The Four Brothers Fated Path...

A very young Luke would be walking around the city looking for something to eat because he had no mother or father to take care of him.

Nick was off stealing food from nearby markets.

They were both outcasts to everyone.

The people hated these two boys and treated them like nothing. People would constantly ignore, make fun of, attack, or even try to kill them.

Luke would spend his days alone and lonely.

He didn't like stealing but he had to in order to survive. He would constantly get bullied by the other tougher looking kids and adults would also shoot things at him. He was always an innocent boy, always being kind, and always looking out for others but he still got treated poorly. Kids that bullied him always called him names like crybaby to which he was.

Nick was a delinquent, he was always causing trouble and he always fought with adults.

This all wasn't Nick's fault though, he wants to survive as much as everyone else does but they treat him like trash and tries to kill him more than they try with Luke.

3 Years Later...

One day Luke would be playing with a fox he found in the woods because he was friendly to animals and they were surprisingly kind to him too. 4 15-16 year old boys would start to pick on him and call him names. Luke was only trying to play with his new friend but they started to bully him. The kids would then start to beat him up like they normally do every week but this time, it was more aggressive. They were telling him that he doesn't deserve to live and they were also calling him a traitor like his dead parents. All of this would make the young boy cry as they were beating down on him. The strongest bully there would try to go for the finishing punch but someone would catch their hand.

Bully#1:It's Nickson!

Bully#2:What the heck are you doing here jerk?!

Nick:Just here to tell you to leave him alone or else!

Bully#4: Or else what?!


Nick:Or else I kick all of your asses and hang you into that tree with your underwear.

Bully#1:I like to see you try!

One kid would try to punch Nick but he dodged easily. Another kid would try to kick him but Nick would catch his leg and throw him into another kid.

Nick:As I told you, I'll kick your asses.

Nick would beat the three bullies with no effort as there was just one standing.

Bully#1:You're gonna wish you never done that!

Nick:Show me what you got then.

The bully would try punching and kicking at Nick with his fighting skills but Nick was too fast.

Nick would knee the bully in the gut and punched him in the face, knocking him out.

Nick:Are you alright?

Luke was amazed

Nick:You're going to talk right?

Luke:Oh, yeah I'm fine thank you

Nick:Do they always bully you like this?


Luke looked sad

Luke:I miss my family…

Luke would shed tears.

Nick:So You're alone just like me huh? No one to take care of you, no one to love you, no one to even teach you all of the things in this world or at least some. Luke, from now on today I'll always be with you no matter what.

Luke:You mean it?

Nick:Yeah we'll be like brothers, I'll look after you always.

Nick would stick his hand out but Luke would go for a hug as he started to cry.

This was the first time in Luke's life after his parents died where he wasn't lonely.

The two boys would become friends and always have each other's backs.

Nick was like Luke's older brother, always watching over him.

Nick would share his dreams with Luke, Nick wanted to find their mothers murderer and kill him. Luke wasn't too big on the killing part but he wanted to avenge his mother.

The boys would begin to train everyday, they would spar and try to learn more about their powers. By the age of 15 and 18, the two boys would become bounty hunters. They hunted down anyone who caused harm to innocent people. There were two other boys who had a tough life, they were Anderson and James.

Anderson was part Native American and his family were all murdered at a young age by these men who wanted their resources and the belongings his family owed them. The men wore business outfits and they were loaded with guns, they also hated the natives and treated them poorly. Some of the native Americans had this evil spirit inside of them called the Wendigo, it's a 10% out of 100 chance for a native to have this evil spirit inhabit them. After his family died, the spirit would consume Anderson with rage. Anderson vowed to stop people who attacked innocent people and he also vowed to avenge his parents and siblings. Anderson would travel the world as he became a bounty hunter.

James came from a rich family who were scientists. His dad was making some new type of steel substance for his new invention. James always liked to watch his dad work. One day some men would come into the laboratory and they would attack James father and tried to take his belongings and protects. The two men who attacked his dad wanted to use his technology in a negative way, so when James father declined them they were upset and wanted to humiliate him. The two men would beat up on his father but James would try to hop in and stick up for his dad. James would soon get thrown into a black substance and he would later be hospitalized and in a coma. Later on when he woke up he remembered his father being shot and he was devastated. He too became a bounty hunter and hoped for the revenge of his father.

These two boys would end up meeting and becoming partners with Luke and Nick. They would be bounty hunting for a few years until they met a certain man. It was the Man Who Killed Luke and Nick's Mothers. They would all go on to fight the man but they were easily bested because this man was one of the aliens that were hidden on this planet. The alien killed their parents for a reason, their powers intrigued him so he wanted to motivate them to get stronger but as for the other two, it was fate that brought them together. The man would easily defeat them and a mysterious lady would go on to put her influence into their heads as they were now under their control and worked for them.

They would continue to grow stronger over the years along with keeping their youth. They were so used to doing this work that they would just feel natural about doing harm to innocence.

And That is the story about the four brothers...