Zeltious And Kayla’s Resolve!

Enthra gave Zeltious a place to stay in his castle on the ghost planet Zygon. Zeltious has his own quarters and was made one of the commanders of his army alongside Geyla and Murgo. Zeltious would later go on to have strength matching theirs in the future, but there was more to his power than meets the eye.

Planet Zygon was never destroyed, but the majority of the race were wiped out by the GateKeepers. There were some that survived but they were soon dealt with by the Ateirans soon after they were banded as criminals with Lord Enthra.

Zeltious was sitting on his bed, in his quarters.

Zeltious:Enthra made sure to give me a lavish room, maybe because he knows I'm a prince, not the new king of the shadow demons, I have a deep respect for him. But, It's time to talk about more important matters. After I absorbed those demon powers, I surpassed even my father by at least 10 times, but it's still not enough to finish off any of the common threats according to Enthra. I joined his ranks, but how should I become stronger?

Enthra walks into the room.

Enthra:You seek the power to achieve your goals? Come with me, it's this way.

Enthra would lead Zeltious into a room that was glowing red. This room held the magical book that Enthra was slowly gaining power from.

Zeltious:Is this one of the books of power?!

Enthra:Indeed it is…

Zeltious:This power emanating from it… it's astonishing!!

Enthra:Truly a magnificent talisman indeed. Though, this is the weakest of the three books, it sure grants great power! I've been slowly gaining power from it, since I've got my hands onto it.

Zeltious:So you plan on giving me power through this book?


Enthra flipped through the pages of the black and glowing red book.

Enthra:Ahh there we are, this ritual works best with shadow demons.

Zeltious smirked.


Kayla was meditating in a dark room with a bunch of witches and warlocks around her doing the same. Kayla, now being the new leader helps them train to grow their power.

Kayla has gotten a lot stronger since the last time she sparred with Habakkuk. She's been developing her magic to a whole other level. She would constantly continue to help out the others

in training and doing her best as leader.

Kayla had something on her mind, so she went into the kitchen and grabbed a nice glass of orange juice over ice and sat in her room thinking.

Kayla:I really feel bad about that night with Habakkuk, I wish there was a better way I could've told him. Wait maybe I can make up for it, I'll just take him out and we'll do all of his favorite activities. That sounds like a really great idea to me. There's also one more thing that concerns me… that monstrous power he had wasn't natural. I want to see if I can come up with a spell to contain that dangerous power. That's it!

I'll train with the others extra hard and find out new spells that can help people, including Habakkuk! Then I can truly make it up to him and grow stronger in the process!!

Kayla jumped for joy because of her decision and admediatly jumped back into training.



Habakkuk and Dana stood there to face Sethnos.

Habakkuk:No matter what…

Dana:We're always in this together!!

Habakkuk:That's Right!!

The two would fist bump as a little sparkly explosion went off. The two were walking up to Sethnos, and then the scene was over like it was one of drawn portraits at the end of an episode in anime.

Narrator Habakkuk:The Resolve of Kayla and Zeltious can be felt throughout the air, the two set the stakes and they are ready to make their goals happen. Dana and I are about to take on Sethnos, so you won't want to miss out on it!

So we finally get to learn your back story Enthra, good because I want to hear the reason why you're doing all of this!! Mrs Thayer has some involvements but why? Gatekeepers and the unsealed Gate? Someone tell me what the hell the unsealed is already!!!