Habakkuk And Dana’s Childhood

Many Series Of Flashbacks Years Ago Throughout Habakkuk And Dana's Childhood.

A very young 5 year old Habakkuk attended kindergarten. He met his friends, Matt and Chris. They all played together in kindergarten class with animal toys since Habakkuk loves animals so much. This kind of play was an everyday thing. Habakkuk was a very shy boy so he wasn't really the type of person to greet first whenever he met someone new. Habakkuk was a loving child who always spent time with his mommy, sisters, cousins, and grandparents. Habakkuk admired his grandfather the most, his grandfather was greater than the world to him and he was also inspired by him and learned many things from him. That was just Habakkuk's role model.

One Day In Kindergarten...

Habakkuk:Hey guys, I think I like that girl…


Matt:You mean Jasmine??


Matt:She's the cutest girl in the class, but I'm about to go and tell her.

Habakkuk:Wait Matt no!

Chris and Matt started to laugh and tease Habakkuk.

Another kid named Dana who was 4 years old attended a different kindergarten class from Habakkuk and the others. They saw each other whenever they got to go outside and play or at lunch, and their favorite times were when they were able to all share one room and watch a movie at the end of the day.

Dana:Hi my name is Dana what's yours?

Habakkuk:My name is Habakkuk.

Dana:Habakkuk huh? That sounds cool, I like it.

Habakkuk:Really? The other kids said it was weird or they just laughed at it.

Flashback within a flashback...

Matt/Chris:What the heck is a Habakkuk?! Hahahahaha!!

The whole class started laughing, while Habakkuk sat in the back with a nervous and sad look on his face.

Back To The Original Flashback…

Dana:Oh really? Well don't listen to them I think it's a cool name because it's different.

Habakkuk smiled

Habakkuk:Hey do you wanna be friends?

Dana:Yeah, let's be friends.

The two of them would come up with a special handshake.

Habakkuk:Hey do you wanna see my cool Elephant toy?

Dana:Yeah let's play with it!

Habakkuk:Don't worry, I got other toys in my cubby.

Habakkuk would run and grab his animal toys and they played with the toys for the rest of the day. Eventually Matt and Chris joined in and they all became friends. Matt and Chris kept teasing Habakkuk about liking Jasmine and Dana happened to like her too.

Matt and Chris would always go run and tell Jasmine that Habakkuk liked her and she always rejected it. Before that, Habakkuk and Jasmine happened to be good friends, well at least for those few moments until Matt and Chris ruined it.

Habakkuk:Uhh hi Jasmine, I wanted to know if…

Jasmine:Umm I gotta go…

Jasmine walked away awkwardly and Habakkuk was left there with a frown on his face. As the days go by, Habakkuk and Dana's bond grew ever so tight, and Habakkuk's confidence started to also grow as well.

One day in second grade…

A group of kids were bullying other kids in lunch, and they happened to be messing with Dana.

Habakkuk was up getting his lunch while Dana sat at the table with their other friends. The kids were picking on Dana and threatened him for his food and his toys. Dana didn't do anything, he was nervous because of the group of big kids who were messing with him.

Habakkuk walked into the lunchroom and he saw it all go down. He wanted to say something and do something but he couldn't, he was too scared to do anything. When he finally got ready to walk over there, the kids walked away after Matt and the others told them to leave Dana alone.

Habakkuk was angry at himself for freezing in place like that, he was sad because he couldn't help Dana, and he was scared something like this would ever happen again.

Habakkuk dropped his tray and ran out to the bathroom with tears coming down his eyes.

Matt, Dana, and the others saw this and they went to go check up on him.

Habakkuk was in the bathroom straw crying.

Dana:Hey buddy, are you okay?

Habakkuk:Yeah I'm fine, I'll be out in a minute.

Dana:You don't sound fine though… what's wrong?

Habakkuk:When those bullies started to mess with you, I just couldn't bring myself to go over there, I was too scared!

Habakkuk started to cry even more.

Habakkuk:How could I be a good friend, if I can't even stick up for you when someone messes with you and makes you sad?!

Dana:Habakkuk, it's okay. Matt and the others were there to help me.

Habakkuk:But still, what if that happens again and I don't do anything about it? What kind of best friend would that make me?

Habakkuk cried some more.

Dana:Don't worry, because next time I won't let them do that to me anymore. Now wipe your tears and come on out, we gotta get something to eat right? We can't let this ruin your day, we're going to see a movie with my mom today remember?

Habakkuk wipes his tears

Habakkuk would slap his face very hard and make a promise to himself.

Habakkuk:From this day forward, I will never back down, I will always hold my ground, no matter how scared I am! If anyone ever messes with my friends then I'll make them sorry! I will never go back on my word!

Dana:Are you okay in there?

Habakkuk:Yeah, I'm ready.

The two of them would head back to the lunch room.

Some girls and other guys were talking.

Jasmine:What was wrong with him?

Random guy:Don't worry about that kid, he's weird.

Random girl:All he does is sit in class and draw and never talk, and he has big bug eyes too so he's pretty much a weirdo.

In Third Grade...

The other kids always thought of Habakkuk as a weirdo and always made fun of his big bug eyes and how his name was so different from everyone else's. He always sat in the back of the class because not that many people really liked him because of their assumptions about him. They always called him a weirdo, creep, or ugly. Some other kids even called him names like stupid, or loser.

Dana and Habakkuk didn't have class with each other anymore, so Habakkuk was alone in class without his friends and Jasmine moved away. Habakkuk was always lonely in that class and always got in trouble for what other people did, because no one liked him so every time they did something bad they always blamed it on Habakkuk and he got in trouble for it always.

Whenever Habakkuk went home he'd always skip past his mom who he usually spends time with and play with his toys or help him with his homework, but these days he would just say hi to her and go in his room all day and just cried. He always wondered why he was so different from the other kids and why he was so weird and why he never looked good enough. The other kids always called him names and picked on him. Even the teacher thought he was a troublemaker whenever he stuck up for himself because at times where he did that, it seemed like he was hostile but that wasn't really the case at all…

Whenever they all went out for recess Habakkuk either played with his toys by himself, drew animals while sitting with the teacher, sitting in time out or on the swings by himself just watching all of the other students play while he was left out and sad.

As the more time went by, Habakkuk was being called even more names by other students and there was never anything he could do about it. People even started to make fun of his forehead and his haircuts whenever he got them. They were always messing with him and treating him like the outcast, and so did the teachers at times.

Habakkuk always thought to himself… "no one understands me and they won't ever understand what's it like for me, not even my mommy."

One day a big kid and two of his friends went over to pick on in fourth grade, a big kid and two of his friends started to pick on Dana, and this time Habakkuk and Dana had the same class together. The kids were smacking stuff out of Dana's hands and pushing him around.

Habakkuk ran over there to stop it.

Habakkuk:Hey leave him alone!

The kids would turn around to see Habakkuk and laugh at him.

Bully#1:And what are you gonna do about it, huh loser?

Bully#2:Hey it's the weird kid with the big forehead and those big bug eyes.

Bully#3:Yeah I heard no one likes him and that he always sits by himself because he's so weird.

Dana's eyes widened.

Habakkuk got in front of Dana.

Habakkuk:I said leave him alone or else!

Bully#1:Or else what?

Habakkuk:I'm going to beat you up!

Bully#1:I'd like to see you try!

The others bullied started to investigate the situation and everyone came around them and started to yell "fight, fight, fight!" or they also cheered on the bully and said things like "kick that weirdo's butt" or "he's a loser, beat him up" "Habakkuk we don't want you here!" "Get lost you ugly loser!"

Dana started to see what people truly thought about him, he only heard from other people what people have thought about him but he never really believed it. He now sees it clearly and he sees what people truly think about Habakkuk and how they act towards him on an everyday basis.

Dana's eyes started to tear up, as he was hearing all of this.

The bully would push Habakkuk to the floor and began to taunt him.

Bully#1:So what are you gonna do weirdo? Huh? Get up kid, I'm not done with you!

Habakkuk got up and tried to fight the bully, but the bully was beating him up and punching him in his face. The bully would then give Habakkuk a bloody nose and a busted lip, and Habakkuk fell to the ground. The other kids would cheer the bully on and laugh at Habakkuk.

The bully and his friends would then go pick on Dana and hit him like the first bully was doing to Habakkuk.

(Now this is a side note that was left out. Habakkuk was so lonely, sad, and depressed that he was running out of ideas how to cope and he ended up sort of having a mixed personality disorder that no one knew about. He used them to cope whenever he needed it. It was two dark shadows inside of his mind that always sat there and watched over him, but one of them happened to be more hostile while the other was more calm and plotting. The hostile one is always calling Habakkuk weak and a lot of other bad names as well. But when he came out to play it was always chaos.)

Habakkuk looked up at Dana.

Habakkuk:Are you scared like how I was before? Well that's okay because even if you don't stick up for me, I will always stick up and fight for you because I understand what it feels like to be afraid of standing up to bullies. So I will never put you down because you were too scared. I will always keep fighting for you and all of my friends no matter what! I will always stand up and be strong!!

Habakkuk got back up and as soon as he did, he punched the bully in the face so hard that he fell to the floor. Everyone was shocked by this.


Habakkuk jumped on top of the bully and started to beat him up, punching his face back to back. He wasn't acting like a human anymore, he was acting as if he was a wild animal in a human's body. The other kids were starting to get scared and nervous, and now they were really calling him names like "monster", "devil", "demon", and "creep."

Habakkuk just kept pounding his face nonstop, threatening his life as he did. The hostile shadow inside of Habakkuk was the berserk Habakkuk, and he was enjoying every moment of this until…

The other bully grabbed Habakkuk and started to beat him up, and then the first bully got up really angry with his face full of blood and he punched Habakkuk in the face so hard that he fell unconscious. Habakkuk woke up in the nurse's office and he was then falsely blamed for starting a huge fight so he got in trouble and was suspended. Habakkuk wouldn't even talk to his mother when she asked him what happened, she really tried her best to be there for him and understand him but he just wanted to be left alone. Habakkuk just went into his room and cried in the corner of his bed for the rest of the day.

As years went by Habakkuk and Dana's bond really formed and they always hung out together. Habakkuk and Dana also found out that they were sort of related and now Habakkuk was really known as family whenever he was with Dana and his. Habakkuk was always welcomed at Dana's house and always able to ask for anything, it went the same for Dana too at Habakkuk's. They would also meet new people in the 6th grade like Nakir and Adron. Habakkuk and Adron instantly got along because they liked the same anime and they both loved to draw. They both hung out with each other everyday whenever Dana couldn't. Adron would then introduce Habakkuk to Nakir, and at first Nakir thought Habakkuk was weird and didn't like him. Nakir wouldn't accept Habakkuk into their friend group but it took him some time to get to know him and all of them became like brothers, including Chris. Nakir was always the troublemaker and hothead who got every girl in the group. Adron was the calm, smart, and laid back guy of the group. Chris was the funny and goofy guy of the group because he always did stupid things to be funny. Habakkuk was the quiet one who was at times funny but most of the time seemed like the weird one or outcast of the group. Matt was the logical, funny, and jerk of the group. And Dana was the super calm polite guy who was called cute by many girls and also at times was very funny.

Laci and Habakkuk met in 7th grade, but that is a story for another time.

At the end of 9th grade, Habakkuk had to switch schools because his mother wanted him to have a better life and a higher chance of education and there was nothing Habakkuk could say or do about that situation at all. So Habakkuk spent as much time with his friends as he could before he had to leave.

Habakkuk and all of the others were at Dana's house.

Habakkuk:Well guys it looks like I'm about to leave, school is starting in a few days and my mom is about to be here to pick me up.

Chris:Alright Bro I'll see you around.

Matt:It's gonna be a minute till we see you again but I'll see you around man.

Adron:Take care brother, stay out of trouble.

Nakir:Alright brother, I'll see you soon. Hey and don't be a stranger and not come around, come visit your older bro sometime man, and when you do go out to that new school, try and get as many girls as possible because you know me, I'm a playa.

Habakkuk started laughing and shook all of their hands.

Dana:I guess I won't see you for a long time bro…

Habakkuk:Yeah and after all of these years we talked about growing up together and getting rich and having wives and always hanging out together. And we all talked about going to prom together, but I guess it's not gonna happen anymore...

Dana:Don't worry about it bro, I'm sure we'll always be able to hang out anytime. You know you're always welcome over here bro.

Habakkuk:Right, thank you Dana. You're really my best friend, you know that buddy?

Dana:Yeah, I do bro.

Habakkuk:Dana can I ask you something?

Dana:Yeah Bro, anything.

Habakkuk:Would you ever get my back? And would you ever help me out in certain bad situations whether or not it's a fight? I remember back then we were both scared little boys but this time we're both older, so would you?

Dana:I'd do it in a heartbeat, I'll always be there to get your back bro… always.

The two of them shook hands and then they all did a group hug and just like that Habakkuk left to go start his new life in his new school where he met Kayla and the others and his whole life changed into something special…

Back To The Present…

Murgo was in his Gigantic black dragon form, and he was fighting the others.

Adron:Damn he's as fast as he is strong!

Nakir:I'll say! This guy is powerful as hell, and then we still got Enthra to face after this?!

Dana:Since when can he turn into a dragon?!

Adron tried to use his speed and jump onto Murgo to land a punch on his face. Murgo saw Adron and easily flicked him off of his body.

Adron went crashing to the ground.

Nakir fired many blue flame blasts at Murgo but he took them easily. Murgo would then smack Nakir with his tail, and send him to the ground really hard.

Dana was in his angel form and he shot a huge golden blast at Murgo. Murgo easily blasts it away with his yellow mouth beam.

Dana:Damn, he's that strong?!

Murgo would fly in the air with his huge wings and he would then punch Dana, sending him flying miles away.

Geyla:Murgo is on a whole other level… he's way too strong for them…

Adron and Nakir jumped up at the same time and powered up and fired two huge blasts at the same time.


The blast would hit Murgo and he would stumble back, as he almost fell.

Murgo got angry.


Murgo started swatting the air so he could catch them.

Nakir and Adron were dodging all of his attacks but with difficulty, since Murgo was so fast.

Murgo would then kick Adron and blow Nakir back with a shockwave from his mouth.

Adron and Nakir both hit the ground with heavy impact.

Adron:Damn it, what are we gonna do? He's so fast and strong for his size.

Nakir:There's literally no way to keep up right now.

Murgo would then punch the ground where Nakir was at. Dana instantly blasted his fist away from Nakir.

Murgo:What the?!

Dana punched Murgo in the face, dealing a major blow.

Murgo stumbles back and Dana keeps pounding away at his Gigantic face.

Murgo would then take his hand and smack Dana to the ground with it. Murgo would then kick Dana high into the air and fired a flame blast at him from his mouth. Adron used his super speed to catch Dana in the air before the attack fully landed.

Dana:Thanks Adron.


Nakir got up with Gigantic chains, as his eyes started to glow even more blue. He would then wrap the huge chains around Murgo.

Nakir:Hurry, blast him already!!!

Adron would then jump from several mountains using his super speed and the would then charge up, as you can see his aura growing bigger by the second.

Adron would then leap into the air fully charged with electricity.

Adron:Crimson Bolts!!!

The Huge electricity blasts hit Murgo, and it kind of hurted him and now he was really mad.

Dana fires a huge ball of energy at Murgo.

Dana:Angels Volleyball!!!

The blast would hit Murgo in the gut, and he would then fall to the ground. He then got up and broke the chains off of his body and roared really loud, as he fired multiple mouth beams out of his mouth, destroying several areas.

Nakir:Damn it, he's stronger than ever before!!

Adron and Dana were trying their best to dodge these attacks that they were being hit with. Adron was running out of energy especially since his fight with Geyla, it may not have seemed like it but he was almost at his limit.

Nakir would use his chains as a slingshot to get him into the air. He would then enchant his Gigantic chains with blue flames. Nakir would then take his two Gigantic chains and use them as whips to hit Murgo with. Murgo was actually feeling the pain from these attacks and he didn't like that at all. Nakir whacked him in the face left and right side, he would then spin around and whack him in the back, and then he wrapped his chains around Murgo's arms and threw him to the ground.

Adron and Dana both fired two Gigantic blasts from the air, and Nakir also did the same.


Murgo's whole body glowed yellow as his anger was erupting. His energy levels were becoming too much for them to handle, and it was already bad enough they couldn't handle him to begin with. The whole area started to shake and volcanoes erupted everywhere around him.

Adron:He's about to do something really big!!

Dana:Damn it, I don't think our blasts will be able to stop it!!

Nakir:We have to try damn it!!!

Murgo fires a Gigantic blast from out of his mouth, bigger than his whole entire body. His blast easily engulfed Nakir and the other's blast. Nakir would then use his power to turn himself into a tiny ball so he could drop to the ground without getting hit. Dana and Adron got hit by the blast and they both were forced into the air almost out of earth's atmosphere, but they would then fall to the ground causing a huge crater. They would then revert back into their normal forms and lay unconscious.

Nakir:Damn it! Adron! Dana!

Nakir ran over there and made sure they were alright. Adron woke back up and asked what Nakir's plan was.

Nakir:I know we said we weren't gonna focus on this power, but it's about time I released my guardian's power. You came up with a new transformation after working on your guardian's power so you wouldn't use his, and so did I. But these transformations aren't getting us anywhere. Right now we need power, and a whole lot of it! And besides this is my fight so I have to win it myself and prove just how strong I really am. I'd be really pissed off if I won only because of you and Dana's help.

Adron:I understand brother, show him what you can really do.

Nakir smirked and cracked his knuckles

Nakir:Count on it.


Enthra and Habakkuk were having a standoff and Habakkuk was visibly scared of Enthra's power.

Enthra:I can see the look in your eyes, that's the look of true and utter terror… ohhh I know that look very well, I'm all too familiar with it. That's the same look I had on my face when… you monsters killed my parents!!

Habakkuk was shocked and he couldn't force his body to move at the moment, he was paralyzed in fear.

Enthra started to see if his prediction about Habakkuk's death had stayed the same. Inside Enthra's eyes were a black room with red glowing clocks of all sorts and red ticking time bombs. They all showed the same thing, Habakkuk's inevitable death. Each vision all ended with Habakkuk being pierced through the heart and thrown into the water, to never be seen again.

Enthra:It looks like your death is coming up sooner than expected, so be ready because now is your time to die.

And as Enthra said that, a red aura would emerge around him and the whole area felt the pressure of his enemy and it felt like something heavy was weighing everyone down and the whole area was crumbling beneath him.

Will Habakkuk Actually Survive Enthra's Prediction? Or Will Habakkuk Die The Anticipated Death That Enthra Told Him About?

Narrator Habakkuk:Man, looking at the old days were kinda fun and at times really sad, I don't ever wanna live in that pain anymore. Me and Dana's bond really did forge over time, man he's like a brother to me and I'll always get his back and I know he'll always get mine. Murgo has become extremely powerful, even for Adron, Nakir, and Dana's new forms fighting him all together. But Nakir has a plan, and I wonder what it is. Damn it Enthra's new power is scary, I hope I can actually be able to beat him…