him to the ground and began to step on his head.


Laci's eyes turned purple and her energy was purple as well. She would then go on to charge at Nickson landing a punch on his face.

Laci:I won't let you hurt him!!!

Laci would keep attacking Nickson with her best efforts, but would get knocked away easy by a single slap, sending her flying. He would go onto choke her as he smiled at Nakir.

Nakir:Damn it let her gooo!!!

Nickson would kick nakir in the gut, sending him into a wall.

Luke:Just face it, you can't do anything beyond your limits.

Nickson:And that's what makes you kids weak!

Adron:What did you just say?! You bastard!

Luke and Nickson:Your puny limits our nothing compared to us!!

Adron:Who are you to talk about my limits when you don't even know me or what I am truly capable of?!

Nickson would throw Laci into a wall

Luke:Your superiors

Nickson:Now bow down you weakling!

Adron:Sorry I just can't do that!

Nickson:And why is that?

Luke:Enlighten us, we want to know.

Adron:Because In my head my limits don't exist! And if they do, I'll just shatter them right here and now!! I'll make you wish you never underestimated me and my limitations!!!

Adron's energy would glow red around him as his aura would start to erupt in a fit of rage.

Adron:No one talks about my limits and get away with it!!!

Adron's eyes would glow red as his hair would turn into a very dark red color and he would have red electricity around him.

Adron dashed at Luke with a heavy punch sending flying out of the building. Adron followed up behind him with a swift kick knocking him into the ground.

Adron's anger was terrifying.

Adron would began to punch Luke into the ground rapidly non stop.

Nickson would kick Adron away from Luke and followed with heavy punches. Nickson would go for an even heavier punch but Luke would catch it.

Luke:This is my battle Nick, back off that's not honorable!

Nickson:Whatever you say mr honor.

Adron gets up angrier than before as he would go dashing at Nick and punched him in the gut sending him flying towards Nakir. Luke would punch Adron a few times and follow up with a few kicks Adron would dodge then he would punch Luke in the gut sending him into a mountain. Luke would fly back out as they would both clash into each other punching and kicking each other blow for blow.


Luke:Scream all you want your limits will hold you back!!!

Adron would explode with a huge ball of red energy. Adron would make his hands glowed red as he would punch into Luke's face multiple times.

Luke:This kid is very strong, even stronger than Nickson… but how can this be? He is just a child.

Adron would kick at Luke, Luke would dodge and knee Adron in the gut sending him into the ground.

Nakir would get up slowly as he would look at Adron, Habakkuk, and Laci.

Nakir:Damn it! I can't even help them out! What am I useless?! No I'm not. If Adron can do it, so can I!

Nakir would focus all of his energy as it went from light blue to dark purple.

Nakir:If I can't even protect my girlfriend, there's no way I can achieve my goal! So now I won't give up just because I'm getting my ass whooped!

Nakir eyes would glow red as his hair turned grey again and he hair black wings.

Nakir:Nick right?

Nickson:Yeah, what you got some type of power up and think you're cool all of a sudden?

Nakir:You can say that…

Nickson:Well come over and show me what you can do!

Nakir:You better now regret it!

James would be easily dodging all of Zay's attacks and countering them with no effort.

Habakkuk and Anderson would be going at it, knocking each other around and clashing blows.

Habakkuk would dodge one of his attacks and quickly punch him in the face.

Anderson would bleed out of his mouth as he was now annoyed.

Anderson:I'm going to show you something nice…

Habakkuk:What do you mean?!

Anderson muscles would grow 3 times in size, he would grow taller, and he would take on the form of a beast with antlers.

Anderson:This is my wendigo Power!!

Habakkuk:Wendigo Power?!

Anderson would quickly punch Habakkuk in the gut, making him cough up blood.

Habakkuk:What in the?!

Anderson would kick him in both of his sides and then would start clawing him.

Habakkuk:He's too fast and strong for me!

Anderson would kick Habakkuk in the neck as Habakkuk fell to the ground paralyzed.

Anderson:Didn't see that coming did you?

Habakkuk:Damn it, I can't move!

Anderson:It's time that I finally kill you…

Habakkuk:No! Damn it!

Anderson kicks Habakkuk in the side sending him into a wall and then blasted him multiple times.

Habakkuk:Damn, it can't be helped…

Habakkuk falls to the ground unconscious.

Dana:They're not doing too good.

Chris:What do we do?

Matt:We can't go over there until we finish off these demons!


Laci would be lying on the ground hurting.

Laci:I hope Habakkuk gets back up…

Anderson slowly walked over to Habakkuk with a smirk on his face.

Anderson:That was way too easy, wouldn't you say boy?