The Tragic Past Of The Shadow Demon King!

All of the Witches and warlocks were searching for the king of the shadow demons as they were all in large groups.

The king sent out more of his armies but, the witches and warlocks would use magical barriers and strength enhancers to defeat them.

Kayla's Dad:There he is!

Then stood a sinister man surrounded in darkness, with an evil smirk that struck fear into the hearts of the witches and warlocks.

Gabe:It's the King!

They were all face to face with the king.

Shadow King:So the time has come where I finally get into the mix.

Both Kayla and Gabe's Dad:CHARGE!!!

They would all go to attack the king, but he was more than ready to take them on.

The king would easily dodge and counter their attacks with a smile on his face.

As he attacks the army of Witches and Warlocks, he was cloaking himself in shadows. It was as if they were being beat by smoke. The shadow King would turn himself into a spirit and phased underground grabbing a warlock by his feet and slamming him on his face. The shadow would jump into the air doing a spinning wheel kick, knocking out at least 10 witches/warlocks.

The shadow King would grow four arms and stretch them out attacking the army. They were all trying to avoid it but the arms were everywhere smacking around everyone.

The shadow king would summon multiple different types of beasts and demons to attack the army. The shadow king would also make red tornadoes appear, with lava flying into the air. He would make weaker clones of himself that attacked the army.

Kayla:Why are you doing this?!

Kayla's Mom:Yeah tell us what your plan is!

Kayla's Dad:And why do you hate us so much?

Shadow King:My name is Vaeler and for Centuries I've been waiting for the day when I can finally end this feud between our races! Back then when I was still a young man, I was just beginning to learn my powers. Everyday me and my brother would go to battle against enemies who threaten the kingdom. I was the adopted kid in a family of witches and warlocks, the leader of the warlock clan became the king after saving the country from a terrible Dragon King. So the king decided to step down and declare a warlock as a king, it was different since no race has ever been king before besides a human.

Kayla's Dad:And what are you getting at?!

Shadow King:That same warlock adopted me when I was only 8, I had terrible and lonely life. I was cast out by everyone for being suspected as a demon. When I was a baby my parents delivered me and dropped me off in a forest. It may sound strange as to why I survived or even remembered that, but I am belonging to the demon race so we have unique abilities.

I looked like what a human baby should, except my skin was a pale grey looking color, with black signs on me. A family would end up finding me in the forest, and they would go on to adopt me. As I lived with them they've constantly gotten bad luck, always losing things, sickness, hauntings, and sometimes death.

The family gave me to an orphanage where I got adopted by at least 10 more families all with the same result. By the time the 10th family was ready to get rid of me I was already 4 years old and got into a little temper tantrum which involved destroying a whole village. From that day no one wanted me, so I had to go off on my own and take care of myself. Everyone hated me and always treated me like crap.

I hated myself for who I was. On one fateful day 3 years later, the king decided to adopt me knowing the danger it would cost, the people never trusted me and always talked about me but the son of the king who was my age always kept me company and trained with me. He became my best friend and as we got older we gotten more powerful, taking out armies and monsters.

The people started to see that I was growing extremely powerful at an exponential rate and began thinking of plans to get rid of me.

The king's daughter was a beautiful girl and she was one of my best friends, she was always there for me whenever I needed or didn't even need her. We fell in love and we started to go on missions together with her brother sometimes being there. I was now about 17 years old, one day we had to battle an army of demon influenced warlocks and ogres, and the battle was getting pretty bad for the three of us as we were being overwhelmed. I was knocked off a huge cliff by an ogre and fell into the forest while the brother and sister were being beaten almost to death. I woke up to a dark shadowy figure offering me power and I hesitated to accept it, by this time the brother and sister had escaped and gone looking for me but I was nowhere to be found, in fact they couldn't even sense my spiritual presence. I was in a completely different dimension.

The dark shadowy figure would show flashes of them two being overtaken by the several hordes of enemies, so I accepted the power and was brought back into the normal dimension. They would I would find them two unconscious from their wounds and from looking for me. I brought them back home to the castle, the King and Queen was happy that were alive but everyone can sense that there was something different about me and my presence felt colder than ever before.

The king and I would head back out with troops to go fight back that army, when we began to fight the army I was beginning to enjoy the battle as I was slaughtering them with a huge smile on my face. My powers began to change and my eyes were glowing red. The king and his men were watching in horror when they saw how I ripped that army apart by all myself.

They began to grow suspicious of me as they always had meetings talking about me when I was off on a mission. My brother in arms started to notice my change and he started to be more on edge with me. The more we fought battles, the more violent I became. The king would soon realize that he would have to banish me, and he wasn't too happy about it but he set it up in a sneaky way. He would assign me a mission that would lead me to my death, I didn't realize until after. It was a trap that was supposed to have me go up against millions of men and beasts in a lava valley. I ended up surviving and making it back to the kingdom with some injuries.

The king's daughter, Selene greeted me and took me upstairs into her quarters to treat me herself because she had a bad feeling about the doctors doing something funny. That night Selene and I finally told each other how we felt and ended up kissing and making love. We spent everyday with each other while no one was around, we'd go travel to all types of places as we fall more deeply for each other. This has been going on for 3 years, but little did I know the people of the kingdom's hatred for me grew even more and the king became even harder on me as if I was just some knight. One night as I made love with Selene the king and queen walked in on us laying together, and the king was furious.

The king would lock her in her room and lock me in a dungeon. A huge meeting was going on as we were both locked up. The brother, James was training to become the supreme Warlock throughout those whole 3 years. Eventually the princess was able to get out but she overheard the King and his men talking about executing me on a set up mission, so she rescued me from the dungeon and told me. I was both shocked and heartbroken about the news, I felt betrayed but she comforted me. She decided that we both leave this kingdom and country, and never come back. Later on that night we got our things and snuck out.

We were finally together at last but we were followed by some guards who seen us escape, the king and his men were also now alerted. Then King and his men were flying after us with their broomsticks, we ran as fast as we could. The king would use his magical wings to fly faster and stop us, which he succeeded in.

We were surrounded by all of the men, the king was angry and ordered them to attack me. I took down the men effortlessly while the king and queen watched. I pleaded with the king to stop this but by now, he wanted me dead. Selene and her mother tried to reach out to him as he charged at me but that didn't work. The king was hitting me with strength I've never felt before. The king was beating me down and I didn't want to fight him. The king would say something slick.

Vaeler:Why are you doing this?! You're like a father to me!

Warlock King:Not anymore, you're dead to me now! I should've killed you like I did your parents right after they had you!

Vaeler:What did you just say?!!

Warlock King:I killed both of your parents when they sat you down in a forest.

Vaeler:It was you!? I thought they abandoned me all my life! I was left lonely, scared, and untrustworthy all because of you!! We wouldn't have had to go through all of this if it weren't for you! You've taken everything from me!!!

Vaeler's eyes went red as he blacked out and attacked the king. But then as the two of them clashed into each other Selene jumped in the way.

Shadow King:When Selene did that, I was devastated… The king was enraged as he blamed me for everything and I tried to tell him it wasn't my fault but he wouldn't listen so I was enraged and transformed into a partial demon and the battle was an amazing one but the king suffered a fatal blow and fell to the floor, mother was extremely heart broken for what had happened to her daughter over the king's madness.

Then just when I thought it was over, the Prince arrived ready to finish me off. The Prince was now the God of Warlocks, he was beating into me with everything he had with tears coming down his face. The powers he possessed, I couldn't even fathom. I tried so hard to defeat him but as he was glowing bright white and blue he sent me into the ground with one blast and I was out. I woke up to Selene in heaven, and I thought it was over, the life that I hated so much, I was finally free from it. But I was stopped in my tracks as She told me I don't belong here, she told me to leave, she told me that my kind does not deserve to be here, the one I truly loved the most told me I wasn't good enough so I had to face the reality and wake back up on the miserable planet once more. But just as I woken up, everyone was gathered around the prince as he was doing some type of spell.

Warlock God:You will suffer a fate worse than death demon! You shall be alone!!! Begone!!!

And just like that I was banished into this dimension, where my hatred and powers only grew. The ones I loved and trusted had betrayed me one by one. And just like that, the dreadful feeling I had in the past came back to haunt me, I was truly alone once again… Now am I truly the bad guy, am I really this evil being that needs nothing more than to be killed?!!! And that's why I'll be the one to reduce your race into ash!

The witches and warlocks were shocked by hearing this story, but they all knew what they had to do.

Kayla's Dad:I'm sorry but you have committed too many crimes against earth and it's people, what say you in defense?!

Shadow King:You're sorry for me?!

Kayla's Dad:Yes, truly so.

The king would have the look of anger up his face, then he would smirk.

Shadow King:Don't Be!!!

The king would form a blade out of his arm and slice Kayla's Dad in the chest, sending him to the ground bleeding out.

The Witches and Warlocks were all looking in horror as the King would cut them down one by one in insane speeds.

Kayla would fly down to her dad crying as she held his body.

Kayla's mother would cry out her husband's name as her eyes were filled with tears.

Kayla:Dad please don't leave me!!!