Zygon King’s Grudge!

The pair would arrive back at their hideout where their master was slowly gaining power…

Geyla:My lord, we couldn't kill the boy.

Murgo:Another powerful warrior appeared and we didn't want to make it an ongoing battle, it would've drawn too much attention.

???:I see…

Both:We're both truly sorry Enthra!

Enthra:No it's quite alright, avoiding huge conflicts is the right approach.

Geyla:We already know what you want to do, but Enthra, can I just ask you what your true purpose is in all of this? And why do you want the boy dead so bad? I'm sorry if I'm speaking out of term.

Enthra:Never be sorry to be curious, it's a trait every being in this universe was born with, hell even this whole plan was made off of curiosity.

Murgo:Wait you're actually gonna tell us your reasoning for all of this?

Enthra:Yes, it's mainly because out of all the beings I met, I trust you two the most, you two have been my best friends for years.

Geyla:Enthra, that means a lot to me

Murgo:I'm very glad to hear that Enthra.

Enthra:That boy is the student of an ateiran, those are the same race that caught wind of our plans. To achieve our goals we have to get rid of them.

Murgo:There's more to that boy than just that!

Enthra:What do you mean by that Murgo?

Murgo:I sensed this power in that boy, it was that of a...


Enthra's eyes widened as he heard that.

Enthra's pure eyes shifted to a dark glare.

Enthra slammed his fists on the huge table, destroying it whole.

Enthra:What do you mean by Gatekeeper?! This child can't possibly bear the blood of that cursed race inside of him! It's impossible! They were all wiped out, I will not just sit here and accept this!

Geyla:I haven't seen Enthra this worked up in a long time... This can be bad, if not left in check.

Murgo:When we battled the boy, we were both in disbelief as well but Enthra, you have to believe us.

Geyla:The similarity in the energies is just uncanny, I don't know how this kid have that energy or how even a gatekeeper still exists in this dimension that young but this can't be a fake. I know for certain that this boy is a Gatekeeper.

Enthra had sweat dripping from his face and veins popping out.

Murgo:Enthra, just check our recorded battles with the boy... his energy can be felt through our devices.

Enthra took a long pause and a deep breathe as he would search through the recorded battles. Enthra watched through all of Habakkuk's recent battles and sensed the Gatekeeper energy and seen the bloodlust of berserk power. Enthra's sanity was starting the break and his mental state was being shattered.

Enthra Inner monologues to himself...

Enthra:We will get that boy... I'm going to torture him to death and make him feel the same pain I and the rest of the Zygons felt years ago! He's going to get everything ripped away from him! I can promise him that! I'll ruin his whole world and take his most precious loved ones away and take his life as well! Then I'll absorb his energy to gain even more power so I can further use it to bring the others back to life! Just you Wait Gatekeeper your head will be on a platter!

Enthra had an enormous amount of red aura around his whole body covering the room they were in. You could clearly see that Enthra was visibly enraged. But he calmed himself down for now gaining his composure.

Geyla:So what's our next move?

Enthra:I want you two to keep going to earth and attempt to kidnap that boy, in the meantime I'll be gaining my power and earth will be the first place we conquer!

Geyla and Murgo would head back to their quarters.

Murgo:Geyla, do you really think that boy is truly that powerful?

Geyla:No, I don't think he is… I know it! He may not be for right now but his potential is incredible.

Murgo:That actually sounds intriguing if you ask me, that one brat who showed up and attacked us was very powerful himself. Do you think he's an ally to the kid?

Geyla:I have no idea but one thing's for sure, that boy has seen things we probably couldn't even fathom.

Murgo:Yes I agree, that cold expression he had on his face said it all. When his power went up, it put shivers down my spine. I knew his power was greater than mine…

Geyla:So why did you keep powering up?

Murgo:I couldn't just give up like that, I love challenges and I can never turn one down.

Geyla:So it was because of your selfish urges?

Murgo:No, it's much more deeper than that. It's because it doesn't matter how strong our opponents are, we have to keep going no matter what! We are inevitable, even if we are to be killed off, this plan has to happen no matter what! I live to serve this plan, this is our dream we're talking about. I was ready to give up my life for the cause honestly, what's important to our king is important to me. We knew him every since we were practically babies, we were all such great friends so I plan to support him even if it involves me dying!

Geyla:I never knew this meant so much to you...

Murgo:What does it mean to you?

Geyla:I want this for our people, I want justice for the way we've been treated for all of these years. If it means death than so be it, let our race be proud and respected. I just want our Race to feel accepted for once, and for that cause I'm willing to sacrifice a few things.

Murgo:So we do have something in common…

Geyla:Hehe who would've thought?

They both laughed and went into their rooms.