Shadow Demons Retreat! Habakkuk’s Anger!

The blast is close to touching Laci.

Laci closed her eyes and thought about her friends and Family, and all of the fun times they had.

Laci:I wonder why Habakkuk didn't help me, he could've done something about this. I wish Nakir was here, he would've never let me die. To think that Habakkuk was truly my best friend. I had a nice life compared to others but if only it was as long as the others…


Two feet in front of her, two familiar feet and one familiar person. He stood in front of the blast and it was Habakkuk. He took the blast head on without even flinching or moving. He stood there tall being a shield for his best friend.

Laci:Habakkuk you came!

Habakkuk:I could never let my best friend die!

The blast would explode but Habakkuk wouldn't have a scratch on him.

Black:What the hell is he?!

Red:No way he withstood that!!


Gabe:No way in hell he's that strong!!!

Habakkuk:Shadow demons, it's over!

Purple:He's different from the others!

Black was visibly worried and Red was petrified.

Habakkuk:Kayla, heal Laci before she run out of time she's bleeding out.

Kayla:But I don't know if I have enough energy to heal her.

Habakkuk:Aaaargh, Just Heal Her Already Please!!


Kayla rush over to Laci to heal her.

Gabe was nervous.

Habakkuk:I'm going to take you all down!

Habakkuk would walk slowly over to the shadow demons.

Red:How about you try and tank this blast billy badass!!!

Red would shoot a huge blast out of his mouth only for Habakkuk to smack it back at him.

Red gets hit with the blast and goes flying into a building.

Purple goes charging at Habakkuk with rapid punches at full force. Habakkuk dodges all of the punches easily, and kicks her away.

Black:Damn it! I have to go in!

Black would make his shadow clones come out of him as him and Purple made a dark world orb around them and Habakkuk. The clones from Purple and Black both tried attacking Habakkuk but he dodged all of their attacks. Habakkuk's aura came around as he just casually raised his energy and shattered the orb.

Black:What the?!

Habakkuk punched Purple in the gut causing her to fall unconscious.

Black turns into a giant at 20 ft fighting Habakkuk with everything he got. Habakkuk easily knocked around Black and then would kick him to the ground.

Black hurries and grabs the rest of the shadow demons and forms a portal to escape.

Habakkuk:Don't ever come back here again!

Black:Oh I won't but "HE" will!

Black and the rest of the shadow demons escaped.

Habakkuk looked concerned.

Kayla and Gabe were surprised by what they just seen.

Laci was now fully healed and seen it all too.

Laci:Thank you Habakkuk, I was wrong for doubting you and wishing Nakir was here instead.

Habakkuk:It's no problem Laci, Wait a second! You doubted me, and wished Nakir was here instead?! Oh that is just cold Laci!

Laci:I thought you weren't going to help me.

Habakkuk:I just wanted you to break past your limits and grow stronger, and look you actually did! I was always going to help you but I just wanted to show you that attaining high powers isn't so easy as you think, sometimes you'd have to fight to the brink of death.

Laci:Well lesson learned because it actually worked!

Kayla:I knew there was something up with you Habakkuk!

Habakkuk:What are you talking about? I'm just me.

Gabe:You call yourself a weak human you liar! What are you?!

Habakkuk:A human.

The shadow demons would return to their dimension and report to the shadow demon about what just took place on earth.

Shadow Demon King:So you elites were easily swept away by this boy?

Black:Yes, his power was off the charts!

Shadow King:That never ever happened before.

Black:I know and that's why I was surprised myself!

Shadow King:Alright I have a plan.

Black:This must be good if it's coming from you!

Shadow King:We're going to send hundreds of our kind on their planet so they can reek havoc and think of a plan of stopping us from the source by confronting me, and when they do I'll kill those pesky witches and Warlocks.

Black:Wait you're saying that like there's going to be multiple of them.

Shadow King:With a threat like that they'll think since they have two new powerful allies to join them they can all work together and defeat me.

Black:Ohhh that is a good plan.

Shadow King:Now go ready them and they have to get ready within 2 weeks!

Black:Yes my lord!