
At Night.

For some reason, an anime character from a different anime came into his world or she wasn't and they look the same and they had something inside her similar to Infinity and Destruction something which I didn't like much,

I don't have any powers to check a person's memories as of yet, unlike a Yamanaka, and urgh I'm going to have an even worse day because I just realized that despite The Fundamental forces being strong.


What If the Shinigami came out from Its Mask and attacked me, Now obviously I am not going to be fighting against a person with the Mask but I am an overthinker?

Wait can't I just use the Mindscape?









Uchiha Kazuma POV.

That child I encountered the other day, Although I didn't talk to him nor did I interact with him much I can with my Miniscule sensing ability, I know that the Silver-haired Young man had Chakra.

Checking about him more I find that he was abandoned in front of an Orphanage, something not too common, And on that day no, on that month there were no Childbirths which was extremely rare.

Because, well. It's peaceful and people like to f*ck a little bit too much Afterall there has been peace for 15 years. Especially that Senjus * Shudder* I'll be genuinely scared if their clan gets destroyed they have too many children, wait I'm getting off-topic.

Anyway, that kid is-


"The f*ck you doing here?"


I immediately get on guard after hearing this voice but calm down after realizing it's the boy I saw yesterday, "Why are you here kid?"

"To Practice" He replied.


Yeah, no shit Sherlock, I'm stupid.


"Be truthful kid how did you unlock Chakra?" I asked him while applying a Small genjutsu that only makes him speak the truth.

"By myself"


He isn't lying, damnit his talent is too much!

Danzo will take him in Root as fast as light when he joins Academy.

Although him Activating his Chakra is 0% possible because, Taking the example of a dam which release only 10% of a river's water, now taking that chakra into account chakra released is only 0.1% almost negligible no matter how big a person's total chakra is, that's why no one awakened their chakra by themselves,

Sensing chakra is like an instinct to a person, which is why Adults put their chakra In the chakra canals of their children to make them get a feel of Chakra, and then the adult-only has to break the dam with a few touches so that the child's chakra is completely released

Normally I would have to tell this to my superior and the superior will tell the Hokage but…..I can't risk it; the kid is about 3-4 years old. No doubt Danzo would get his hands on him.


I don't want him to go through what I went through in 'Root' before the clan leader saved me, the only way I can save him from the root is by doing this!


"Alright, kid I have a proposal for you,

Well, what I wanted to say was….

Why don't I just take you as my disciple" I tell him enthusiastically.

"I politely refuse," He said as he started walking away.


Satoru Pov.

What's up with this idiot suddenly wanting me to become his disciple did he realize how much of a genius I am and now, like a greedy dog is coming to eat off my fame when I grow up

Nowadays I have started to feel emotions through Six-Eyes and I can feel that he is Annoyed, As expected from someone who is trying to use me, Damn this is bringing up bad memories I bet I have a frown on my face right now.


"Now don't frown you must be thinking that I am trying to use you right?" He asked.

I shook my head saying no.

"That was a lie and...…. Just like I thought," he said as he sighed.


"Look kid unlocking chakra without a 2nd party's help is impossible not even 1% of your chakra is released since birth only by a 2nd party can someone unlock their chakra and if a certain someone hears this then well it won't be good for you," He said calmly.


"Are you threatening me," I asked him?

I had no idea it was that hard, who unlocked my Chakra though that's the real question.


"Wow, calm down I am not doing anything like that…..sigh

You know about the Sharingan right?" he asked.

"Y-yeah," I said surprised.


"Well You do know that a Sharingan evolves 3 times


When 1 tomoe appears


When 2 tomoe appears


When 3 tomoe appears", he said.


"Yeah, what about it?" I asked.

'No fucking way in hell he has 'that right?' I thought.


"Well there's a special Evolution after that it's called Mangekyou Sharingan," he said.

As his 3 tomoe Sharingan spun as the 3 tomoe joined together to form a black circle and 3 black spikes appeared from the circle as they joined with his iris.

"Mangekyo...…..Sharingan?" I said surprised as I took a few backs.


This Reaction was fake, I already knew what A Mangekyo Sharingan was and wanted to give a Fake surprise reaction to satisfy Kazuma or he would have been suspicious of me not showing much emotion to it.

However, there was still a part of me that was surprised to see a new Mangekyo Sharingan pattern and a whole new person with this Sharingan...

[AN- Extra Chap at 100 Powerstones]