Chapter 13 Part 5

Chapter 13: Revelations


Part 5



Rogue Trader Vessel Lucre Foedis

The Warp en route to Kronus

She took a pill of stimulants, downed a glass of water, and polished it with a fast walk to the bridge. Those three factors ensured that when Amberley arrived, she almost felt refreshed enough to be of use. The bridge was much calmer than she was, and the Inquisitor soon understood why.

The main hololith displayed a crisp image of the system. Kronus was in the lower right. The other stellar bodies hung around in the darkness, intercepted by ghostly lines showing their orbits. Seven pulsing red symbols hung in the upper corner of the hologram. A ring of early warning satellites deployed by the navy some time ago detected their approach.

"We can identify four of the new arrivals thanks to the database you provided us with, my Lady." Orelius didn't bother with a greeting. "Two Dirge Class Raiders and two Jackals. They're light escort equivalents that can fend off cruisers. The other three are unknown configuration."

"Auspex extrapolation leads us to believe the two larger vessels are built in the same general crescent configuration." A Tech-priest elaborated. They were nearly fused to the auspex station, something Amberley could never get used to. "The last vessel is much larger, an equivalent to one of our Battleships or Battle-cruisers."

Orelius glanced at the Inquisitor.

"We have to assume the larger classes possess the same combat capability the escorts demonstrated according to the data you provided. That task force likely possesses the offensive and defensive capabilities to secure the system against everything we have locally and the closest reinforcements we're aware of."

Those were a cruiser squadron, with its lighter escorts protecting the bulk of the relief force heading for Kronus. Best case, they were at least a day from reaching the system. Even if they were here, augmenting the ships already present, Amberley doubted they would be able to stop the Necrons.

"Inquisitor, my recommendation is to either turn away and run, or make the best speed to Kronus, evacuate anything you deem of value, and then execute a tactical retreat." The Captain advised.

"How long until they reach Kronus?" Amberley asked while thinking about a way of this mess. Was this system cursed?!

"They're under low acceleration, and will arrive a few hours after us." Orelius gave her a patient look. "Everything you've revealed about their capabilities tells us that they should be able of much higher sustained acceleration. If we go to Kronus, we might be unable to get away."

No one mentioned that with the state their Navigators were, a safe jump anytime soon was out of the question.

"Go for the planet, best possible speed." Vail decided, hoping she wasn't condemning them all to death. "We still need to figure out what in the Emperor's name is happening down there."

"By your command. Helm, flank speed. Comms, advice the Naval forces in orbit of Kronus that we'll be making an emergency burn-in attempt to reach them before the Xenos."

"Aye, Captain…" The Tech-priest froze and began to quickly chant in Binary. "We're receiving a transmission. Can't locate the origin point." The cyborg froze for even longer and Amberley discretely put a hand on her weapon. "They're requesting to speak with whoever is in charge, while Inquisitor Veil is indisposed."

Amberley opened her mouth, then closed it with an audible click that sounded deafeningly loud on the suddenly silent bridge. Even after going over all available records and seeing the camera feeds captured during those events, she didn't see something like this coming. She was still half-convinced that she was being ensnared into a fiendish plot. Anything else would be too good and too insane to be the truth, all evidence to the contrary notwithstanding.

"Shall we respond?" The Tech-priest eventually broke the oppressive silence.

Amberley took a few moments to compose herself and bring her Inquisitor persona to the front of her mind. She schooled her face into a blank mask, straightened up, and nodded.

"Answer and send the following. This is Inquisitor Amberley Vail, Ordo Xenos. I am in charge. I am willing to talk."



Necron Battle-cruiser "Reaper"

en route to Kronus

The more they learned of the state of the galaxy, the less Amarkun liked it. A particular high light was a short conversation he had with the planetary Lord. The fellow had suffered much. He had lost portions of his memories during the Long Sleep, a fate that might have been theirs as well.

While there was nothing in the databases at the Nemesor's disposal to identify his local counterpart for sure, there were traces in the transmissions from the planet, artifacts and security measures in the code, which pointed at this place being sworn to the Silent King's own Dynasty. Possibly one of the many distant research outposts studying whatever took the Supreme Overlord's fancy at any given time.

The lack of memories and directives might have been no mere incident or oversight. Instead, it could be a security measure in case of awakening without explicit summons from the Silent King himself. Or it could be entropy, wear, and tear, caused by the countless years that separated this era from their own.

More importantly, the locals appeared to be sane. At least by the dubious standards of the times. At least the Necrons. They were even willing to exchange technology and resources for aid. That did point at the place being a research outpost and the lost memory actual damage instead of design.

"We will discuss restitution, later." Amarkun had decided to appear benevolent. He would still hold the orbitals if he needed to be less, how to put it, nice, in the future. "What can you tell me about the humans and other aliens you've made contact with?"

The answer had been enlightening and startling in equal measure.

The primitives were insane, there was no other logical explanation. It was just that, there was a great deal of them, and some were insane in a potentially useful fashion. Amarkun found it darkly amusing that in their disposition, many human unwittingly emulated his own people when they still had flesh and blood instead of necrodermis.

It was an attitude that would earn them the fury of many a Necron Overlord and Lady. Amarkun chose to consider it amusement and carry on with his plans. The more he knew, the more his strategic predictions firmed up.

They didn't paint a pretty picture. Certainly not one his late wife would have enjoyed.

He paused at that odd stray thought, wondering why it occurred to him, before refocusing on the subject at hand.

"Most humans are extremely xenophobic. Conclusion: after observing the local variety: the reason is a combination of extensive propaganda, indoctrination, and the presence of multiple hostile alien races assaulting the human realm. Proof: a large number of Humans on Kronus aligned with alien species classified Tau. Secondary proof: Inquisitor Delkatar Veil willing to work with us. Tertiary proof: Inquisitor Delkatar Veil willing to work with Aeldari sub-faction based on Craftworld Ulthwe shortly after engaging in combat with Aeldari sub-faction from Craftworld Biel-Tan. Conclusion: Higher placed elements within the Human hierarchy might be more open to the ideas of negotiations, and working towards mutually beneficial goals. Counter-argument: any such deals might be subject to change depending on internal political pressures and blind fanaticism. We need additional data to reach a better conclusion."

After examining all available data, Amarkun and Zaa decided that their best option to open negotiations would be to contact the Humans. It would be best o seek more members of the faction Inquisitor Veil belonged to. If they shared similar goals and world view, the Necrons might be able to deal with them in a less wasteful manner.

"I am Inquisitor Amberley Vail, Ordo Xenos. I am willing to talk."

The Nemesor looked at a human female in a body-hugging black suit. She had a mop of yellow fur on her head, which had to be very uncomfortable. Aliens.

"I am Amarkun the Gatherer, Necron Lord of Phyrrhia, Nemesor of the Nepheru Dynasty." He proclaimed proudly, using the Necron name for the planet he ruled over. There was no need to give the Humans any more information than needed, especially at this stage.

The primitive stared at him, basking in his dubious magnificence. It was like she was seeing a Necron able to speak for the first time.

"Are you malfunctioning, Inquisitor Amberley Vail?" Amarkun inquired. It wouldn't do for the human to break down at such an inappropriate time!

"I am undamaged, Nemesor Amarkun. Is that the right mode of address?" The female shook herself and quickly answered.

"Most definitely not!" Zaa shot at him through the network in mock offense. "She should be groveling at your magnificence!"

All things considered, there were many benefits to necrodermis bodies. Like the impossibility to display unfitting facial expressions during negotiations, when someone like Zaa of Tomorrow provided his inimitable brand of commentary.

"It is, Inquisitor Vail." Amarkun graciously offered. "Are you ready to negotiate?"

If the data gathered by the locals was correct, the Human appeared surprised, if not stunned by his words.

"Yes, Nemesor Amarkun. We would definitely like to negotiate." The Human confirmed.

That was a good start, right? Amarkun wondered and asked his old friend for advice.

"That's one way to put it." Zaa agreed.

Something told the Nemesor that the Cryptek might have been a tad sarcastic in his response. It was the long suffered experience. He was sure of it.

"First, the current relationship. Does the military alliance negotiated by Inquisitor Delkatar Veil still stands?" That had to be a good starting point, surely?

"It has worked so far. Despite how unlikely it was." Zaa voiced his agreement.

"To the best of my knowledge, there have been no altercations between Imperial and Necron forces since Inquisitor Veil was incapacitated." The Human Female carefully responded.

Was she trying to evade responsibility, or perhaps she had less control over the situation than she wanted them to believe?

"I see. In that case, we will consider it a gesture of good faith, if Inquisitor Veil could join us in the negotiations as soon as he is able. He has been one Human who has proven we can trust his word. I would like to hear his input on any terms we might agree upon."

Making use of a known factor was better than blindly dealing with one unknown. That would remain true during negotiations with aliens as well, wouldn't it?

"Your insight is astounding, Nemesor." Zaa sent at him.

Did he let his thoughts leak into the network? That was sloppy security! Amarkun ran a diagnostic program and returned his primary focus to the Human.

"I will see what we can do about this request. I won't be able to tell for sure until I reach Kronus and meet Inquisitor Veil in person."

"Understandable." The Humans were still a primitive species with all kinds of limitations the Necrons could easily ignore at a whim. That was something to pity them over, he guessed.