Chapter 17 Part 2

Chapter 17: Kronus: Endgame


Part 2


Victory Bay


Rohan fell to his knees, gasping for breath. His brain did its best to leak out of his ears, and all he could hear was the screams of the damned. The Ranger did his best to keep his being separated from the Sea of Souls and knew for a fact that he was still alive only thanks to the Necrons. Their Pylons forcefully strengthened reality and pushed his mind back within his head.

Yet, the terrible vision wouldn't go away. Rohan beheld Isha, lost Goddess of fertility and rejuvenation, imprisoned by Nurgle. He got a glimpse of the Chaos God himself, cloaked by the very essence of rot and decay, clashing with the Human Emperor. He saw gods reenact the War in Heaven, or perhaps the Fall. Rohan saw the rotting corpse worshiped by the humans stand against one of the Chaos Gods and push the abomination back, a feat not even Khaine could boast of during the Fall. Whatever else the Human Emperor might be in the material world, in the Warp, he was a monster like few others.

Even now, under the dubious protection of the Necron Pylons, Rohan could sense the clash burning through the Sea of Souls. The mere echoes he experienced, shook his very soul.

The Warlock wrenched off his helmet, revealing a pale, ancient face. The experienced Warrior threw up his breakfast and convulsed. Rohan could see blood leaking from the corner of his eyes, nose, and ears. Despite that, the Warlock was the first Aeldari to stagger to his feet. Warpfyre surrounded his form. He threw himself at the Greater Daemon manifesting nearby with a scream of pure rage and despair.

The tank crew get up next, and looked wildly around, searching for weapons that were in their vehicle parked a few kilometers away.

Rohan also saw humans soldiers fall prey to Nurgle's "gifts".

"There! Take up their weapons!" The Ranger shouted and stumbled to his feet. The crude laser weaponry so loved by the humans would have to do. He couldn't run now. Not now, when all his soul cried with burning rage.

Rohan picked up the laser weapon of a woman too busy choking on her own blood and opened fire. There was little point in aiming at the growing pile of offal beginning to take shape. It wasn't like he could miss!

The tank crew followed suit, and soon, a handful of Eldar stood on the edge of the podium shoulder to shoulder with bleeding humans and Astartes pouring all the firepower they could into the Neverborn.


Geordin's whole form cracked with eldritch power. The Psyker pointed his power weapon at the Daemon and unleashed a powerful arcane bolt before falling to his knees and panting in exhaustion.

"General, we need to go! You need to take charge of this Emperor damned disaster!" Commissar Norman shook Lucas.

Alexander looked at his long-time acquaintance through bloodshot eyes. He tried to say something, but all that came out of his throat was wet viscera, and he choked, struggling to breathe.

"Amudsen…" The General whispered tiredly. "He's in charge!" He shook Norman with all the little strength he had.

The Artillery commander was back at the HQ, overseeing today's events from its safety.

A wave of warmth washed over them, while Alexander wetly gasped for breath. He was barely aware of Norman's grim nod, then the Commissar was gone. Good man, that one. For a Commissar.

Lucas blinked off blood tears and found a new source of strength burning within his chest. He could hear countless choked prayers almost drowning the cacophony of combat.

All he had left was praying, and the hope that it would be enough.


They should have brought heavier weapons, Anteas concluded. The Librarian had a power sword, bolter, and knife. His Psyker power as well, however using those now was a highly dubious proposition.

The arrival of the Necron Pylons offered precious respite because as awe-inspiring as the events in the Immaterium were, there was nothing the Librarian could do about them. Above and beyond them, the Emperor himself fought Nurgle and slowly but surely prevailed. It was awe-inspiring, and if before Anteas hadn't believed the leader of mankind was a god, today left no such illusions. The Emperor fought beside them today in all His Divine Glory.

"Have faith, Brothers! The Emperor is with us!" Anteas roared and shot off a Psychic blast at the Daemon threatening them.

The Librarian knew his words were true in more than one way. Below the stands, the Inquisitor stood tall, protecting a small group of Tech-priests, and a cluster of regular soldiers with his light. The Chosen of the Emperor was on one knee as if praying before the battle. Cleansing energy emanated from Veil, keeping the rot and decay at bay. Moths of golden light flew through the air, burning bright and searing away corruption.

"Captain Ignatius, we've got a Daemonic incursion in progress, my position!" Captain Thule's voice cracked over the battle net. "Deploy all reserve forces as soon as you have them properly outfitted. We need immediate resupply. Heavy weapons, blessed munitions, and sacred wargear! If we reach the case Omega-Green-One, you're authorized to fire on our position at your judgment. Authorization Code: Raziel-One-Niner-Malcador…"

An inhuman screech shook the whole area. It's disturbing piercing notes scratched over the armor that was Anteas' faith. Small forms rose from the bubbling filth covering the cursed cannon and deformed tiny daemons staggered out, before running to tear apart anyone they could see.

"Hold firm! They shall not pass!" The Inquisitor thundered in voice, not his own.

Anteas spared a glance that way while reloading. Veil was on his feet, holding high a burning sword. It was hard to focus on the Inquisitor due to the Divine light dancing around him like a halo.

The Guard answered with lasfire, and then the vehicles let it rip with everything at their disposal. Multi-lasers scythed down waves of nurglings. Flamers created a burning wall between the infantry and the daemons, while heavy bolters blew them apart. The Baneblade was on fire, its' Purity Seals turning it into a flaming island. It opened up with all the secondaries it had, reserving the battle cannon until there was no other choice. If it used it here and now, it would mess up the nearby unprotected infantry, including the Saint anchoring their formation.

The only saving grace of the disaster was that wiser heads had the field hospital removed from the park in anticipation of the parade. Otherwise, Anteas didn't want to think about what would have happened.

"Resupply is en route! ETA two mikes!" The Captain announced. "Reinforcements are en route, ETA four minutes."

It would take at least that long to swap the anti-armor wargear meant for use against the Necrons if they turned hostile, to something more useful in the current situation.

Fortunately, it was much faster to send down a standard resupply pod.


This was irritating, Amarkun thought. No, irritation didn't do his current mental state justice. The Necron Lord knew that in theory the so-called "Chaos Gods" existed. That they were powerful Warp abominations. The echoes that his ships in orbit could detect and the barely coherent mumbling of Human and Aeldari Psykers filtered through the Necron Network told a different story.

They were at the epicenter of a clash that wouldn't be amiss during the worst days of the War in Heaven. And they were ill-equipped to face a foe of that magnitude. It was both a piece of good news and a sobering, revelation, that the Human Emperor chose to personally intervene. If the Humans could be believed anyway. That by itself was cause to revisit both the use Humanity could be as allies and the potential threat they represented.

That was for later. If there would be later.

Amarkun issued contingency orders and kept firing all his weapons at the abomination taking form. One of his ships already raced out of the system. Constant combat data flowed towards his Tomb World, ensuring that if the worst happened, his Dynasty would be warned.

The part of his mind monitoring the reconnaissance efforts over the rest of the settlement showed hundreds of thousands of Humans falling, struck down by impossibly fast-acting diseases. More warp influence there.

"Deploy additional Pylons," Amarkun advised. "Deimos Containment Zone is currently irrelevant." They could always secure it again or purge it from orbit if it came to that.

"I'm already doing so. Orbital support might be needed." Herald of Victory countered.

Amarkun could see that. Despite several Pylons already in place and active, the abomination they faced almost got recognizable if twisted shape. Inquisitor Veil could draw on Warp power, perhaps his Emperor's just like the local abomination fed from the dregs of a greater one. The battle in the Warp simply overpowered the available Pylons.

He ran a quick calculation. It claimed that without the Pylons already on site, they might have to execute a tactical retreat or risk being overwhelmed if they attempted to hold this position.

That would be a less than ideal outcome. There were hundreds of thousands of allied civilians behind them who would die or worse if they fell back. While Amarkun shouldn't have cared, he could remember their people dying helplessly, while their leaders were unable to protect them. His people. Avoiding the repeat of that fate was one of the reasons why so many gleefully accepted Biotransference.

Those weren't his people. Amarkun couldn't say he cared about them. Because he didn't. However, merely being placed in such a situation again was infuriating.

Then there was honor! Necron's honor on this world suffered more than enough already. It wouldn't suffer again if Amarkun had anything to say about it.

Besides, he had fought in the War of Heaven from its beginning to the end. He had faced worse, even if then he had been much better prepared and had a proper army under his command.

"Deploy the reserves. This abomination dies today." Amarkun declared. Transporters came to life on board his ships, and mass deployment began.

Herald of Victory had the same idea, and he called everyone.

Lighting strikes lit up Victory Bay, leaving behind after-images, ionized air, and squads of Necron Warriors. Gauss weaponry struck the abomination, again and again, hiding it from sight. Sensors revealed they could destroy its mass almost as fast as it grew.

That wasn't nearly good enough. However, more Pylons might be the cure for that particular problem. The sky cracked open, and transport barges phased in carrying a mobile Pylon each. They came online as one and ensured an uneasy stalemate.

If nothing else, that deployment bought a brief respite to their mortal allies.