Chapter 20

"Mind link. Wow that's really cool. I mean you don't need to use a phone for connecting with someone. And now it explains how you guys were talking or having information about each other without even using a phone." I told Bell as she feed me about mind linking.

"Yeah it is cool." Cole replied and I marked as he looked restless.

"Cole?" I called him.

"Yeah?" He replied still looking restless.

"Is everything alright?"

"Yeah! Uh why?" He asked

"It's because you seem restless. What is it Cole?" I asked leaning against the kitchen table as Bell prepared breakfast for us.

"Uh nothing," he replied rubbing his neck.

"I will tell you what's his problem is. Jenny is his problem," Blake spoke as he entered the kitchen room.

"Jenny?" I questioned.

"Jenny as in Jennifer, his mate," Blake told me and I looked at Bell who was smiling towards Cole.

"Yes she is coming today." Bell added.