Habakkuk Vs James Concludes! A Shocking Reveal!

Habakkuk and James were battling it out blow after blow. James would knock Habakkuk to the ground, Habakkuk roared out in fury right before he got on all fours and ran back into battle. Habakkuk punched into James steel skin and then started to claw it up but still had no effect. James would go to punch Habakkuk but he would jump onto James arm and kick him in the face. James would grab Habakkuk's leg and throw him into a wall but Habakkuk would quickly recover and shoot blasts out of his mouth, but James smacked them away easily.

James:You are stronger than the others but I am starting to get bored!

James kneed Habakkuk in the face using super speed to get to him. Habakkuk would try to claw him but James was way too fast. James easily smacked Habakkuk to the ground with his power.

James would start to pummel Habakkuk into the ground punching his face in rapidly but Habakkuk would shoot a blast out of his mouth, pushing James off of him a little.

James:You little bastard!

James would kick Habakkuk into the air and then he would kick him back to the ground.

Adron:He's even beating him in that beast state!

Laci:That's not good.

Nakir:What kind of guy is he?

Mrs Thayer:Hmmm…

Habakkuk launched himself at James trying to bite him and rip him apart like a wild animal. James would counter with a punch that knocked him to the ground. James would kick Habakkuk into the air then he would knock him around like a ping pong ball.

Habakkuk was getting more irritated that he was too weak. Habakkuk would grab onto his head as he was losing even more control of himself but then he'd be ready to fight again. Habakkuk burst his energy and went charging at James with claws and fangs trying to rip him apart. James was dodging and countering all of Habakkuk's attacks. Habakkuk would try to bite him but James would knee him in the chin, sending him flying to the ground.

James:Pathetic, you're nothing but a wild animal who needs to be put down! And I will do the deed!

James would begin to pummel Habakkuk into the ground and his animal-like screams can be heard throughout the area. Habakkuk's eyes glowed even more as James would go flying off of him.

James:What the?!

Habakkuk's Thoughts:This hunger, I can't control it! I can't stop it! I'm trying to stay in control but it's hard, what am I going to do? I don't wanna hurt my friends or get killed in the process!

Habakkuk would look at everyone in the predator's vision as he saw the whole area green but their bodies in the middle of it as if they were his prey.

Habakkuk roared as he got ready to charge at his friends.

Adron:Oh no, that's not good!

Nakir:Why is he looking at us like that?! Hey dumbass your target is over there not over here!!

Habakkuk would jump into the air to pounce onto Nakir but a huge fist would send him flying into a nearby building.

James:You're embarrassing yourself kid, plus those are my kills anyway. It's time I finish you off!

Habakkuk couldn't move, his body was stuck in a wall.

James was charging up a huge heavy punch that was strong enough to destroy Mars!

Habakkuk tried to move but he couldn't, he tried to bite and claw James but he couldn't reach.

Laci:The force from this punch is dangerous! We have to go help him now!

Laci ran out there but Nakir quickly grabbed her.

Adron and Dana would try to stop James attack but he would elbow them and send them back into the others that were injured.

Mrs Thayer:If this goes too far, I might have to step in…

James threw the heavy punch that had purple aura around it. The force of the punch was so heavy the whole United states were shaking.

News Reporters were saying it was some kind of gigantic earthquake and everyone thought it was the end of the world but it was really a heavy punch from James.

Habakkuk's friends were all scared for him as the punch was getting closer. Everything was going in slow motion as everything was silent.

Habakkuk appeared in some type of void by himself.

Habakkuk:Where am I? What is this immense feeling of hatred I have? Why am I like this?

There were two shadows in the background but it was too dark for Habakkuk to see.

Habakkuk:Everytime I get into this situation, I lose control. I can't keep doing this because then I'll be hurting the ones that I'm trying to protect or get killed in the process of it. Everyone has their faith in me so I can't let them down, especially you grandad I won't let you down!

Back in the real world James would have fully thrown the punch but Habakkuk was nowhere to be seen.

Habakkuk:It's Like there's this different type of feeling or emotional state I'm in right now, everything just changed. What is this feeling, I feel confident, calm, and focused… I think I can actually win this!

The two shadows disappeared

Habakkuk:Thanks grandad…

James:What the hell?! I could've sworn he was right there!

Everyone was shocked and speechless.

Matt:Did he get hit so hard that he got vaporized?!

Mrs Thayer:Hmmm

James:No way, how did he dodge that?

A figure was right behind James and he was standing there silently.

Habakkuk:Hey there Mr, you look a little worried there. Do you mind if I help you out?

Habakkuk kicked him in the face so hard he went flying 1,000 ft away.

Habakkuk's eyes were a brownish green color, his hair was a light brown color, and he had tiny fangs and his claws were gone.

Habakkuk:Looks like I'm not an animal anymore.

James would dash back at Habakkuk trying to land a hit but Habakkuk dodged easily. Habakkuk kicked James in the gut and did a spin flip kick on his neck, sending him into the ground.

James get back up and wipes blood from his mouth. He would notice this and would be visibly angry. He got into a fighting stance ready for more.

Habakkuk:Man, you're strong! You just keep coming back.

James would punch Habakkuk but as he did Habakkuk would block the attack. Then the two would be going at it.

Habakkuk would kick James into the air and then would do helicopter hand combo sending James to the ground.

Habakkuk:I always wanted to try that move.

Adron:I got to try that one day!

Habakkuk:Oh yeah, I'm going to keep practicing mine so I can be better!

Adron:Sounds like a challenge to me.

Habakkuk:Oh yeah Adron it's a challenge!

Adron:By the way, everyone else up here is wondering what kind of power are you using right now, you basically transformed.

Habakkuk:I don't know, but I like it and I feel really strong now! After this do you guys wanna go hang out for old times sake? Laci you too, I miss you best friend.

Matt:Yeah I haven't seen you in a minute Habakkuk.

Nakir:Bet I'm down.

Laci:I miss you too man.

James would fly out from underneath the ground.

James:You're forgetting about someone!!!

Habakkuk:Hey, you can't come! This isn't a party!

James elbowed Habakkuk in the face really hard and then followed it with a heavy kick in the ribs.

Habakkuk went flying into a wall but as he got out his eyes went from darker green to lime green then went into a mixture of the two colors.

Habakkuk had a huge vein coming from his forehead with lime green blood coming from his mouth.

Habakkuk:Alright, time for the real fight to begin!

Habakkuk goes dashing at James at unseen speeds. James would get knocked around for a bit and get sent into walls.

James:I'm done getting humiliated by you!

James would grow in size as his eyes glowed even more red and he would have a more violent expression on his face.

James:It's time to end this!

James would punch Habakkuk in the gut and then he would kick him into the air sending him flying. Habakkuk would punch James but he would easily catch Habakkuk's hands and knees him in the gut and send him into the dirt. Habakkuk would jump back into the air to hit him again but James would kick him in the ribs and sledgehammered him into the ground.

James:Look who's the weak one now!

Nakir:Damn it's always something!

Adron:Wait look!

Habakkuk gets up slowly


Habakkuk dusts himself off

Habakkuk:Is that all you got? Because if that is I'm highly disappointed…

James:What did you say?! YOU LITTLE SHIT!!!

James would go for a heavy punch at Habakkuk but Habakkuk easily side stepped it and knees him in the gut followed by a punch to the face.

Habakkuk:Would you look at that, you're both weak and pathetic, you're laying on the floor face down with your ass up I didn't know you were that much of bitch.

Habakkuk laughed at him as he was now taunting him and daring him to attack.

Nakir:Why is he acting like this?

Adron:He's never this cocky…

Laci:Do you think something's wrong with him?

Dana:This isn't the Habakkuk I know!

Habakkuk:Aw don't get your panties in a fiddle over wittle o'l me!

Laci:Why are you acting like this?! You aren't being you right now, you were just talking about how you missed me and wanted to hang out with us! You're not making sense right now, what the hell is wrong with you?!!

Habakkuk:And What you're gonna cry about it? Poor baby I didn't mean to hurt you, yeah yeah get lost weakling! You're useless when it comes to battle so why are you even here?

Everyone was shocked by Habakkuk's attitude

Laci:I can't believe the way you're acting! How can you just sit there and talk to me that way?!

Habakkuk:Honestly you're so annoying, can someone shut her up?

Nakir:How about you pay attention to your battle instead of insulting your best friend! You're acting really weird and I'm not going to sit here and just listen to you hurt her feelings like that!

Habakkuk:Nakir, when did you become so soft huh? You use to be the hardest in the group and now you're getting in your feelings over your girlfriend, you're pathetic as hell.

Nakir:We're gonna solve that little attitude problem of yours in the training room!

Habakkuk:Do you honestly think you can take me on? Yeah right you're just talking out of anger, I'd kill you without trying.

Nakir:I'm going to beat some sense into your ass once we get into that room and I'm going to make sure you beg for mercy, and when you do, I'll knee you in your face until you bleed out.

Nakir smirked as he cracked his knuckles.

Habakkuk:Yeah Yeah, whatever!

James:You'll regret turning your back on me!


James punched Habakkuk in the face, sending him flying really far away. James would appear behind Bakkuk and slammed him into the ground. James was in a fit of rage. James would punch Habakkuk in the ground non stop as hard as he can. James would grab Habakkuk by the face and throw him into the air followed by a black steel ball blast. As the explosion went off, Habakkuk's body would hit the floor.

Everyone was shocked and scared.

Laci:What is going on with him!

Dana:No he couldn't have finished him!

Nakir and Adron were getting ready to go back in for battle as they were both angry. They would go dashing in as they were going to avenge Habakkuk. As soon as they tried to land their punches Habakkuk woke up and his eyes were lime green as he caught Adron and Nakir's fists and threw them back into everyone.

James:You're so damn persistent!! Why won't you DIE?!!!


Habakkuk's animalistic side was back out as he now had the sharp claws and long fangs.

Habakkuk roared again shaking the whole area.

Everyone was really concerned with Habakkuk

Habakkuk went charging at James in full speed with a heavy punch. Habakkuk was throwing multiple punches and kicks rapidly. James was noticing that Habakkuk was fighting blindly.

Habakkuk would kick James into the air and would go dashing up there with his sharp claws. He appeared behind James and sledgehammered him into the ground.

Habakkuk would fall to the ground holding his head.

Habakkuk:What's going on with me? It's like I'm falling apart. I can't let these dark emotions take over my body! I have to fight it with or without this power! I swear I will not let any of them down!

A huge green aura would be shown around Habakkuk but it was getting smaller as it would be going into Habakkuk's hands.

James would charge up a huge black ball as it was shaking everything.


Habakkuk:My friends, my allies, and my grandfather believes in me so I'll finish this with my own original power!

Habakkuk's eyes turned back to his original brown and his hair turned back into a blackish color. Habakkuk was back into his normal form, weaker than he was earlier in his transformed state but his spirit was just as strong as ever.

Everyone was scared because James had enough power to destroy the sun right now.

James:Prepare to die!!!

Habakkuk's hands would glow green as he smirked.

James would release the huge blast.


Habakkuk would go dashing at the huge blast as he punched it with his green fist and kicked it into the air. The blast would end up going off into space going light years pass the sun, and it had destroyed some other star.

James:What The?!!

Habakkuk went dashing into James

Everyone was Shocked as the explosion went off in space.

James:No Way!!!

Habakkuk:TAKE THIS!!!!

Habakkuk would punch James into the air with both fists.


James body would burst in green fire and his steel skin was burning off.


Habakkuk flew into the air with a super heavy punch causing a huge explosion but would almost get caught in the impact.

Habakkuk fell to the ground smiling.

The explosion would go off as green was everywhere.

Habakkuk:I did it!!

Habakkuk was smiling but wounded.

James would fall back to the ground in his normal form.

James:Damn it, what has become of me? I'm a monster now I'm no better than the men who killed my father, I don't deserve to live!

Everyone would go to Habakkuk's aid.

Habakkuk:Guys I'm ok but let's go make sure they are.

Habakkuk looked into the direction of Luke and Nick.

Nakir:But why?

Habakkuk:I notice they both had a change in heart when I was trapped inside the monster version of myself. They weren't bad guys, none of them were and that's why I want to help them.

Everyone was surprised by what Habakkuk was saying.

Habakkuk would walk over to Luke.

Habakkuk:Are You Alright?

Luke would look at Habakkuk and you can see the sadness in his eyes.

Habakkuk put his hand on Luke's shoulder.

Luke was surprised

Habakkuk:I'm sorry…

Habakkuk looked into the direction of the bloody and torn up Anderson. His tears quickly fell down once he had seen the site.

Habakkuk:I'm sorry for doing that to him.

Luke:No it wasn't you…

Habakkuk was speechless, as Luke said that. Habakkuk would then see the sorrow in Luke's eyes.

Habakkuk's eyes would glow green as he somehow saw Luke's memories and everything he's been through with Nickson.

Habakkuk's eyes teared up as he saw everything that happened. Habakkuk now had tears coming down his eyes. He was shocked on how he was able to use that power at the same time but he knew what had to come first.

Habakkuk:My life has never been this sad and yet, I feel everything you feel. I know what it's like to lose a father and I lost someone who I respected the most recently, this feeling of pain, this suffering! No one should ever have to go through this kind of pain! I wouldn't wish this on anyone not even if they're my fiercest enemy! I promise we'll avenge your brother on my word!

Luke was shocked but he had tears coming down his eyes.

Luke:Thank You, I promise you Nickson we will avenge you!

Luke smiled as he felt better now that he had someone to comfort him. Habakkuk helped Luke up and then they both would go to check on Anderson and James.

Luke:I wished it had never come to this… Me and my brothers were all used as puppets and I swear I won't let that happen no more!


Luke and Habakkuk would go to talk to James.

Habakkuk:Are we cool?

James:I'm sorry things had to be like this

Luke:It's okay brother, we were all manipulated. Now I have a new mission!

James:What's That?

Luke:To avenge Nickson!

James:I'm on board, I'll kill whoever did this to us and caused Nickson's death.

Habakkuk:I'm going to help too!

James:You're really willing to help us?

Habakkuk:I don't see you as a bad guy so we're allies and if not that then we are friends.

James smiled as the two of them shook hands.

Mrs Thayer looked into a different direction with a serious look.

Adron:What is it Mrs Thayer?

Mrs Thayer:I can sense something huge but from somewhere I can't even locate.

Nakir:Wait What?!

A new person would appear with immense power that everyone can sense.

Habakkuk:What the?!

Mrs Thayer:No way!!

Everyone would look scared as they sensed her enormous power.

Mrs Thayer:No, it's her…

The lady would appear in that area.

???:So they've all fallen, no matter.

It's time to get what I came here for!

Luke:No she's here to take our souls!

James: I will not let you absorb us!

The lady would go onto absorb Anderson by touching him.

???:You're nothing but a bunch of failures and I'm going to punish you!

James:Damn it Anderson!!!

James goes dashing at her with full force.

The lady would block James hit with just her palm. James would continue punching her hand but it was no use. And out of a fit of rage James transformed back into his steel form. The lady was not impressed at all. James attacked her non stop with all of the power he had but she grabbed him by the throat and started to absorb him. Luke would rush over there but she easily smacked him aside.

James was now absorbed.

The lady appeared by Nick.


Luke would dash at her in full lightning form hitting her with full blast.

???:You keep coming at me, I'll just absorb you first!

Habakkuk:NO YOU DON'T!!!

Mrs Thayer:Don't fight her! She can take us all out at once!!!

Habakkuk:No I won't let her absorb them!!

Habakkuk:Damn it I can't transform and if I was able to, I wouldn't be able to control it!

???:This Pathetic little child wants a shot at me too?!

Habakkuk's eyes went lime green as he had tears coming down his eyes.

Habakkuk:I won't let you have them!!

The lady would hit Habakkuk with Luke's body sending him to the ground unconscious. She hit Habakkuk in a transformed state with one blow and took him out like it was nothing.

The lady would go on to absorb Luke and Nickson at the same time.

Luke:I'm sorry Nickson, I've failed you…

???:Goodbye for now…

The lady would disappear.

A few moments later Habakkuk woke up.

Habakkuk:Damn it! I've failed them!

Adron:Don't beat yourself up about it, you can always avenge them with us at your side.

Dana:Yeah I'll help you Habakkuk!

Habakkuk:Thanks guys.

Mrs Thayer:You guys can go home now, but Habakkuk, Nakir, Adron, and Dana are coming with me.

Everyone else got up and left happy.

Laci:I want to come too, please…

Mrs Thayer:Fine let's go.

Nakir:Where are we going?

Mrs Thayer:To my home planet

Habakkuk and Nakir:TO YOUR WHAT?!

Mrs Thayer would teleport herself and all of them to her planet.

Mrs Thayer:We're home!

Habakkuk:What the?! No way I'm on another planet!!!

Nakir:Out of all things that surprise you, it's going to a different planet instead of getting new powers?!

Habakkuk:Look my grandad mentally trained me for battle not planet travel!

Mrs Thayer:Enough, Now I'll show you guys who I truly am!

Everyone there was confused

A purple aura would come from her as her hair flowed and went from blonde to pink and her skin color turned blue as well as her eyes turning pink. She looked like a beautiful girl in her 20's and had the beauty of a goddess.

Habakkuk:What the?!