Kayla’s Scheme! Habakkuk Kidnapped?!

Adron, Nakir, and Dana were all sparring in a free for all battle.

Nakir:You got better, you two!

Dana:We can say the same about you dude!

Adron:Yeah, Nakir your Power is amazing!

Nakir smirks: Thanks!

Nakir punched Adron and kicked Dana to the ground.

Adron:That was a good warm up!

Dana:Now let's get serious!

They all went charging at each other right before they were getting ready to go to school.

Laci was getting ready to go to school.

Laci:So everything basically went back to normal for now, but once the training start everything is gonna get serious again. I don't care, I'm going to start training before the real training even starts!

Laci went out to a morning gym and was lifting the heaviest weights with ease, not even breaking a sweat. All the big strong men there were amazed by what they were seeing and they thought she was attractive. They were all looking at her like she was dinner.

Laci:Sorry boys but I got me a man, and a very strong one too.

Laci smiles as she walks out of the gym to get breakfast.

Laci:Damn That still isn't enough to help me train, it's like I can't get stronger! I'll just call Habakkuk later and ask for some training if he can even make it, which is really annoying to me.

A tall light skin pretty boy walked up to her.

???:Hey Laci.

Laci:Oh hey, what a coincidence seeing you walk down this way.

???:Well no I actually came to get you and, your mother told me you were going this way.

Laci:Oh okay, so how's things?

???:They're going good, I'm actually waiting to get accepted into this college for basketball.

Laci:Oh that's very good, I'll be supporting you.

???:Thanks Laci, so how's track?

Laci:It's going alright, i haven't been there in a while because of certain problems.

???:Oh yeah because of what happened at our school a few weeks ago?

Laci:Yeah but it's all good now, the damages were fixed somehow.

???:I wonder what it was that caused all that.

Laci:Me too Harsha, me too…

The two friends would walk to school.

Later on that day in a different school.

Kayla and Gabe were plotting on getting hold of Habakkuk after school was over without people seeing.

Habakkuk was walking out of class in a crowd full of people.

Gabe:Damn it! We can wasn't able to get him!

Kayla:It's alright we've got plenty of time, let's just do the invisible cloak spell and follow him.

Habakkuk missed the bus and decided to walk home, the walk was an hour for him.

Habakkuk:Damn missing the bus got me walking this long walk. When I get home I'm making me some fries with strawberry juice.

Kayla and Gabe were in the sky above Habakkuk watching him as they followed.

Gabe:He's just talking about fries and juice.

Kayla:Well yeah, he's being casual now but we still got a lot of time to see what's up with him.


Habakkuk was listening to music in his headphones. As the hour went by Habakkuk was home and he took his school clothes off and book bag down and got into his night clothes.

Gabe:I don't wanna see the guy getting dressed!

Kayla's cheeks were red

Kayla:I don't either, but it's part of our investigation on him.

Gabe:You can look but not me!

Kayla:Fine I will.

Habakkuk was downstairs in the kitchen with background music playing as he started singing a song he made up.

Gabe:Uhh what is he doing?

Kayla:I don't know…

Gabe:What do you mean you don't know? You know the guy.

Kayla:I never seen this side of him before! Wait a second is he singing about fries in his underwear?!

The lights were dem and Habakkuk was cooking fries. Habakkuk would be singing about fries with a mop in his hands while he was dancing with it.

Habakkuk:I love the friiess, I do this for my fries!

Kayla:What the-


Habakkuk:I do this for my fries, I do this for my fries, if anybody wants to eat my fries you'll have eternal life!

Gabe:Now that is just weird!

Kayla:Wait that can be a clue!

Gabe:What could?

Kayla:He said if anyone eats his fries it will grant them eternal life!


As the day went on all they noticed was Habakkuk playing games or watching tv.

Gabe:Geez is that all he does?

Kayla:I didn't picture his life being this boring.

Suddenly Habakkuk would get a phone call from his uncle.

Habakkuk's Uncle:Yeah, I'm outside chump!

Habakkuk:Alright you oversized chump I'll be right there!

Habakkuk got in the car and drove to his destination.

Kayla:Nevermind he is busy.

Gabe:Who would've thought right?

They both laughed

Laci was in the football field by herself just practicing her speed and strength.

Habakkuk's uncle dropped him off there.

Marvin:That's your girlfriend chump?

Habakkuk:No uncle she's my best friend!

Marvin:Oh okay, well behave little girl.

Habakkuk:Shut up you clown.

Marvin:Don't make me knock you out!

Habakkuk:I'd like to see you try!

They both started laughing as Marvin drove off.

Habakkuk and Laci met up in the field

Habakkuk:So you ready for your training?

Laci:Yeah I am.

Habakkuk:Well let's skip the short cuts and come at me!

Laci and Habakkuk was sparring but they were fighting like normal humans.

Gabe:He's just teaching her how to fight.


A purple light would go around Laci for a second as she kicked Habakkuk and he blocked.

Kayla:I just felt spirit energy rise at an abnormal paste!

Gabe:Yeah, something's up. How about we capture Habakkuk and question him.

Kayla:I was thinking the same thing.

Laci and Habakkuk would take a break.

Habakkuk:That was just a light sparring session, go get something to drink and I'll be out waiting for round 2.

Laci:You don't gotta tell me twice!

Laci would walk into her school.

Habakkuk:Aw man I miss this school, it brings back memories.

Kayla:This must be his old school he's been talking about so much.

Gabe:We can worry about that later, it's time to stick to the plan before I perfect opportunity is ruined.

Habakkuk is just looking up at the forest by the field until Kayla and Gabe used a purple and orange energy orb to capture him.

Habakkuk:What the?! Kayla let me go, what are you doing?!

Kayla:I sense something wrong with you, and I have to bring you back to my lab to at least find out.

Habakkuk was trying to get out of the barrier but couldn't.

Habakkuk:Kayla, I told you there was nothing different about me!

Gabe:Your spirit level is different and we can since that without even trying to, so you have to come with us!

Kayla:Oh and that girl too.

Laci comes out and sees what's going on.

Gabe:Oh crap it's the girl!

Laci:Hey, let him go!

Kayla:Hold on to Habakkuk, I'll handle her.

Habakkuk and Laci looked at each other for a brief moment.

Kayla would put Laci into a purple orb.

Laci:Let us go! Who are you?!

Kayla:A friend of Habakkuk's

Habakkuk:Friends don't do weird things like this!

Kayla:Hush now, it's time to take you guys to the lab.

Habakkuk:Not the secret witch lab!

Laci:Witch lab??

Kayla would get a mission notification from her phone, shadow demons were sighted in a far away city attacking and eating the people there.

Gabe:What is it?

Kayla:Shadow demons!

Gabe:What about them two?

Kayla:We'll have to bring them with us!

They would both get on their magical broom sticks and fly off to the area with Habakkuk and Laci held captive.