Inevitable Fate...

Habakkuk and Enthra clashed and they both went back and forth in battle. Everything Habakkuk threw out at Enthra, he dodged and countered easily like it was nothing. Enthra would then kick Habakkuk into the air as if his leg was a blade. Habakkuk flew into the air and as he did he fired a green blast at Enthra, which got easily smacked away by him. As the blast hit the ground a huge explosion went off, shocking everyone in the area.

Nakir woke back up from Kayla healing him.

Nakir:What the hell happened here?

Laci:It's a long story but look, Habakkuk and Enthra are finally having their final battle.

Nakir:Damn it… I wanted to make Enthra regret that time he embarrassed me and Adron...

Enthra would then appear behind Habakkuk with an axe kick to the back, Habakkuk was then sent crashing to the ground but he would then do a backflip and landed on the ground in style.

Enthra would then descend from the air touching the ground as well. They were now back into having a standoff.

Enthra:It seems like you using that controlled berserk form with the power of your new martial arts ability, you can keep up just barely.

Habakkuk:Heh, it seems so.

Enthra:Now let's say we kick things up a notch, shall we?

Habakkuk got back into his shoot stance and used Gaylena's Goddess powers along with Secret arts to boost his power even more.

Habakkuk:We shall!

Habakkuk and Enthra ran at each other at an insane speed. Habakkuk threw a heavy punch at Enthra, but Enthra would slide on the ground going under Habakkuk's attack. Enthra would then kick Habakkuk in the back of his legs. Habakkuk stumbled and almost collapsed but he would then catch himself.

Habakkuk:That was a cheap trick!

Habakkuk would use the secret arts technique to make a gigantic green aura fist to crush Enthra. Enthra would then catch the aura fist with one hand. Enthra would then grab Habakkuk by the face and headbutted him, causing blood to splatter out. Enthra would then spin around and kick Habakkuk in the gut, sending him crashing on the ground.

Habakkuk got back up and wiped blood off of his face.

Habakkuk:He's strong, but I have to keep going in order to bring them back!!

Habakkuk leaped back into the air and charged at Enthra with a fury of punches and kicks. Enthra dodged the first two punches and blocked Habakkuk's kick. Habakkuk would then smack Enthra's hand from his leg and then spun around and kicked Enthra in the face, causing him to stumble back.

Enthra:Good one brat, but that won't be enough!

Enthra would then smack the ground, and Habakkuk got hit in the chin by a wall of rock. Enthra would then hit multiple parts of the ground, causing thin rock walls to come out and hit Habakkuk. Habakkuk would then start dodging these attacks but then Enthra appeared right behind him with a fierce elbow to the back.

Habakkuk flew to the ground, causing a huge crater. Enthra would then come dashing at Habakkuk with a dark red energy blade. He would then try slicing at him, Habakkuk dodged these attacks but not with ease. Enthra was slicing the rock walls he made and parts of the ground as Habakkuk jumped out of the way of his attacks. Enthra would then fire red lasers out of his eyes that made Habakkuk leap into the air and then Enthra was able to find the right opening opportunity to strike him. Enthra then appeared at the side of Habakkuk with his energy blade ready to swing at him. Habakkuk would then block the attack with his gigantic green aura fists.

The force from the attack would then send Habakkuk back hurling to the ground. Habakkuk would then catch himself with a new technique from Gaylena's power. It was blue butterfly aura wings coming from his back to catch himself before he hit the ground.

Enthra would then fire a huge red blast into the air and then it came out like rain and dropped to the ground like bullets. Habakkuk was gliding with those wings trying to get out of the way of the attacks but he was then hit by all of them.

Enthra:I got you!!

Enthra would then appear under Habakkuk with a red blast sending him into an icy mountain.

Habakkuk would then drop to the ground and pick himself back up.

Enthra stood over him with a smirk

Enthra:Now what will you do!

A huge red aura exploded from Enthra's body.

Habakkuk got up

Habakkuk:The only thing I can do…

Enthra:And what is that?


A green aura exploded from Habakkuk's body as well.

Then the two would clash hard. The mountains nearby crumbled into boulders, and the rivers and lakes flew into the air and everything was in slow motion for a second as they both were battling it out in high top speeds.

Habakkuk would cartwheel on the ground and tried to kick Enthra with his right leg, Enthra ducked and kneed Habakkuk in the gut.

Habakkuk coughed up blood but would then jump into the tall tree like rocks and jump rock from rock to gain space.

Enthra would then dig his fingers into the ground and gigantic red aura spikes erupted out of it going towards Habakkuk. Habakkuk would then jump out of the way and fired multiple green small blasts to counter the but then Enthra appeared right in front of Habakkuk and smacked him to the ground really hard.

Habakkuk hit the ground causing one huge crater. Enthra would then come down with a heavy left kick, and as he did he had the aura of a red dragon. Habakkuk blocked the attack with his green aura fists again but the force from the collision was so massive that everyone who were watching also felt the attack and they almost get sent flying away.

Enthra:You better give up! This isn't even a fight anymore, at this point you're just trying to survive me!!

Habakkuk:No I won't give up you bastard! You think just because you're stronger than me you're going to win this fight?! Enthra I won't let you rule the universe!!

Enthra:That isn't an option boy!! This will be your demise and I can promise you that!!

Enthra would then make gigantic aura spikes out of his arms and began to attack Habakkuk rapidly and uncontrollable, Habakkuk was blocking all of these attacks with his aura fists but he couldn't do it for that much longer.

Enthra:Die Gatekeeper!!!

Enthra would then transform his aura spikes into a gigantic ball of energy the size of a small parking lot. Enthra would then punch into Habakkuk's aura fists, breaking his energy as a whole. Habakkuk was now vulnerable from this attack.

Habakkuk:Damn it, if this keeps up I'm surely going to die! I need to think of something and something fast! Wait I know!

Habakkuk would then make a clone of himself and he would then go underground and dig himself out a different way. A huge earth can then be felt as the whole area was now shaking.

Enthra:What the?!

Multiple green Geyser-like blasts came from all over the place as Habakkuk smacked the ground with both his palms. Then a huge shamrock green colored blast came from the middle and went towards Enthra.


Enthra:This blast… it's powerful!! Too powerful for that boy to muster, where did he get the strength?!!

Enthra went flying into the air, almost going out of earth's atmosphere. Enthra would then make his aura explode, completely destroying Habakkuk's blast. Enthra would then dash back down to the battle field way beyond the speed of light.

Habakkuk:Alright let's go!!

Habakkuk jumped into the air with a heavy punch going towards Enthra. Enthra also did the same going towards Habakkuk. The two fists would clash and Habakkuk went crashing to the ground. Enthra would then grab Habakkuk by the face and slam him through multiple yards in the ground. Habakkuk would then make his aura explode as a gigantic lion appeared from his body roaring, sending Enthra flying into the air again.

Habakkuk was holding the power of the lion in his body and now he was about to focus this into a really heavy attack.

Enthra:Go on boy!! Show me what you can truly do!!!

Laci:I can feel something big coming…

Adron:It's intense

Nakir:Just how far is he going to go?!

Dana:This is it, this is Habakkuk's true power!!

Matt:Brace yourselves!!!

Kayla:Habakkuk's really changed since last time we saw each other. He's matured into someone even bigger and stronger than before he's like a god in a boy's body…

Murgo:That boy is actually going toe to toe with Enthra? This is impossible! No one has ever been able to do that even before Enthra used the book to give him more power, besides Esstarienia!

Geyla:This boy, he's something special… I knew it! I knew he'd be more than just some gatekeeper trash. He's going toe to toe with Enthra and he's not giving up at all. He's fighting for his cause as well as Enthra is fighting for his cause, I respect it. Go on kid fight with all you got! Show Enthra what you can truly do! Stop his madness please for the sake of our universe!!


Habakkuk's green aura lion turned even bigger and Habakkuk's green eyes glowed even brighter than before. Habakkuk's muscles begin to bulk up even more as veins would then cover his body.









Nakir:What the hell is with that attack?!!

Adron:What kind of training did he do?!!

Chris:Oh shit!!

Laci:Kayla, make a force field!!


Kayla made a force field around everyone and they all got back up and were able to watch the fight again in peace. But they were all shocked by the power displayed.

Murgo was speechless and couldn't even fathom anything that went on.

Geyla was also speechless and didn't know what to do.

That huge blast destroyed everything in that area, there was no more snow on the ground and there were barely even mountains and trees in the area.

Habakkuk was catching his breath as he was panting.

Habakkuk:Beat that Jerk!

Enthra:It'll take a lot more than that to beat me, it seems like I'll have to use an even more appropriate percentage of power to finish you off once and for all.


The dust cleared and Enthra was floating in the air with an even bigger red aura than before.

Enthra would then land on the ground.

Habakkuk:Damn that was my strongest attack and he took it like nothing…

Enthra:Don't be discouraged Gatekeeper, I've got to admit that last attack did hurt me to a degree but it wasn't enough to finish the job, far from it in fact which is why I'm going to be putting you down right here and now!!

Habakkuk:We'll just have to see about that!!

Habakkuk leaped at Enthra with a fierce punch, Enthra would then smack Habakkuk away with his tail. Habakkuk would catch himself and jump back to his feet. Enthra would then rush at Habakkuk. Enthra would throw a kick and Habakkuk dodged it, and then did his own kick but Enthra blocked but Habakkuk wasn't really throwing that kick, he jump back and then released a kick of two legs directed towards Enthra's face as Habakkuk's hand touched the ground, Enthra effortless dodged it. Enthra would then try to whack Habakkuk with his tail, but Habakkuk quickly moved out of the way. Habakkuk would then kick Enthra in the rib with his left leg and then jump back with a green blast in his right hand and charge at Enthra with it. Enthra would then grab Habakkuk's hand and crush it, making the blast go away.

Habakkuk would make two clones come out and they both kicked and punched Enthra into the air.

Habakkuk:Habakkuk Style WhipLash!!!

Habakkuk made green aura wips and he would then try to strike Enthra with them, but Enthra would only dodge them and he would elbow Habakkuk in the face sending him into a mountain.

As Habakkuk was stuck in the mountain, Enthra was slowly walking over towards him with a crimson aura. Enthra would then raise his hand into the air and now Habakkuk had red aura cuffs around his arms and legs, and now throat.

Habakkuk:I can't move!

Enthra got even closer as his eyes glowed red, the sky would then turn into a crimson color with black rain pouring down. Habakkuk tried to free himself but Enthra's binds were too strong.

Enthra:I'm going to make you suffer!

Habakkuk:Damn you Enthra! I'm going to get out of this and when I do I'm going to… I'm going to…

Habakkuk took a good look at Enthra and then he felt that heavy sensation he felt the first time he met Enthra and his bloodlust pierced into his soul way harder than Nakir's piercing into Murgo's, in fact it was at least 10,000 times deeper, and with more rage, resentment, and hatred.

Habakkuk was feeling all of the rage in Enthra and he was slowly beginning to lose his fighting spirit. He was seeing the world in black and red, and he felt the heavy sensation weighing him down while being eaten alive by the hatred.

Habakkuk:Why… Why does he have this much hatred? What could the gatekeeper race have possibly done to him to make him into this embodiment of hatred??

Enthra would then stop the binds and Habakkuk fell to the ground trying to catch his breath coughing.

Habakkuk would then get up and try to punch and kick Enthra but his punches and kicks had no energy and they were too weak and slow to connect due to Habakkuk losing his fighting spirit. Enthra dodge them effortlessly and he would then kick Habakkuk in the gut causing blood to come out of him. Habakkuk fell and rolled over on the ground, but he got back up trying to fight some more and all Enthra had to do was smack him back to the ground with no effort.

Enthra:It seems you lost your will to fight, well that's too bad because now I'm going to finish you off.

Habakkuk was inner monologuing and the inside of Habakkuk was a sky of green, black, white, purple, and blue graffiti like colors being ripped away and there were buildings and rocks collapsing. The whole world in Habakkuk's mind was being pulled apart.

Habakkuk:No! I have to fight, I can't let myself be scared of him! But damn it I'm just a kid I can't do this alone! I can't beat him, I'm just some stupid kid with high hopes and dreams trying to play hero with the adults and now I'm in a situation that I cannot get out of! I have to fight! But I can't!! Keep going!! No, I'm just a kid!! No I gotta show him what I can do!! I can't beat him, I'm nothing but a failure!! No I have to!! No I can't!!! I'm not giving up! I'm too scared!! No, I will win this!! No!! Yes!! No!! Yes!!

Habakkuk grabbed his head as he was on his knees and yelled into the air with his mouth wide open screaming on the top of his lunges with veins all over his face and blood splattering from his body and mouth.

Habakkuk:PLEASE KILL ME!!!!

Enthra would then pick Habakkuk up by his collar and knees him in the gut. He would then punch Habakkuk in the gut a few times as well and then slammed Habakkuk into the ground.

Habakkuk slowly turned his head and looked up at Enthra seeing him as a giant with a dark red sky behind him, he saw the red glow an Enthra's eyes and felt the bloodlust even more than before. Habakkuk was bloody and he had tears coming out of his eyes, this was true fear.

Habakkuk tried his best to crawl away but Enthra would then kick him around.

Laci:We have to help him!!

Nakir:No if you go out there you'll die!

Adron:Yeah, we have to come up with a quick and good strategy first before we even try something otherwise it'll be pointless.

Matt:So any ideas?

Kayla's parents:We'll help in any way we can.

Dana's fists clenched and his teeth were gritted, he was trying so hard to stay calm and follow with the plan.

Kayla's head was down and she was very quiet, so quiet that everyone forgot about her.

Habakkuk continued to crawl away but Enthra would then touch a rock and it would then turn into an orange glowing rod and he stabbed it into Habakkuk's hands. He would then put his hand in the huge lake and he would make another rod but this one was a dark blue color and he would then stab it into Habakkuk's leg and he would make another one to stab into his other leg.

Enthra would then make the ground shake as he focused his energy into making a bigger rod that was red. He would then stab this into Habakkuk's back, but not too deep.

Enthra's Aura Rods

.The Orange Rod paralyzes the opponents body.

.The Blue rod freezes the opponent's hand like liquid nitrogen.

.The Red Rod burns the opponent internally.

Habakkuk coughed out a huge amount of blood.

Enthra:I purposely didn't hit your vital organs so I can enjoy the satisfaction of torturing my race's destroyer!

Habakkuk was crying and coughing up more blood but he would then struggle to utter out some words.

Habakkuk:Why… Why are you doing this? Why are you trying to rule the universe and destroy this planet? I don't get it? What's your reason for all of this Enthra? I get it the Gatekeepers did horrible things to you in the past but why go so far as to become an evil dictator?!

Enthra stood over Habakkuk with his eyes glowing even more crimson.

Enthra:You ask why I'm doing this? Even if I were to tell you my reasoning, would your feeble mind truly comprehend and fathom my ideals?

Habakkuk:What do you mean?

Enthra:Mortals are all alike whether it's you Gatekeeper scum, the Atierians, humans, or even the animals and other life forms.

Habakkuk:What are you trying to say?!

Enthra:You look at people in only one perspective, if you view their ideals as wrong then it's conflict. When you look at someone you can judge them by their looks and appearances before they even notice you looking at them. You look at me as though I'm the bad guy and you view me as an evil monster when it's really you people who are the true monsters!

Habakkuk:I know the Gatekeepers killed your people but what does this all have to do with conflict based on people's ideals?!

Enthra:We Zygons were a peaceful race, we never did anything to anybody and or even asked anyone for nothing. We were a quiet and busy society that only wanted peace, but it looked like other beings in the universe just couldn't realize that. Yes we had super advanced technology even some that rivaled or even surpassed the Ateirans work but still we were weak and helpless to many others in the universe. We were always picked on by the bigger fish in the sea and eaten up spitten out as if our lives didn't matter to anyone. My father was the king of the planet and he worked so hard to bring peace, he worked his hardest along with my mother and his best friends but we were still targeted and attacked as if we were the bad guys. I had a good life as a toddler but when I began to grow more I lived my childhood in fear, fearing that one day we'd all be wiped out and fearing that my family and my younger siblings would be killed before my eyes. Tell me, have you ever had to live in that much fear?

Habakkuk couldn't come up with anything to say. And when he looked up at Enthra he could see the tears coming from his eyes, Enthra was crying.

White rain started to pour down hard, purifying the ground by giving it more life. Whenever the rain hits the ground, more snow appears back on the ground as well as the battlefield being healed from the destruction it went through.

The rain hit Geyla and her body started to heal slowly and Murgo's too.

Geyla:Murgo, these are... Enthra's tears.

Murgo:It's hard for him to bring up such a tragic past without shedding any tears, it would be hard for any man to do so. Him revealing his cause to the enemy is also a new trait for him, maybe it's just growth in character or he's getting ready for a new revelation, but Enthra's tears are pure and Godlike, maybe because the pain he went through was so harsh that it caused him to shift into something entirely different from what we are, he's no ordinary Zygon. Even before he achieved some of the book's power he still had these new strange abilities and now they're resurfacing stronger than ever. No one should ever judge Enthra for his actions or disregard his cause. Enthra is truly a noble being who's heart is as pure as divine water.

Geyla:Murgo, has been corrupted by Enthra's cause and he is now beyond my help. I can't get through to Murgo anymore, he looks at Enthra's cause like it's the right thing to do as if it's something that has to happen for the good of the universe. He looks at this cause from another world than what it truly is… Murgo see's the light in all of this but he's truly blind to the dark truth.

Enthra:All of this pain and hatred in this world and for what, just to keep growing and growing? This cycle of hatred has to end! My father tried asking other planets for help but they all shut him down and turned against us. We were helpless against the Gatekeepers and the other races. Gatekeepers weren't the only ones that attacked us but they were the main ones. My father told me stories of a legendary Gatekeeper warrior named Isariah and he was a noble man who achieved this power called the unsealed Gate, but when he disappeared those noble gatekeepers faded away as well. The only ones left were selfish and even berserkers who only wanted to kill and steal. My father reached out to the Gatekeepers asking for protection and they were going to have a meeting with us and everyone's hopes were up. The looks on my siblings faces made me happy, seeing my mother not stress anymore brought relief to me. For the first time in a long time we were all happy. But just when we got our hopes up the Gatekeepers ambushed us all and killed everyone. My mother sent all of my siblings away to a place where they can escape but where they landed was to their deaths. My mother and father also died together due to the hands of the Unsealed Gate who attacked my planet.

Habakkuk was shocked by all of this.

Enthra:I watched them both die, and I couldn't handle or even fathom what happened that fateful night. I sat hours in that same spot just screaming and crying cursing the world and wishing that this was all some big illusion or nightmare that I was having. It kept up for so long that I went Into a coma for years in the same spot but every night my screaming would begin to start back up. And on one fateful day I was back and I took the throne and became king. I decided that I will be the world's savior and I will change everything after reading something in an ancient cave. I finally found a way to bring all of my family back and to gain enough power to do so. So we set off to other planets gaining more power, money, and destroying those who tormented us in the past. We were then targeted as criminals and we were wanted all over the universe. Me and my two best friends Geyla and Murgo along with a few Zygon survivors tried our best to escape the Ateirans but they sent out this extraordinary woman, the one who referred to herself as Mrs Thayer, Esstarienia! She killed most of my remaining people and we fled to earth and hid ourselves as humans for thousands of years but us fleeing to earth was no accident. We came to earth to achieve a great enough power from these three mystical books here found on this planet and we waited until they've finally emerged again. And it was my time to gain enough power so that I can enter purgatory and bring back all of my loved ones.

Habakkuk:Your goal is to go to purgatory and bring your family back? But why are you being a dictator and causing major genocide?!

Enthra:This is way too complex for your simple mind to even get a grasp of. I'm here to become the world savior and become strong enough to wipe out all of those that seek destruction and protect only the ones who are causing good to the universe and merely want peace. But there's way too many fakes and hypocrites in this world who say they want peace but only continues to cause more conflicts, war, genocide, or even murder in general is just another big part of the cycle of hatred. The Atierians viewed my ideals as wrong and it made the conflict get even bigger than before. All I want to do is gain the power needed to break through the dimension of time and space and go beyond that and reach the world of the dead and bring my family back and then after that Zygons will rule over the universe and we will judge those who aren't worthy of our peaceful cause! I know you didn't do anything wrong but you just so happened to be a gatekeeper and you are also on the side of those who are in my way. When I figured out you were a gatekeeper, I had an idea in mind and that idea was to take your power and absorb it so that I can combine that with my power and the power of these mystical books and I'll be able to rip into the fabric of reality and bring my race back to life! I was hoping you were the unsealed Gate, but this power will do as well. You are a capable warrior but you were simply born on the wrong side and that is why I have to take your life and that is why I have to do this! The human race is just as bad as the Gatekeepers, they may be weak but if given the power they would only cause destruction and I pity them because this could've been a beautiful world to live in. And I feel sorrow in my heart for what I am going to do but I have to do this in order to reach a new level to my cause.

Enthra had more tears coming down his face and Habakkuk just looked at Enthra in shock and was mesmerized by all of what Enthra has said.

Habakkuk:I'm just a kid, I should have never hoped to challenge Enthra's power. Maybe Enthra is right, maybe he needs to win and his ideals are for the best and we've been going about this all the wrong way. I don't really understand what's right or wrong anymore at this point. He's been through so much that I can't even fathom how broken his soul is, and I don't have the right to question his ideals because by the way he talks, he's just a broken soul trying to regain what's been taken from him and trying to make peace throughout the whole universe. How can I ever go against that without looking like I am the bad guy? What kind of monster would go against something so pure and kind hearted and be looked at as a hero? How could I? How could the Atierians?

Enthra wiped away his tears and his red aura can be shown gleaming over the horizon.

Enthra:Now get ready Gatekeeper, you're about to be cut down for my cause!

Habakkuk was speechless but he then decided to accept his fate.

Habakkuk:I surrender… Enthra you win…

Geyla:No, the boy has been broken by Enthra's twisted words. This cause that Enthra speaks of isn't so peaceful, he's become a bloodlusted power hungry tyrant who needs to be shown the light. Enthra is a broken man with a fragile ego. But he managed to get into this kid's head. All hope is now lost…

Murgo:What's wrong?

Geyla:It's nothing?

Murgo:Do you not agree with the cause? Geyla please understand that this has to be done. This is the noble cause of our former friend, he's in a world far higher and deeper than we can ever imagine. This cause is Enthra's burden that he must go through with. It is Enthra's duty to purify this universe. So please just try to remember what side you're on and for the people that you're fighting for to bring back.



Nakir tried his best to hold her back

And Dana tried to stop himself from jumping out there to fight. Everyone was planning on going to Habakkuk's rescue but the question was will they be on time to save him?

Enthra would make a black rod out of his aura and begined to stab Habakkuk with it but suddenly… a white flash came by and knocked Enthra into a mountain.

???:Don't give up, Habakkuk you can do this! His ideals may sound like there's nothing wrong to you but it's only because you've lost your fighting spirit. Habakkuk I believe in you so please get back up and fight!

Habakkuk looked up and he saw Kayla in her white witch form be even more powerful than ever before and she seemed to be crying.

Habakkuk:Kayla… you believe in me?

Kayla:Yes I've always believed in you and I am willing to sit here and fight with you, I'm even willing to die with you. Just please pick yourself back up and stand strong like you always do!

Habakkuk was speechless by this.

Kayla:I'm sorry about that one night where I didn't give you a chance, I just pushed you away and told you rules instead of telling you how I truly felt. Seeing your sadness on your face that night as you left my house, was eating me alive. I'm so sorry Habakkuk and I wanted to say that to you for a very long time I just couldn't bring myself to do it but now can you please forgive me and allow me to fight with you and protect you?

Habakkuk:Kayla, I-

Suddenly Enthra appeared under Kayla with a red energy scythe and stabbed her in the gut and sent her away with red beams piercing throughout her body. And he would then push her back with a telekinesis force push.

Enthra:Don't get in the way of my cause woman!

Habakkuk's eyes widened and his whole vision became black and white as everything went silent and in slow motion. Kayla's family and Laci ran to kaylas aid but Habakkuk was stuck frozen in the same spot. He would then look up at Enthra with his eyes twitching and his body as well.

Enthra:Now tell me… how does it feel to lose only a fraction of what I've lost.Do you want me dead? Do you wanna kill me? No! Do you hate me now?!

Habakkuk's eyes widened and then a huge green explosion would be seen coming from Habakkuk's body. His eyes went completely lime green and had that reptile like pupil, his hair spiked up and he also now had claws and fangs. Habakkuk instantly went into the second state but then his power kept rising and his skin turned into a pale color and his body bulked up and he even had small horns on his head as he grew in size. He was now in the third state…

Murgo/Geyla/Enthra:This power?! It's the berserk state!!

Everyone who witnessed Habakkuk in this form recognized what was happening.

Dana:Damn it, he's lost control again but this time it's worse!

Adron:Damn what can we do? Between him and Enthra, either way we're all screwed!

Laci:No not now!!

Nakir:Maybe this power can be used to take down Enthra like that time with James.


Furbles:New guy looks like a monster now, Furbles doesn't understand why.

Matt:It's one of his special abilities he has but he can't control himself.

Matt squint just eyes at Furbles and mumbled

Matt:Kinda like someone else I know…

Furbles:Ohh Furbles understand now, but why are you mumbling like a little bitch? You scared of wittle ol Furbles?

Furbles makes a cute little animal face

Matt:Shut up! I'm not afraid of some little rodent like you!

Furbles sticks his tongue out at Matt.

Matt:I promise after this is over, I'm going to kick your ass!

Furbles:Furbles will be the one kicking your ass!

Chris:This is bad…

Izaya:He's even more bulked than me!

A huge roar shook the whole entire area as Habakkuk unleashed his rage.

Enthra got into his fighting stance and Habakkuk charged at him, firing multiple blasts from his mouth! Enthra's aura would then spark as he ran at the berserk Habakkuk. Habakkuk ran on all fours getting ready to pounce on Enthra, as Habakkuk leaped at him Enthra hurried and jumped out of the way and kicked him in the ribs. Habakkuk grabbed Enthra's leg and elbowed it.

Enthra:Agh!! Damn it that one actually hurts!

Enthra would then push Habakkuk back with multiple red energy arrows coming from his 10 fingers. Habakkuk would roar at them, sending them back in Enthra's direction. Enthra would wave his tail out and a huge red energy slash would knock Habakkuk and the red aura arrows back far into a huge mountain. Enthra would then fly 200 ft over where Habakkuk was at and closed his hands together and then slowly spread them apart making a huge red energy ball the size of a football field. The rocks from the mountain started to break off and float into the air as Enthra was charging up this huge energy attack. Habakkuk's aura increased in size as his power grew even more than before. Habakkuk would charge up a huge lime green blast in his mouth aiming it at Enthra's huge ball of energy.

Enthra:It's time I finish this now before his power grows even more! Go Crimson Catastrophic Sphere!!!

Enthra fires the huge ball at Habakkuk, and then Habakkuk would then fire his huge blast at Enthra's energy ball. The two blasts would collide, and there was a huge shockwave that went off almost destroying the forcefield that was covering everyone. Both Habakkuk and Enthra push more energy into their attacks, both not letting up at all. Enthra made his aura grow even more and his blast began to engulf Habakkuk's. As the blast started to consume Habakkuk, a huge blue aura would shield him and that was the power of Gaylena.

Gaylena:I'm at my limit of giving you power, please take care for now and be able to win this or even just fight him until I'm able to give you more power. I believe in your abilities and I know that you can do this.

The huge explosion went off with Enthra's blast coming out on top, and Enthra was the victor of this energy clash. Habakkuk wasn't able to use Gaylena's goddess power anymore due to her sacrificing everything she had left in saving him from that huge energy attack. Habakkuk wouldn't even be able to use her power even if she had more energy left for him due to the fact that he was now in a berserk state.

As the dust clears there is a huge void like crater in the spot the huge mountain used to be. A huge green ball of energy floated in the middle of all of it. Habakkuk in his 3rd state Berserk form sat there breathing intensely like an injured but violent wild animal. The whole place started to shake when he roared into the air. Thousands of green blast flew from his mouth, destroying everything in sight:

Enthra:That power… I'm going to put an end to him right now!

Enthra flew over to Habakkuk with a fierce right hook, Habakkuk predicted that attack and easily dodged.

Enthra:What the?!

Habakkuk would do a spin flip and axe kicked Enthra in the back. Enthra crashes to the ground and Habakkuk launches at him with a fierce strike of his claws. Enthra blocked the attack and kicked Habakkuk in the gut. Habakkuk would then stumble back and hammer hit Enthra in the chin, making him stumble as well. Enthra would then reach his hand out and with a crimson aura around it, he would grab Habakkuk by the throat and slam him into the ground.

Enthra:You wanna see power?! Fine I'll show you what absolute power looks like!!

Enthra would then get into a stance, spreading his legs apart, as rocks and boulders floated into the air. Enthra's eyes glowed red even more as the sky around them started to turn black. Habakkuk would then get up and he wasn't on the battlefield anymore, he was in a void that Enthra created, this was no illusion, this was real.

Enthra:Welcome to my void dimension where I can do anything I want without having to worry about destroying things in the real world.

Habakkuk was on all fours, as he growled at Enthra.

Enthra:Careful now, I'd stay back if I were you. I have a lot of tricks up my sleeve that you have yet to see.

Habakkuk fires a blast out of his mouth at Enthra. Enthra easily smacked away the blast and charged his aura up.

Enthra put his hand into the air, and a huge planet 10 times the size of earth was above his hand and he fired it at Habakkuk. Habakkuk was engulfed by the huge planet but he quickly destroyed it with an aura explosion and now he was back to square one.

Enthra:That was faster than expected. When I shoot the next one I should engulf it with my power so he won't go inside the planet, instead he'll be crushed with all of the weight and vaporized by my energy!

Enthra would then power up, with his red aura covering almost all of the dimension that they were in and mind you, this dimension was as big as half the solar system. Veins showed on Enthra's face as he was bringing out more power. Enthra put his hands together and three huge planets appeared over his head and they were cloaked with his energy and these planets were at least 5 times the size of the first planet.

Habakkuk only stayed and growled even more.

Enthra:Go!! Catastrophic Geography!!!

Enthra launched all of the planets at Habakkuk. Habakkuk fired a huge blast out of his mouth trying to push all three planets back or destroy them, but they were cloaked with Enthra's energy. Habakkuk was starting to lose ground as the planets were slowly approaching.

Enthra:Oh no you won't be getting away so easily.

Enthra would stomp his foot onto the ground and red aura spikes stabbed Habakkuk in his arms and legs. And red aura strings were tied around Habakkuk's body so he wouldn't go anywhere. The beast roared, growled, screamed, and screeched and still couldn't get out of it. Habakkuk tried everything he could to get out of that trap but it was too late, the planets were already coming for him.

Enthra:Take that you beast!!!

The huge planets all combined into one and crushed Habakkuk with all of their weight. The poor creature would cry out in agony, while Enthra bombarded him with his malicious energy.

Habakkuk tried his best to break out of the attack, using a huge green energy blast that would blow everything up, but Enthra quickly took notice and made the planets even heavier, and as the huge explosion went off everything was destroyed. Enthra stood over him looking at him with pity. Habakkuk's eyes went from lime green and monster like to normal dark brown eyes, less spiky hair and not bulky.

Habakkuk:Damn, I really can't beat him at all… this whole training thing was only a let down. I've failed everyone, for real this time. What a failure I am…

Enthra:Those eyes… Those are the eyes of a quitter! For a Gatekeeper you do seem quite soft! But then again you are the new generation, so you're expected to be weaker minded!

Enthra would then kick Habakkuk out of the void and they would both appear back on the battlefield to everyone's shock. Habakkuk landed on the ground with his shirt turned off and his pants with cuts in it. Habakkuk was wounded and almost had no energy left to fight.

Geyla:He's out of the berserk state…

Murgo:In any given moment… Enthra has won the battle and the war.

Nakir:Damn even in that form he was beaten so easily!

Adron:It's about time we step in!


Dana, Nakir, Adron, Laci, Izaya, and Matt all went dashing at Enthra but he would easily knock them back with a swipe of his aura.

Habakkuk:Leave them out of this Enthra!! Your fight is with me, not them so don't you dare touch them!!

Enthra:Oh? Is that so?

Enthra appears over Habakkuk, crushing him with his feet in Habakkuk's gut. Habakkuk coughed out a lot of blood and that concerned everyone.

Kayla's parents and the remaining witches/warlocks charged at Enthra.

Enthra:It's useless to get in the way of my cause, you insects!

Enthra would smack the ground and a huge amount of lava went flying at them. They all tried to get out of the way but Enthra would then dig his fingers into the ground and then thousands of rock spikes came out of his fingers, immobilizing them. Enthra would then knock them back with his power.

Habakkuk:Stop it!!! Stop attacking Enthra!! It's useless! You guys can't win!!

Enthra:Shut up you!

Enthra kicked Habakkuk in the ribs, sending him flying into a wall. Kayla and Laci would then try to take him down with everything they had but he easily dodged their attacks and effortlessly beat them down like it was nothing. Dana would then attack Enthra but Enthra easily punched him in the gut and kicked him in the chin, sending him flying into the air.

Habakkuk rushes at Enthra with no Powers because he ran out of energy. Habakkuk, even with no power left in him, tried his hardest to fight Enthra in order to protect his friends and bring those brothers back. Habakkuk kept punching and punching, the hits had no effect on Enthra. Enthra only looked at Habakkuk in pity. Habakkuk would try to sweep Enthra's feet and he would then punch Enthra in the jaw.


Enthra threw a punch at Habakkuk, but Habakkuk instinctually dodged and punched Enthra in the gut. Enthra stood still not taking effect at all. Habakkuk would then punch him in the gut rapidly, trying his best to do everything he could. Enthra smacked Habakkuk away like nothing. Habakkuk went crashing across the ground all bloody and beaten.

Habakkuk:No not like this! I can keep moving! I can keep fighting!!

Habakkuk jumped back to his feet trying to use the secret arts technique, struggling to even maintain it as blood leaked from his body. Habakkuk's body bulked up in muscle as you can tell he was in pain. Habakkuk's eyes glowed green and his aura did too.

Habakkuk:Secret Arts:Lion'sClaw!!!

Habakkuk launches at Enthra with a powerful fist!! A then a huge pride of lions surrounded Enthra's body again as they all bit into him.

Enthra:This attack again? This time it won't work kid!

Habakkuk:But I've got to try!!

The aura lions grew bigger in size, as they were holding Enthra in the air. Habakkuk charged up another move so powerful, the whole area started to move. As rocks, sticks, and water flowed into the air Habakkuk's will grew even more than before.

Enthra:This power is way too weak to even contain me! What are you even gaining from this?!

Habakkuk's green eyes glowed even brighter in that instant as his aura exploded!! Habakkuk would then bring his arms all the way back as a huge green energy started to erupt from the. Habakkuk would then fire a huge emerald green blast the size of the whole battlefield off into Enthra's direction.


The huge blast would hit Enthra and a huge explosion went off, with the combination of Habakkuk's aura lions and the emerald cannon.

Everyone was blown back by the blast and Habakkuk fell to the ground with no energy left at all. Enthra was in the air blocking the attack.

Enthra:That attack was more powerful than the others… Where did he get this kind of energy from?

Drops of blood would come from Enthra's mouth and arms.

Habakkuk:Even if that wasn't able to defeat you… at least I tried my best to do so.

Enthra would then land on the ground in front of Habakkuk, walking up to him slowly. Habakkuk struggles to stand with a faint smile on his face and his eyes lazy.

Enthra:Your fight is over!

Habakkuk:You and I both knew this was coming, so come on and give me what you got you bastard!

Habakkuk spit blood from his mouth and Enthra appears right in front of Habakkuk. Everyone got up to see what was going on and their faces changed drastically, from hopeful to sorrow.

Enthra:Our fight was one to remember, it was the best fight I've ever had in my life. Gatekeeper your sacrifice means everything to me, you dying for this cause is what truly brings light into this universe. Though you died in battle, you created this opportunity for the whole world and this whole universe to be saved and I thank you for that my arch nemesis…

Enthra held Habakkuk in the air crushing his throat, but he also had a red aura blade stabbed through his heart. A ton of blood leaked out, and it was really bad. Everyone's reaction was in slow motion as they all cried out in pain for the death of Habakkuk.

Laci cried out Habakkuk's name, Nakir and Adron tried so hard to contain themselves from losing their minds. Dana cried out loud. Kayla cried like a baby and all of Habakkuk's friends and allies cried or looked sad as well.

Habakkuk looked at his friends and then had a proud smile on his face. Enthra looked at Habakkuk with a bit of sorrow but he was happy and he knew this outcome was going to happen.

Habakkuk:I've failed you guys… but in the end at least I was able to see you all again at my very last moments… if only my family was here to wish me goodbye. I love each and every last one of you… you're all like family to me and I wouldn't want it any other way.. goodbye my friends.

Habakkuk's face went lifeless and Enthra threw him into a lake, and everything happened in slow motion. Laci screamed, Dana shouted, Nakir cursed the world, and Adron damned it all.

Habakkuk fell deep into the dark water in slow motion but as he did, all he saw was memories of his life side by side to comfort him as he was slowly traveling to the after life. Habakkuk saw him being born, his first words ever being formed, his sisters being born, his father, him spending time with his mother, hanging out with his grandfather, and meeting all of his friends. He even got to see glimpses of his nieces and memories of all his journeys and trials and he even got flashbacks from the four brothers.

Habakkuk:Maybe this wasn't my fight to win, maybe this was only a stepping stone for my friends to overcome… maybe my death was just me losing the battle but my friends winning the war. I leave everything in their hands now… I truly believe in them completely… Mom, I'm sorry for leaving you behind, your only boy lied to you and left only to return and wind up dead. I apologize for everything I ever did in this world that hurted anyone. I'm deeply sorry for any trouble I've caused and hopes better days will come because I am finally coming home… See you soon grandad…

Habakkuk's eyes closed finally and everything went to black, Habakkuk was now finally dead.

An image of a child Habakkuk walking to his grandfather and his dad was shown right before the chapter ended…

Was This Habakkuk's final Journey? Will he truly find happiness in the afterlife? And will his friends live up to Habakkuk's beliefs and finally bring Enthra down once and for all? How will Habakkuk's family react? Find out what happens…