Chapter 2 [Transmigration ll]

"Did you lost your memory?"

When she ask me that question I got into thinking for a moment. 'Well, I guess thats to be expected I just said to tell me about this world, just pretend I lost my memory'.

"Yes, Unfortunately that seems to be case. I couldn't remember where I came from, my parents, or a place where I live. Somehow, I still know my name though"

"I see, then I'll tell you about this world"

"Hn" I nodded

"This world has a dragon race, elven race, human race and the beast-kin race and many monsters like goblin, golem or slime.This world was ruled by magic and physical strength where the strong devour the weak.Human live in different way.There are corrupt nobles using dirty means to get wealth but there are also kind and caring nobles who help the weak and we commoners live by hunting, becoming adventurer, risking our life to live.Ther—-" Fiona was about to continue when she was stop.

"Stop, I got the general idea of this world. I will find out the rest in my journey."

"Is that so? then do you have a place to stay?"

Koharu just now realize that she doesn't have a place to stay.

"Ahh, no I dont" she meekly said

When Fiona heard this she giggled and ask Koharu if she want to stay here for a while, which Koharu accept the offer without a second thought.


When that settled Koharu then heard her stomach asking for food. Her face went a bit red from that. Which in response Fiona hand Koharu the food. After the meal, Fiona ask Koharu to rest some more. When Koharu close her eyes. She immediately fall asleep because she feel tired all over her body for some unknown reason. She was once again in a familiar white room this time though its in her dreams.

She decided to call the goddess to get things over with.

"Self-proclaimed goddess Aine?! What do you want calling me here?" I ask with not a caring tone

"How rude, Im a real goddess you know" She retorted

"Hai~ Hai~ so what do you want? And why do you transmigrate me into a world where weak is nothing but a prey when you know I dont have a sturdy body and dont have magic? but well, I do know martial arts"

"Thats why you were here. I want to let you know that you can use magic and that bless you with an unlimited mana and uhmm to let you know the essence of magic it is: Your magic will vary on your imagery and emotion "

"It means if I have a clear image of a magic that I want to cast then the stronger my magic will be"

"Ping! pong! Correct as expected of a child prodigy ...Well, if I need anything I will call you here again"

When I woke up its already morning. 5:00pm to be precise. I must have been sound asleep that I didnt eat dinner. So, I decided to take a troll outside. When I went for a walk.I notice that we are in top of a mountain. The forest was further a way though. I walk a bit and saw a tree. The tree was big. You can see how old it is and I look in front of me. My eyes glisten in the view in front of me. It is a breathtaking view. From here I can see the entire town, there are tons of house with varying sizes and shape. There is a border in a town that separate the town and the forest and not too far was the sea. Its already a wonderful sight but the scenery became something really breathtaking when you added the rising sun. It really is a view to behold. I watch the sunrise in a trance. I never know, a world could be this beautiful.

"Ahh, there you are?" I hear a voice that ask me. I look and saw the girl with a brown hair, rubbing her eyes and she still has her bed hair. When I confirm who it was I return my gaze in the scenery once again."Did you sleep well?" She ask

"Yes" I answered

Silence then spread between us. I was the one who break the silence.

"Is there a job I can take? Something about I can take while I go on a journey?"

Fiona look at me and said "There is, though its a dangerous job. You might lose your life anytime. That job is called adventurer. If you become an adventurer you will choose your class whether its a mage, rogue or swordsman. Everyone can take this job"

"I see. Then how do I become an adventurer?"I ask her she stare at me for a second and answered my question.

"You need to register in the adventurer guild"

"I see then its decided. I'll choose an adventurer as my job for a living"

She gave me a surprise look and after I declared that. She offer me to stay in her home for one week. I was preparing, learning, and helping the Lorwee household. I was also training my swordmanship with Fionas little brother Llyod and Father Paul who was incredibly surprised on my swordmanship, and it seems they are taken quite a liking to me. I also learn that Paul, Fionas father is a B+ Rank Adventurer.

"Mann, I was surprise of your swordmanship skill. I only teach you the basic yet you can already defeat my son who's been training for years."

I give him an emotionless face "The basic is the fundamental, as long as one can learn the basic. You can soon create your own techniques, and even replicate someone's technique"

"Hmm, then since you learn the basic. Do you kind if I show you one of my techniques? and lets see if you can replicate it"

"Sure, Bring it on" I replied with a small smile

Paul was speechless in my response for a second then laugh it off. After that exchange, we walk into the forest area. He told me that he can only show me one technique because most of his techniques is needed an opponent. In front of the tree he stood, unsheathing his sword thats on his back. He then go to a stance and in an instant the tree was divided into pieces.

"Whoa" I couldn't hide my amazement

"Hehe, young lady can you do that?"

"Ahh, Can you show me again?" I said emotionlessly

"Hahaha, Sure, I'll show it to you as many times as you want"

He did it again, He stood in a tree beside the tree he just cut. This time though Koharu paid attention.

Hmm, the stance is the one that put force and speed in the first horizontal cut in the tree. After that first stance, he jump and slash the tree vertically and horizontally. Slashing the tree in his desired outcome. Finishing it in a slash. The move is too fast to be seen in naked eye thats why what normal people see is just him standing in their doing nothing but even people with good eyes see him as if there is an after image in his movement. However, I activate the [eye tracker] it is a magic that can see any movement of an object no matter how fast and far the object is. Thats why I can see it clear as a day.After he show me his [Tree Slasher] is what he called to his technique. I said:

"Thank youu, I think I got it" I said

"Hoh" When I said that Paul smirk and Llyod is surprise yet intrigued. Without saying another word. I go to the tree closest to me and perform the technique.

In my opinion, I think I mess up a little in performing the technique but nevertheless I got down the technique. When I turn to look at them they look surprise and they were jaw drop. I think they didnt notice my mistake.

"Why are so surprise? I mess up a little though look here" I pointed at the tree that I cut. There is one piece of the wood that it isnt in the perfect form. "See?" When I turn to look at them they are still jaw drop "Hello?" I said once again and this time I got their attention.

"You really are amazing" Paul compliment me

"Thank you! But this much is needed if I want to become an adventurer"

"I see, maaan when you become a full fledged and respectable adventurer. Come see us okay?"

I look at Paul in the eyes and give him a big "YES!!"

"Tomorrow will be your departure right? Btw you need to attend the adventurers school before you can fully register as a C rank Adventurer .Your 15 right? Same as my daughter. I will ask the school to sign you up so dont worry. I am acquainted to the head of the Adventurer's Academy "

"Ahh, Please do. Thank you very much"