Team Prophecy Vs Trio Of Crushers!

Mrs Thayer and the others got food and sat in the stadium next to Monk and Zote.

Monk:This is where the battle will take place, it will only be 3 fights.

Zote:The team who wins will win 500 units and be ranked up on the hero charts, making them even closer to being in the big leagues.

Mrs Thayer: I am confident in my team's abilities.

Monk:Oh I'm sure you are but, after hearing about someone defeating Enthra, the trio trained to that at most limits surpassing them just for this battle.

Miss Timmons:Talk about the motivation huh?

Matt:No kidding.

In The Locker Room.

Piter:So are you guys stoked or what?! Whoever wins gets to have 500 units!!

The trinity would turn to look at Piter.

Nakir:500 units?? How much is that?

Piter:1 unit alone is worth a trillion centnoids , well in your world they'll be known as dollars… so think about 500 of them!!

Habakkuk spits out his green juice and Adron gasps.

Prophecy Trinity:500 TRILLION DOLLARS??!!!!

Habakkuk:Think about a trillion units… that's just insane!!

Nakir cracked his knuckles

Nakir:Now we gotta win!!

Adron:Oh yeah now I'm pumped!

Zolah:Well that's if you win, which won't be happening.

Nakir:Oh yeah?! We'll see about that! I'll be the one who gets to kick your smug ass and win this thing!

Zolah:Oh please, your team is all talk, I'll take you on and easily crush you or whoever challenges me.

Nakir:We'll see about that!

Trinis:Save it for the ring. And Piter what you forgot to mention was, whoever wins also gets a team rank up in the hero charts. Ranking up is crucial to becoming a hero, the more you rank up the better missions your team will have, more access to things you've never saw before, better gear, and you'll be getting closer to being in the big leagues and becoming high class heroes and teaming up with other Veteran heroes in important missions.

Habakkuk:Woahhhhh really? That's cool! Alright guys we gotta win this! My goal is to become the strongest hero to have ever lived!

Trinis:Heh, first you gotta beat me. But I highly doubt you're capable of that…

Habakkuk:I'll show you!

Adron:So how will these matches work?

Piter:You have to choose your opponent, or more like you have to feel a strong connection to your opponent which draws you into battle, it's kind of hard to explain but look at your leader Habakkuk for example, he and Trinis already seem like they've chosen one another.

Adron:Makes sense, alright well if that's the case I choose you.

Piter:Yeah I was just gonna say the same thing, friend.

Adron:The name's Adron.

Piter:And I'm Piter.

They both shook hands

Adron:May the best man win.

Piter:I wish you good luck.

Nakir:So I guess that just leaves us two.

Zolah:Yeah… and I'm definitely going to kick your ass.

Nakir:I'll like to see you try, billy badass!

Zolah:I won't even need to try for the likes of you.

Nakir:You cocky piece of shit! I'll whoop your ass right here!

Habakkuk and Trinis:Shut up and save it for the ring!!

Zolah:My bad Trinis… I got carried away.

Nakir:I'm not apologizing, and just because you're captain doesn't mean I'm gonna take you seriously when you yell at me. One of these days I'm gonna show your ass up!

Habakkuk:Yeah yeah, whatever.


Trinis went to tell the higher ups who were battling each other and everyone was ready.

Laci:You got this guys, I believe in you.

Matt:500 units??!! Mannn with all that money my tech is going to be on a whole other level especially with my new project I got coming up!!

Laci:You have something new?

Matt:Yeah, but I can't let you guys know about this, you guys are gonna have to see it once it's finished and trust me you'll all be amazed.

Laci:I look forward to seeing it.

Matt:Oh trust me you will, you'll see that science can sit with all of your crazy special powers. I mean yeah I have powers too without my technology but you guys are all literally unique, you are a damn guardian angel, Dana was one too, Adron and Nakir has these entities inside of their bodies that gives them unworldly power and me I'm just a basic super powered individual, sure I get stronger but not at the rate of all you guys. And Hell Habakkuk is a damn warrior alien now for god sake! So I'm going to go a different route than you guys. Of course I'll improve my basic skills, strength, speed, and abilities with tech but I'm also going to enhance my tech so much that I'll surpass every single last one of you. Just watch!

Laci:Alright, let's see if you can actually accomplish this.

Matt:No more will my tech be broken in battle, I will be one of the main heavy hitters of the group just you see!

Miss Timmons:He's all fired up.

Mrs Thayer:After the battle with Enthra, he's been feeling left in the dust so he asked me for Ateirian technology and he's been working hard in secret ever since. But I wonder… what is he hiding in that lab of his…

Zote:Alright the matches are about to start, let's see who's kids are truly the champions of this galaxy!

Monk smiled and shouted to his team as the announcers called them out to the stadium. The large crowd started cheering everyone on.

Monk:Show them what you got Crushers!!!

Zolah smirked, Piter gave a thumbs up, and Trinis would nod his head.

Mrs Thayer:Team Prophecy Show them the fruits of your training!!!

Adron smiled, Nakir cracked his knuckles and Habakkuk gave Mrs Thayer a thumbs up and a wink, confident in their victory.

The announcer discussed the reward for the winning team and got the crowd very excited and was now ready to call on the first fighters.

Announcer:Can I have Piter and Adron step into the ring!

Matt:Looks like he's up first!

Miss Timmons:You got this Adron!!!

Adron and Piter hopped into the ring.

Announcer:Alright let's discuss rules. There will be no killing, no cheating tactics of any kind, meaning poisonous items unless it's an ability you have, the matches will be decided by ring outs, or knock outs. Any questions?

Piter and Adron didn't say anything.

Announcer:Good… begin!!!

A bell went off and the crowd started to cheer.

Adron and Piter shook hands again.

Piter:May the best man win.


They both assumed a fighting stance and were ready to battle.

Piter:Let's have ourselves a good bout!

Adron:Yeah, let's do this!

The two disappeared and appeared in the air clashing against each other's fist.

Piter:You're pretty fast!

Adron:I can say the same thing about you!

Piter:But can you dodge this?!


Piter fired a black oily bubble at Adron from out of his mouth, Adron quickly used his super speed to dodge out of the way, and the bubble would hit the ground causing oil to be on the ring.

Piter:Oh yeah! This is going to be exciting!

Adron:Hell yeah!

The two would then disappear again and again and again, appearing in different areas throughout the ring battling it out, seemingly even. They were dodging and countering each other's attacks, Piter would throw an axe kick and Adron caught it with his hands and he would throw a whirlwind kick but Piter quickly dashed out the way, seeming like he teleported but it was just super speed.

Adron tried to find Piter but he couldn't see him, Adron would finally look up to see that Piter was flying in the air above him.

Adron:He can fly??! Aww crap!

Piter charged up some energy around him and it seemed like it was some sort of liquid, it was like a water aura but it started to turn black around him.

Piter:Take this Adron!

Piter fired many small droplets of oil balls out of his mouth around the ring! Adron dodged out of the way, moving at his super speed.

Adron:What the hell is he doing?! What is this technique?

Adron was finally able to dodge them all. And he stood still waiting for Piter's next attack.

Matt:No… he's not safe… something is wrong.. my scanner is detecting that it isn't over yet! Adron gets out of the way?!


Piter:Ring Of Oil!!!

The small droplets of oil would turn into big oil spikes around the ring trapping Adron in the middle.

Adron:Ahhh crap!

The spoilers also attacked Adron as well, knocking him around the ring a bit. He tried to use his speed to dodge but after one hit him, another one would as well.

Adron:Damn it! I can barely move with all of this oil coming at me at once! I have no choice!

Adron would have red electricity come around his body and he started to run around in circles creating a huge tornado, completely destroying the oil spikes but as he left out of the tornado he landed on the ring where the first oil bubble splattered on.


The oil would grab into his leg sticking him there like glue. And the leftover oil from the oil spikes would attach itself onto his leg causing him to really be stuck now.

Piter:Here's my chance!!

Piter goes flying at Adron with a red aura fist!

Habakkuk:What I'm sensing right now is crazy! If this punch hits Adron, he'll be severely wounded! Get out of there Adron!!!

Adron tried to use all his speed to get out of that trap but it seemed like it wasn't working. Piter was moving in at insane speeds.

Adron:Damn it!!!

Piter would come crashing down into Adron with his aura fist! But the damage wasn't bad at all… in fact it only barely hit him. Adron was fast enough to dodge out of the way in time to not get hit by the full effect!

Piter:I knew you would be able to dodge that.

Adron:Man, that was some faith, because I almost thought I couldn't even do it.

Piter:Nah man you're the real deal!

Adron:Thanks bro!


Zolah:Piter wrap this up! I want to enjoy my fight now!


Nakir:He's rushing to get his ass kicked… hmph!

Piter would make several oil clones of himself to attack Adron, while he flew into the air and started to power up with his red aura flowing around his body.

Adron was battling it out with the oil clones and Piter would fire multiple red barrage blasts down towards the outer parts of the ring so Adron couldn't escape and he would be forced to stay in the center of the ring to battle the clones.

Piter would then fire more oil bubbles but this time, tinier particles no one could see but he fired millions of them. As more came down the oil clones were growing in size around Adron cornering him, and as he tried to escape he almost got hit by one of those red blasts and he would then get trapped by the oil clones.


The clones would form into a huge cube made out of oil, trapping Adron inside.

Adron:Damn, he got me again… this guy is good. I have to think, what would be the best way for me to get out of this situation? Hmmm…


Matt:This guy's tricks were too much for Adron???

Piter would then launch the huge cube into the air firing it towards the ground out of the ring for a ring out.


The huge cube would hit the ground, causing a mini explosion of oil.

Zolah would go on to smile.

Trinis stayed quiet.

The whole team prophecy was in disbelief and Piter was surprisingly shocked.

Adron was gone.

Piter:No this can't be!!

Piter would turn to the right of him just to get a solid right hook to the face, sending him flying in the air!

Zolah:What?!!! But how?!

Team Prophecy:It's Adron!!

Adron's hair was spiked up and red, with his red electricity aura around him, and his red electric eyes. Adron was in the crimson shock form again!

He would then start blitzing Piter, seeming like he was running around in circles but he was punching Piter at super speeds, knocking him all around the air. Adron was running on air!

Piter couldn't keep up with Adron's new speed and his strength was way too much for him!

Adron would then run on different sides of the air causing him to move so fast that no one could see him and then he instantly would hit Piter with an uppercut sending him flying into the air and then Adron would appear over him with an Axe kick, sending him crashing to the ground out of the ring causing a huge crater.

Habakkuk:He did it!

Nakir:Alright! Let's go Adron!

Trinis:Damn it he lost… it was a good battle indeed, that Adron kid is pretty fast.

Zolah:No Piter, how could you have lost?!

Zolah ran over to Piter, but Adron went back into his normal form and helped Piter up.

Adron:That was a good match.

Piter:A very good one, thank you for fighting me, now I have a new barrier to overcome, and next time I'll be ready!

Adron:Hehe alright I'll be waiting!

The two would shake hands and go to the bleachers.

Monk:You did well Piter, I'm proud of you.

Piter:Thank you Monk.

Zote:As expected from one of the members of team Prophecy… but this was indeed a great experience for you, now you know what you'll have to surpass in the future.


Mrs Thayer:You did a great job Adron, that seemed like a close call but that speed of yours is amazing!

Miss Timmons:Yeah I'm impressed, you definitely are a lot stronger than you were before.

Adron:Thanks guys!

Zolah:I'll avenge him and I'll beat his stupid friend!

Nakir:Hey who are you calling stupid?!

Zolah:You! Stupid!

Nakir:Why Youuu?!'

Announcer:Next Fighters! Nakir and Zolah Enter the ring!

Zolah smirked:Looks like our time to shine.

Nakir:Bakka… I'm going to kick this guy's ass.

Habakkuk:Alright bro, you got this!

Laci:You got this Nakir! I believe in you!

Nakir smiled as he entered the ring.

Zolah:That's your girlfriend?

Nakir:Yeah what about her?

Zolah:She's very beautiful, it'll be a shame if I embarrassed you right in front of her. Don't wanna see her boyfriend beaten into a pulp?

Nakir:No… she's going to watch her boyfriend beat a mentally challenged idiot.

Zolah:Oh we'll see.

The two would get into their fighting stance with Zolah having a dark blue aura around him and Nakir having a light blue aura around him.


Narrator Habakkuk:Looks like Adron was able to win his fight. It was a tricky fight and not gonna lie that oil stuff was pretty cool, but with Adron's speed ultimate he was the victor. Now Nakir is going up against Zolah, looks like this battle is going to be a tough one. I have faith in you Nakir, you got this!