Chapter 15 Part 1

Chapter 15: Our enemies bring us together


Part 1


Victory Bay


The Propaganda Department Lieutenant was young, eager, and likely as crazy as the Lord Inquisitor. In Veil's case, it was understandable – he had been to hell and back over the past couple of weeks. They faced a great Daemon together and killed the damned thing. Mum would be proud!

Now, the Inquisitor received the Emperor's blessing, in a more direct fashion than usual, and Charles was determined to ensure his friend and mentor would get all the help and support he needed. He was doing precisely that, ensuring the safety and well-being of the child who was instrumental in destroying that Warp-spawned monster. Even thinking about it sent a tingle of phantom pain in his missing arm.

"You want to do what, Lieutenant? And who exactly signed off on your orders?" Weber demanded. His first reaction was to call the idea preposterous. On second thought, it might have some merit. He knew from his mother and her sisters that Imperial Saints needed faith to function best. This might just help a bit…

"A photoshoot for propaganda purposes! It might help distract the citizenry too. The raving crowds are proving a constant disruption all over the city." Lieutenant Regina bobbed her head in excitement, swaying her shoulder-length blond hair.

"Get a crew ready. I'll talk with the Lord Inquisitor and Selene. Make sure they're polite and respectful at all times, or I'll make sure they rue the day they were born!" Charles promised.

"They will be, Commissar, sir!" The woman snapped a smart salute, grinning like a loon.

If it wasn't one thing, it was another. Charles got to a nearby Vox operator, and called the Inquisitor, explaining the situation.

"That might help. Getting to the Spaceport and back was a chore, and you saw what happened at the field hospital. Throwing something else to the citizens to look at might help. Do speak with the Propaganda Department. We need some organization here, and that's their job. Have them liaise with the local churches as well."

"That's an excellent suggestion, sir!" Weber happily agreed. The Inquisitor won't be disappointed! He headed inside the current safe house, looking at the Guardsmen around like a hawk. For once, they appeared to be handling Selene's presence in commendable fashion. Would miracles never cease? Better not!

He found Selene intently watching an educational video featuring the Sisters of Battle. It was not only appropriate but made him feel pride bursting in his chest, despite the uneasy sensation of his spine trying to crawl away.

"Selene, come here, dear." Charles smiled and forced his arm to be steady as he patted her shoulder. "A few fine people from the Propaganda Department want you to pose for pictures. It will be almost as fun as that time with the crowd yesterday. You'll get your armor and Kneecapper, and I'm sure we'll find some sweets and cocoa. How about it? Do you like to show off?"

Those large unnerving eyes stared straight at his soul as if trying to devour it. A moment later, the effect lost its potency when Selene grinned at him and nodded vigorously.

"That's a good girl! Come, on! Let's get you ready!"

Soon enough, Selene wore her pristine armor, courtesy of the Mechanicus. Now she had a small camouflage cape to go with it and carried the blessed power mace over her shoulder with only a bit of visible effort.

"She is magnificent! People will love her!" Lieutenant Regina squeed. Her smile wavered when she approached Selene, however, she didn't waver and went to one knee in front of the girl. "Hi, dearie!" The junior officer still sounded bubbly.

Charles reevaluated his opinion of her. The young woman was made of sterner stuff than many veterans.

"Do you want to come with us to the nearby park? It will make for some great pictures! And as promised, Jamie over there," Regina pointed over her shoulder, "has some fresh sweets and hot, sweet tea!"

Weber glanced that wa,y and sure enough, there was a frazzled looking corporal with a paper bag, thermos, and cups. It was a delight to work with competent people, instead of having to shout at them to do their Emperor damned job! They might just get this planet in order yet!

Selene looked at him, and Charles nodded. She beamed and skipped along with her new friend. The Lieutenant stood up, shuddered once, then shook herself and followed suit, still smiling, and it was only a bit forced if Weber was any judge of people.

This time they could get somewhere without having to brave huge crowds, and it was refreshing. The park was mostly empty, void of mobs or Guard equipment. There were even a few couples with children playing around. Naturally, everyone stopped what they were doing and gathered to a safe distance to watch the show. From that far away, children and parents alike pointed excitedly at Selene.

If the rumors were true, she would become almost as famous as the Inquisitor among the citizenries of Kronus. Speaking of Selene, she was still skipping happily, while cameras recorded her and took countless pictures. After a few minutes of playing, Lieutenant Regina coached the girl with bribes of warm sweets. The point was to convince Selene to make a few heroic poses that would undoubtedly go on propaganda posters all over the planet.

It was a job well done if he said so himself. Selene was happy, and thus the Inquisitor was going to be happy as well. Charles smiled at the sight of children jumping around, pointing excitedly at Selene and making exaggerated gestures as if smiting traitors. Recruitment wouldn't be a problem for Kronus anytime soon.

Unfortunately, someone had to rain on his parade. Static went through the air, putting Charles on edge, and he signaled the security detail to pay attention. Without even thinking things through, he went for his charge.

One moment, everything was right in the world. Then a warning wail shook the whole city. Necron Drones decloaked, proving that the Mechanicus and everyone else had grossly underestimated how many of the damn things buzzed over the city. At least a few hundred of the damn things converged on their position like scores of falling stars.

Charles ran, for what little it was going to do, barking useless orders. Selene's Necron minders phased into existence, but instead of grabbing or attacking her, one of them pushed the child into Regina's arms.

"Run, fool!" The Necron screamed.

In a blink of an eye, the other one had its blade in hand and barely parried a strike that sliced through its gun, taking off a hand in the process.

One of the largest Necrons Charles had ever seen stepped out of thin air, and in a blink of an eye sent the one facing it flying in pieces. The other Necron charged at the interloper only to be batted aside, missing an arm in an attack Weber's eyes couldn't even see.

The Commissar was still in the process of drawing his chainsword and gaining speed when the rogue Necron reached Regina and threw her away with a swift motion. He could only helplessly watch as the intruder's clawed hand was about to close around Selene's shoulder, when a Drone rammed the machine, sending it stumbling a step back.

At least ten more plowed into the Necron, to much less effect, while the converging swarm opened fire, raining emerald lighting or what looked like particle beams at the attacker. They were wailing all the while, making sure Charles couldn't hear the desperate orders he was screaming.

The Necron ignored the shots hitting it. Its form shimmered, and they either passed through or dissipated nearly harmlessly. It ran at Selene, who just stood there, staring at it in shock. A few lasbolts splashed over metal flesh. Then one of the bodyguards was up, almost intact despite being dismembered moments earlier ,and it managed to slow down the assailant for a few precious moments. As soon as that Necron fell, the other was between the hostile and Selene. The newcomer wasted no time and tore an arm off the last thing standing between it and its prize, then kicked off the legs of the loyalist Necron, literally. The smaller machine crashed on the ground, and the large one went to grab Selene again.

This time, she reacted and swept at the metal fingers approaching her with Kneecapper. At the same time, another Drone slammed into the intruder, smashing into its face and disintegrating during the impact.

Green lighting fell from the clear sky, and at least a hundred large, and heavily armed Necrons surrounded the park. They didn't waste any time taking stock of their location and actually ran towards the engagement.

It all happened in less time it took Charles to cover the twenty or so meters separating him from Selene.

The damaged bodyguard fallen at the feet of the attacker, used its sole remaining arm to grab at them, slowing it down.

The other bodyguard was up again, missing one arm and chunks of its torso. Instead of going on the offensive again, it ran, grabbed Selene, and sped away. At the same time, at least a hundred Drones rained upon the rogue Necron.

Before the intruder could reach Selene again, it faced a phalanx of living metal and a forest of glowing blades.

"THIEEEF!" All the Necrons screamed as one and charged the interloper.

Charles barely managed to stop himself from plowing straight into the melee.