Chapter 6

Rachel stuffed pancakes into her mouth, feeling a mixture of delight when the pancake graced her tongue.

It was heavenly sweet.

She turned and flipped the undone pancake in the pan over, her mouth still making soft masticating noises.

She looked at the crumpled note in her hand and sighed. The note was from Nathan and she had found it under her door with a little struggle. It had four simple words written on it.

"I am at work."

She found it hard to read the note since his handwriting wasn't so legible. She wondered why a wealthy man had such a really bad handwriting. She stared at the bare kitchen and groaned, boredom slowly creeped into her bones when she woke up and now it was worse because she felt completely lonely.

Was this how marriage was?

Boring. Unexciting. Uneventful?