16]Here comes another one

"Hm, well after I defeated Madara and was coming back to the Village I was attacked by a man with a weird hairstyle with an 'IV' on his face," He said making my eyes widen.

"He also had a huge amount of chakra…not only that he knew sealing Jutsu quite strong ones, and could also absorb ninjutsu I was defeated by that man who took away quite a lot of my chakra and a crap ton of Vitality….although I could have beaten the fucker if I wasn't that weakened…." Hashirama said.


"I can say something that is he was coming to take the Kyuubi away from me while it was sealed, the man was very strange since he was also weak once the battle was over so he left with just my Vitality, I have to say something extent your fist towards me," He said.


"I already know that you are going to become extremely strong in the future so I'm going to give this to you make use of this," He said bumping his fist with me.

"What this is!!!" I looked at him.


"I knew it you know many things about this world that I no…rather no one knows about I'll give this to you, Keep Kushina and the Kyuubi safe," He said as he went away.


I didn't say anything when he was telling his story because I knew who that person was, Otsutsuki Isshiki….and now the person who indirectly killed the Shodaime.

"But isn't giving me the 3rd strongest Fuinjutsu the Torii Gates too much?" I said to myself.

[AN-Strongest Fuinjutsu ranking







[AN-Is it just me or can Momoshiki be taken out from Boruto's karma seal by the Reaper death seal or Boruto's karma be taken out of him by it *Enter Khaby lame face*]






And, That was my meeting with Senju Hashirama and then I was called to the Hokage and then got my apartment maybe Uzumaki Mito had done something, and not only that after another month the Hokage started to give me Jutsu scrolls…. he also found out I have affinity in all elements…..


I trained even harder and decided to make more Shadow clones to train and even trained a lot by Myself and also managed to replicate many Kekkei Genkai like the--


Ice Release


Magma Release


Typhoon release[Stronger form of wind release]


Blaze Release


Storm Release

Like this, I continued training harder and harder until a year had passed by and it was time for Me to graduate (Not physical training since he can just make up more muscles by Seimei Kikan).


Satoru POV.


"Oh hey guys," Minato said as he sat down.

"I just…err gave an application to early graduate," Minato said with complex emotion.

"Now?" I asked him.

"What do you mean," He asked.

"No, I'm asking you Now? You just gave the form now we already gave it around a month ago" I told him.

"Wait what," He said surprised.


"What a drag, Satoru was the one who said that he's going to graduate early so we decided to go with the flow and we did it as well, I thought we said it to you as well….although I was forced by Inoichi to do it…." Shikaku said from behind us.

"Ehhh, When did that happen?" Said Minato with suspense.

"You just didn't pay attention," Inoichi said smiling wryly.


However Inoichi's thoughts were completely different, 'I…no we can't bring ourselves to say that we forgot to say anything to him' Inoichi thought with guilt.


Holy crap he seriously didn't realize we are lying.


"Alright then everybody we got another child with us here" Gin-Sensei walked into the class with a boy.

[AN-Holy shit I forgot this dude f*cking existed in this world XD]


"My name is Sarutobi Izaya the Son of the current Hokage, I didn't come to the Academy because a building fell on me, also I am just here for the Early graduation"


Gasps went through the class as they heard 'Son of Hokage' 'Building fell on me' 'Early graduation'.


"Oi, Satoru that guy is bad extremely bad, he drips Manipulation all over his body Once we went to his 5th birthday party I could already say that he was forcefully trying to manipulate us" Whispered Shikaku.

"Yup he is, also Kushina you should stay away from him he's a major horndog and likes to Hit on girls that dude was hitting on me when he was 5, I don't doubt that he will come here, and drop a few lines on you" Mikoto whispered.


"If you talking about hitting on a girl and cheesy lines then Satoru does that every day for giggles and shit I doubt it's going to have any effect on us," Kushina said with a deadpanned face.

"Kushina-Chan do you want me to spit up blood," I said with my eyes twitching.

"Don't do it here, no one wants to touch you let alone your blood" Mikoto said with a sneer.


Satoru: *Spits up blood*


"Shut it cutting board," I said wiping blood off my desk.

I then smirked seeing a popped vein on her head, comparing to other girls she no doubt is Flat…..


"Yo Mikoto chan" I heard Izaya said…


So he sat on the Middle row beside her desk huh. This dude, no doubt is Reincarnated and his strength level is Low-Chunin at best which means he doesn't have a Cheat for himself.

He must have realized that I am reincarnated as well, mainly because I look like Gojo Satoru. And I wonder what he is going to do now? I am sure a thorn in his path of whatever he wants to do, which surely isn't of peace.

[AN- Extra Chap at 100 Powerstones]