Agent Kim and Amara are in the cockpit with their guns pointed at the Messenger as he flew the plane.
"These controls are not so different from my Xbox flight simulator for real," Derek said gleefully, his hands hovering over the console in front of him as he sat on the co-pilot seat and put on the headset.
"Look Kim we're getting closer to Asaba International airport," Amara said pointing at the map on the screen.
"At last, I can't wait to get the vaccine to the CTAN and all this will finally be over. Hey, contact the approach control for the airport," she pressed the nozzle of the gun to his head.
"Asaba Tower, Cessna One two Lima, on three mile final for Three Two Right," the Messenger said pushing a button on the aviation radio, "Asaba Tower, Cessna One two Lima, on three mile final for Three Two Right over," it was met with a static cackling from the other end,