Sethnos Replaced??!

Somewhere in the dark dimension…

Sethnos was in his room, putting on a new outfit… It was a black shirt sleeve battle shirt. And he wore a pair of black pants to go with it. Sethnos would then start to make his way to Kronos Territory.

Sethnos clenched his fist as he thought of the memories he had with Habakkuk…

Sethnos:When I reach The Unsealed Gate… I'll make sure to kill him slowly and painfully…

As Sethnos walked through the hells of demons, they all bowed down to him and greeted him. Women were all over him and some even passed out from getting a glimpse of him. He was loved by the demonic communities. They viewed him as a true prince and looked up to him with great respect.

Sethnos made his way to Kronos's Castle…

The guards would let him in, closing the gates behind him.

Sethnos entered the room where Kronos was located…

Kronos sat in his huge throne….

Kronos:Ahhh Prince Of Devastation… What brings you here?

Sethnos:I was curious about something…

Kronos:And that would be?

Sethnos:The girl… just who is the girl behind the mask? If you don't mind me asking… What is she?

Kronos:Hahahaha! Wouldn't you like to know.


Kronos:Daughter… come on out.

The girl in the mask would step in from out of the shadows wearing a new and improved white mask.

Sethnos took a good look at her.

Kronos:This here is my new daughter… her potential fat exceeds anything I've ever encountered… with the blood of the Gatekeeper and the blood of the goddess race she is indeed the ultimate life form! She can truly serve me and handle any task I throw at her!

Sethnos:What?!... she has a mixture of races?

Kronos:That is correct. Her power will grow exponentially, far more than even yours. Hell maybe she might even take your title and become the princess of devastation.


Sethnos seemingly angered by this remark but kept a level head.

Kronos:That spot is already taken by you… maybe I'd just have to give her a new title all together…

Sethnos:How are you able to mix a goddess and a gatekeeper?! And where did you even find a goddess?

Kronos:Ohh Sethnos… it was all thanks to you and that planet you call earth. By watching that planet I've noticed a divine presence entering it from time to time… it was indeed this girl… and you giving me your brother's blood samples allowed me to create the ultimate being!

Sethnos thinking to himself:Damn him! He just abducted another person… enforcing his own will on them… and he's been watching the earth? What is that supposed to mean? Wait… He's been watching the earth… and he used Gatekeeper dna to inject into her but he didn't choose to use mine.. but instead he uses my brother's… He must've known that my brother has unlocked the Unsealed Gate!! Wait! That means if he knows that and isn't fazed by it then the unsealed gate isn't even a strong enough challenge to beat him… so even if I reached the unsealed Gate.. I have no chance! And if he wants DNA samples from my brother instead of me.. then that must mean he's using this girl to replace me! As much as I hate his guts and want to kill him myself… I still have pride in my title as prince of devastation… I fought thousands of battles earning that title! And how else could I grow my power out and bide time until I gain enough strength to kill him?! Damn that Kronos! This is something he would do!

Sethnos:What about me? I'm the Prince Of Devastation! My power alone can crush millions of demon hordes!

Kronos:Ohh? You haven't noticed how much of a disappointment you've become lately? Really I do pity you… but there's entirely nothing you can do… something you've grown accustomed to within these past few months with all your defeats, isn't that right "Mighty Prince Of Devastation"?

Sethnos angrily clenched his fist angered by Kronos insults, but Sethnos would soon calm down again…

Sethnos would then look at the girl in the mask with a bit of resentment on his face.

Kronos:I see… so that's what this intrusion is about. If you want to pit against her, I will have you two individually fight against your own group of Zuntars and whoever defeats them first will be declared the strongest and will be the one who stays at my right hand..

Sethnos:Challenge accepted!

The girl in the mask cracked her knuckles.

Kronos would open a portal and 6 huge beasts would come out. 3 for Sethnos and 3 for The girl in the mask. These beasts were huge and very dangerous in this realm. A normal Zuntar looks like a huge monster with gigantic bull horns the size of an average fully adult man on each side. The beast also could either walk on four legs or even just two. When it's in four legs it's at around 5 feet and when it is on two, it's at 8 feet. The beast is huge and muscular… it has long sharp claws on its feet and hands. And it's skin is thick and gray, with red eyes and really sharp fangs. The second Zuntar which is called the Berserk Zuntar is darker in color and a bit bigger. On 4 legs it stands at 6 feet and is 9 feet tall on just 2 legs… and The last one is called the king Zuntar… it is way more bigger and monstrous than the first 2 and it is also darker. When it's on 4 legs it's 7'5 and when it's on 2 it's nearly 11 feet tall. They all have weird abilities as well but these beasts are among one of the most dangerous classes of demons in this realm…

Kronos:Now get ready for this battle… and Sethnos due try to keep up.

Sethnos gritted his teeth as he walked up to the beasts. His dark purple aura slowly poured around his body.

Sethnos:I'll make this quick!

The girl in the mask instantly went dashing at the beast she had to face without saying any words or getting in any battle stance. She automatically attacked and she was ruthless!

Sethnos got into a fighting stance and fought strategically. Meanwhile the Masked Girl charged in at the Zuntars with a berserk like fighting style. She would instantly go for the smaller one, punching it across the face, cracking it's skull and she would then knee it in the gut heavily and blast it away.

Sethnos:She's feisty!

The three beast charged at Sethnos as he got into a dark arts fighting stance. The smaller Zuntar ran at him first. Sethnos dodged it and jumped into the air, then the medium sized one would try to slice Sethnos into pieces. Sethnos blocked with a purple force field. Then the bigger one would try to crush Sethnos. Sethnos would then fire multiple energy blasts into their direction and he jumped out of the way.

The mask girl would then make her way to the second Zuntar and she would fly right through its stomach, and then she would rip it in half!

She was in her second state of berserk form having fun.

Sethnos was busy dodging and trying not to get hit by the Zuntars attacking him. He was on the defensive.

Kronos:Having Trouble Prince Of Devastation? You seem more like the prince of depression if you ask me… why won't you just transform into the berserk forms?

Sethnos dodged the small and medium Zuntars, while he got hit in the gut by the bigger sending him flying into a wall.

Sethnos:I won't use those forms! Never again will I resort to something so primal! They're more of a liability than an advantage and I will never again resort to them! I'll fight them with the strength I have normally!


Kronos nonchalantly placed his hand on the side of his face and smirked.

Sethnos charged at them, turning into his suppressed berserk form state 1 and nothing higher than that. Sethnos instantly appeared in front of the smaller Zuntar and kicked it across the face and then he would uppercut it into the air and appeared behind it, breaking its neck.

Sethnos would then dodged the medium Zuntars claw swipe and as he did he'd combined the dark arts with his suppression state. And he would instantly punch the Zuntar in the gut, causing blood to pour out of it from the other side. Sethnos would then quickly kick it swiftly across the throat and he would then blast it away.

Sethnos:Tch learn your place scum!

The masked girl went charging at the last Zuntar she had to face and she would punch it in the throat, elbow it in the face, and axe kicked it in the head. It tried to fight her back but she was way too strong. She easily evaded its attacks and landed a heavy hammerfist into it's head. She would then blast it away with a pink mouth blast like nothing.

Sethnos:She's ruthless… sloppy and reckless.. but fierce!

The last Zuntar headed towards Sethnos at full speeds. Sethnos would hold his hand up in the air, and a purple energy went around the Zuntar. The Zuntar was being lifted into the air and Sethnos would squeeze his hand and the pall energy would explode, crushing the Zuntar along with it.

Sethnos:I'm The Prince Of Devastation!

Kronos smiled.

Kronos:Ahh yes you indeed are the prince of Devastation… but can you handle what you're about to go up against next?

Sethnos:Of course! This is child's play!

Kronos:Ahh yes… Child's play.

The ground started to shake and rocks began to crumble. A dark presence can be sensed all throughout that area. It was sinister and way bigger than before. All of the Zuntars bodies flew into each other and a huge dark ball wrapped in dark demonic aura was being formed.

Sethnos:This feels like it's going to be a pain in the ass…

The masked girl was also intrigued by this as well.

Kronos looked on with a smirk on his face.

Electricity sparked everywhere and this energy was enormous. The huge rocks and boulders started floating in the air, lakes and any nearby water or ponds of blood began to have huge waves. This energy was pure evil.

Sethnos begins to sweat a little…

Kronos:Oh Prince Of Devastation? Is that fear I'm sensing?

Sethnos:Hell no! Don't be absurd! I'll take care of this at once!


A huge dark purple explosion went off shaking the whole area and as the dust cleared a huge monstrous beast was left causing havoc. It was even bigger than the larger Zuntars. It was 3 times the size. This beast was roaring and shaking the whole area around it. It had huge horns, 4 pairs of glowing red eyes, and a long tail. As it roared it caused everything to shake and be disrupted.

Sethnos:This energy! It's.. impossible! It's even stronger than my brother was even in the unsealed gate form four months ago!! There's no way in hell anything could be that strong! Damn it… I knew it was going to be troublesome!

(Side note:It's stronger than Habakkuk's unsealed gate from four months ago. Habakkuk is obviously more than twice as strong than he was back then so he is still way above this creature and his previous self from four months ago.)

The masked girl dashed in at it without a second thought! The monster lunged at her with a power punch. She would dodge the punch but she had extreme difficulty this time! The monster would then smack her to the ground with its other hand.

Sethnos would try to blast it away with several energy attacks. The monster easily took them on like they were nothing and created mini versions of itself the size of a normal average man but it was still strong enough to do battle.

The mini Zuntars went charging at Sethnos and the masked girl. Sethnos got into his dark arts fighting stance and instantly made two aura blades appear out of his hands.

Sethnos:Little bastards learn your place!!!

Sethnos instantly appeared in front of some of the mini zuntars. Clashing all over the area, a battle was taking place. Sethnos was easily keeping up with the mini Zuntars dodging and evading their attacks just for him to hit them with stronger ones and slice them up.

Sethnos:They just keep coming! Annoying little pests beone!!

Sethnos erupted in power and instantly blew them away with a huge purple energy wave.

Sethnos:Those fools think they can take on the likes of me?

Sethnos started to increase his power even more!

Sethnos:I don't want you sideshows!! I want to fight the main Zuntar!!!

Sethnos leaped past the mini Zuntars and charged at the huge one.

The Super Zuntar would notice Sethnos as it's attention shifted his way!

Sethnos:Yeah that's right look over here you gigantic son of a bitch! I'm right here monster!!!

Sethnos instantly dashed at it and appeared right in its face hitting it with a devastating kick to the jaw!

Sethnos:It's going to take a lot more than that to bring this bastard down!!

Sethnos charged up his energy even more and he would create a huge purple aura scythe out of both his hands and he would then charge up a really heavy attack while flying in mid air.

Sethnos:Now this should do some damage to a worthless beast like you!!

The whole area was shaking and rocks and boulders were flying all over the place.

Kronos was amused by all of this as he sat there just watching.

The masked girl was on the ground watching this power manifest from Sethnos, and she was kind of amazed just a little.


Sethnos would fire barrages of purple aura blades from his Scythe attack, hitting the beast multiple times, causing a huge explosion and smoke to cover the area.

Sethnos sat there with a smirk on his face feeling triumphant.

Sethnos would look to Kronos with confidence on his face and Kronos only disappointedly pointed at the cloud of smoke and as it cleared the monster was still there.

Sethnos:What the?!!

The monster was unfazed by it and blasts Sethnos away with a mouth blast and would then punch him to the ground, causing a huge crater. Then the beast would fire out aura spikes from its horns, raining down on Sethnos. The beast would then make thousands of mini Zuntars and have them fire multiple energy attacks down on the ground all over the place, just rampaging.

The masked girl would then go into the 3rd and then 4th state of berserk and uppercut the Zuntar, causing it to stumble back. She would then punch it in the gut multiple times before using her huge pink aura whips to hit it rapidly. The monster was being damaged by these attacks and the Masked girl was not letting up. She would then appear above it and kick it in the head and proceed to fire off a dozen pink energy balls onto the monster.

The beast was eerily annoyed by this and got ready to fire a huge energy blast at her.

From underneath the rubble emerged a violent warrior, angered by this whole battle, the Prince Of Devastation Once Again Has Risen!

Sethnos was bloody and injured but he was not defeated. He gritted his teeth, got into a pose where he stretched his legs out, he would then stretch his arms out into a pose as if he was shaping it up to be a snake. His eyes glowing purple, his short fangs growing in size, his hair spiking up more, his muscles bulging, and veins popping from his head.

Then the ground really started to shake way more than it was ever doing before, it was beginning to ravage this whole entire place, electricity, fires, avalanches of rubble, chaos and true devastation was happening.

Sethnos aura exploded as his expression of anger changed into calm and focus. His muscles decreased in size, his fangs went back to being smaller, hair less spiky and he was making his aura even larger absorbing all of the power he was creating earlier.

To explain what happened… Sethnos transformed into his fourth state of berserk form only for an instant because he vowed to never use those forms again, but he absorbed all of the berserk form's power into one blast, causing him to go back into his normal form but firing off a blasts over 40 times his normal strength.

As everything shook, Kronos was taking notice of Sethnos amazing talent. The Mask girl and the giant Zuntar stopped their battle and took notice of Sethnos power. The mini Zuntars also stopped their onslaught as well.

Sethnos's aura also decreased until it fully went away into Sethnos hands, he was using everything he had.

Sethnos smirked.

Sethnos:You think the Prince Of Devastion will lose to a lousy brainless beast like you?! And you! Mask warrior! You think you can outshine me and take my spot?!! Well you're both in for a rude awakening because this blast will send you all right to hell!!!

Sethnos aura out of his hands instantly exploded as lightning struck all of the mini Zuntars killing them all off.

Sethnos:Choke on this!! Violet Piercer!!!!

A huge violet purple blast shaped like a huge spear fired out of Sethnos hands right towards the beast and the masked girl. The masked girl had a shocked expression on her face as well as Kronos.

Kronos:Maybe he can keep his title…

The two would get hit by the huge blast, causing a gigantic explosion, destroying almost everything.

Sethnos would then stand there in his normal form panting and tired.

When that blast hits it's basically quadrillions of aura needles stabbing into your body destroying every cell inside the body completely if it's strong enough, that's why it's called the Violet Piercer.

Kronos was truly impressed and never thought Sethnos could dig this much power out of his body the way he just did.

Sethnos fell to the ground and caught his breath.

Kronos:Truly outstanding Prince Of Devastation… even though you dared to strike one of your own, I cannot ignore the power and ruthlessness you just displayed. But still if you think that was enough to take out my daughter, then you're sadly mistaken!


A huge burst of pink aura emerged from the ground as the masked girl stood there with half of her mask torn revealing her violent pink eyes and long sharp fangs. The huge Zuntar also got back up the ground kind of injured but still able to do battle, it would roar shaking everything aiming its attention on Sethnos but suddenly The Masked girl ripped off her masked as she exploded in power, her muscles growing in size and her skin turning into a pale grey with horns on her forehead, her hair turned orange and spiky as well, her claws were long and she had a tail, she was in the 5th state of Berserk!! She was a buff beast but since she's a female it was slimmer than the male Berserks.

Kronos smiled with full confidence in her abilities…

Sethnos looked in awe, but at the same time he was angry and nervous.

Sethnos:Damn that girl! I wanted to kill her so badly but what is this damn power she's wielding?!! She's reached the damn 5th state! And she doesn't seem to be going crazy…

The girl would then attack the Zuntar with a heavy punch to the face, the beast went flying but she didn't stop there, she kept going! Beating into its face rapidly, blood splattering everywhere. She would then kick the beast in the chin sending it high up into the air and then she would make her aura erupt as she created two huge aura blades in her hands almost the size of the Zuntar and then sliced it in half completely. The beast split apart and fell to the floor.

Sethnos's eyes widened.

Kronos applauded

Kronos:Good… that's my girl!

Sethnos:Impossible… she easily dispatched it!

The girl would then look towards Kronos and then Sethnos.

Kronos:It looks like she's going to take your spot after all Prince Of Devastation.

Sethnos:Why… you!!!

Sethnos aura exploded!

Kronos:Look Daughter, he's itching for a fight with you.

Sethnos dashed at the girl with extreme force, the girl would dodge him and uppercutted him in the gut and kicked him in the rib, sending him flying back towards Kronos. Kronos only moved out of the way and let Sethnos keep flying back.


Sethnos instantly caught himself in the air and charged at her fiercely. The girl also dashed at him as well. Sethnos tried to kick her across the face but she quickly grabbed his leg and slammed him to the ground. Sethnos would blast her in the face but she would then headbutt the blast, hitting him as well. She would then throw him into the air and then kick him in the gut. She would also grab him by the back of the head and slam his face into the ground. Sethnos would then make his aura explode even more and violently force her off of him. He would create that scythe again, he would then try to slash her with it, only missing her by a hair as she dodged, he would then kick her in the gut and smack her across the face with the scythe but it did little to no damage.


The girl smirked at him.

Sethnos then charged at her with a fury of punches and kicks, using the dark arts techniques and fighting styles, nothing was working on her. Sethnos then quickly jumped back.

Sethnos:If that doesn't work… then this has to! I'll put even more power in it then before!!

Sethnos eyes glowed violet blue as he got into the same stance he did earlier, this time his aura was more fierce and bigger. The whole area started shaking again as rocks and boulders started floating in the air, mountains were starting to break apart, and storms were being made. Sethnos muscles bulged as he grew in size, huge fangs, claws, spiky hair, his skin turned grey like armor, Sethnos was huge, he was around the size of 9 feet and he truly looked like a monster. Sethnos was now in the 5th state of berserk but before he lost control and went on a rampage he would charge all of his energy into the blast in his hands, he was now absorbing all of the berserks power into one attack, this energy was even bigger than it was last time, as Sethnos went back into his normal form, the huge blast in his hands tripled in size.

Kronos:This may be something…

The girl stood there amazed by his power, she froze there in absolute shock. But she would make an aura appear around her as he was preparing herself for his attack. She was starting to maximize her power as her muscles bulged and she had a serious look on her face.

Kronos had the look of pure interest now, maybe he underestimated the boy.

Sethnos had veins all on his body but they soon went away as he calmly focused and aimed at the girl.

Sethnos:This time… I'll truly show you who's the greatest Gatekeeper alive you off brand test subject!! Get ready you pathetic excuse for a Gatekeeper because you're going to be nothing but ashes after this!! Go To HELL!!!

Sethnos pupils would then turn small as his face got extremely focused, he would then fire the huge attack.



She would try to fight to the blast back with her own aura, but she was being pushed back; this was everything Sethnos had in him. She was actually losing ground, but she wasn't giving up not at all. She would then charge all of her aura into her right hand and she would then punch the blast so hard, it caused a huge explosion sending them both flying back and destroying everything around them. Kronos stood there unfazed but sort of amazed.

As the dust would clear, there was nothing but rubble and destruction.

The girl would pick herself up from the rubble and then walk towards Sethnos direction who also got out of the rubble but extremely tired. She would then grab him by his throat and slammed him into the ground, and then walked away.

Girl:Y-you are...dangerous, but you can't kill me.

Sethnos laid there in defeat and Kronos would then walk her back to the castle and further taught her things.

Sethnos:That girl… she's something else…

Kronos would later sit in his throne and discuss Sethnos.

Kronos:I am fully confident in replacing him now, he's of no use to me anymore. He can't even transform into the unsealed gate… but she has the potential to do so. I want you to give Sethnos the order to go to section 9 of the dimension and bring me back 10 Glutnine hearts… of course it's a suicide mission, but that's the point. Now get it done.

The demon would bow to Kronos and disappear.

Kronos:Goodbye my dear son, Prince Of Devastation Sethnos.

Narrator Habakkuk:Seth and The masked girl had a fierce competition, but Seth just couldn't keep up. She easily defeated him and might even take his spot now. Oh boy she's very strong, I can't wait to fight her again! Seth seems to be going through something internal, I wonder what he's thinking… Will he be replaced? What will come of this next phase in Kronos project? What will Seth do? All Questions will be answered soon!