
Gojo Satoru POV.

10 minutes later...

When the hell is our teacher getting here…

It has been 10 minutes already…. Mikoto's team leader was some Uchiha dude and Shikaku's team leader was a Sarutobi, so if Canon is going to be correct then our teacher should be….





"Every woman I come across yelps in delight seeing my sex appeal, I am Jiraiya the great toad sage of Mount Myoboku" Jiraiya said making an awkward pose coming out of smoke.

"Yeah except my sister," Nawaki said.

"PPFFTT--" 'Don't laugh hold it in' I said to myself.


Minato and Kushina were just confused.


"SENSEI?!?!?" Minato said getting up from his seat.

"Sen—what?" I asked him.

"Ah, oh yeah he has been teaching me Ninjutsu and stuff for a while," Minato said scratching the back of his head.

"And you didn't tell us…traitor," Nawaki said 'sad'.


'Oh yeah, these guys don't know that I have 2 people teaching me huh?' I thought and snickered at Minato's misery.

"Well if you are saying that then Satoru has 2 Jonins Teaching him," Minato said pointing at me.


WHO TOLD YOU THAT" I said shaking him?


"The pudding I MADE and on top of that why do I need to tell you guys that?" I asked them.




"I guess not," The three said awkwardly.


"Um…. I am here as well" Jiraiya said awkwardly from behind us.

"Shut it this is between us," Kushina said as we 4 started discussing stuff again.

Jiraiya sweat dropped seeing this 'Are these kids for real?'

"Ahem you can continue your talk later for now we will talk about…..the real test, but before that, I need you 4 to follow me up," He said pointing up and then vanished.

"Aight' Imma head out," I said and flickered out of the room.




"Are we supposed to do that vanishing thingy as well?" Nawaki asked.

"I don't think so" Kushina replied.

"Let's go?" Minato questioned.







Honestly Sensei what are you thinking giving me 4 kids and on top of that 2 are Geniuses, 1 is the Senju clan heir and the Lat one is the soon-to-be Jinchuriki

This team is easily the most pain in the ass I ever will have…. but other than Minato I don't know the other—Did the Satoru boy just F*cking body flicker?

He is easily the most talented in all types of fields Shurikenjutsu he got covered, Ninjutsu. He trained with an Uchiha who probably taught him Genjutsu as well, Iryoninjutsu trained with the same Uchiha probably good at it as well, Taijutsu…... He was Trained by Gintoki-Senpai and is also a powerful Sensor-Nin, He could sense Sensei peeking on him and could even determine where he was seeing him from,

If this kid doesn't become an S-Rank Ninja in 5 years then I don't know what will….


Going to the Topic of Minato, oh look everyone arrived.

"Alright then introduce yourself," I told them.


"Sensei I think it's polite to introduce yourself to someone before asking yourself," Satoru asked.

"Hm yeah, I guess I should My name is Jiraiya—

"My name is Gojo Satoru Born on October 27 of XXXX, a Scorpio, there are things I hate, I like Sweets and spicy food also training and my dream is…to Bring Peace to the World," Satoru said with a Straight face.

'This witty brat…I'm going to pummel him into the ground in the bell test' Jiraiya thought with an Annoyed smile.



"Bring peace to the world, Geez you take things too seriously," Satoru said sighing.

"You're not taking things seriously," I told him but gave up on arguing with him.

Now, this was a big surprise, Peace huh? I wonder if he can keep his dream after killing a person.... Or even taking part in a Skirmish or after his friend die..... or will his dream become even stronger.


"My name is Uzumaki Kushina, I like Ramen and practicing seals and my dislikes are Izay—I mean Insects and Izay—I mean my dream for the Future is to become the Hokage--Datebanne," Kushina said Boisterously.

[AN-Holy shit I forgot Kushina said Datebanne :/]

Uzumaki Kushina…well her character is easily seen here she is in short, A smart idiot smart in the areas of Seals and also possesses hatred for Sensei's son for some reason…

Although I can guess why the Kid is not that cunning but thinks he is making him come off as annoying and is extremely over smart,


"My name is Namikaze Minato *ENTER LIKES AND DISLIKES* and my dream is to be the Hokage," Minato said excitedly.

[AN-I just don't know this guy's likes and dislikes]

Heh, he will become the Hokage, if Nawaki doesn't awaken Wood.... release the prestige of Wood's release is on a whole different level, maybe he is the Child of prophecy…. Blue eyes and, doesn't Satoru have that as well?


"My name is Senju Nawaki I like training, my sis and grandma…. I also like eating Spicy stuff my dislikes are people who don't try their best and give up because something is too hard and My dream is to become the Hokage" Nawaki said.


"Hahaha, quite a lot of people wanting to be the Hokage huh," I said laughing.

"It can easily be solved by sticking an explosion seal to their back," Satoru said.

"Alright then follow me to Training ground 7 there we will have our test there," I told them as they nodded trying to ignore what their friend just said.

[AN- Extra Chap at 100 Powerstones]