Chapter 34

Dylan's POV

I watched her expression as I applied the ice pack on her strained ankle. She was continuously staring at me as if I were some ghost.

"Ahhh!" She cried when I applied a little pressure on her ankle.

"Oh Sorry!" I apologized.

"What in the world are you doing here?" She yelled when she got out of her little world.

"Uh applying ice pack on your leg I guess," I told her as I watched her eyes growing the size of saucer.

"Oh right!" She said confused then as if it stroke her mind she narrowed her eyes and starts the glaring.

"I mean what are you doing here?" She spoke explaining me by moving her hands.

"I told yo-" She cut me off. "No! Not this ice thing I mean what are you," she pointed her index finger towards me. "Here," she pointed her finger towards her house.

"That only I said helping you," I told her and watched as she began to shake with anger.

"What the hell Dylan?" And she was back to yelling.

I rolled my eyes and continued doing my work.