
[AN- Too many Classes today again, on top of that we got a shit ton of Worksheets to do "BeCaUsE It hELpS iN eXaM" so ye I cant upload 2 chaps today]



If Baron says that a Month passed then, Your country is doomed lest go back--"

"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" The Princess started crying after hearing this



"Stop interrupting me Kushina," I said sighing.

"Why the hell are you telling a little girl that her country is doomed you idiot" Kushina whispered to me.

"But it is doomed, don't you think?" I asked her.

"Oh yeah its doomed big-time bu--"


This cheap Wario knock-off...…


*Bonk* x2


"First of all we should go and scout how things are over there, right Kushina?" I asked her touching my head where Jiraiya bonked me.

"You're correct," Kushina said agreeing with me.

'Two peas in a pod' Everyone silently thought.






1 Month huh?

Seems about right, because the whole place looks like a Demon Lords Palace. Hell, there is even a 5 story tower that looks like the Main Villains hideout in a Chinese novel, If a Chinese protagonist would have been here he would have said some kind of Chinese Proverb by now.

Anyway, I did some checking around the palace and I could successfully say that all of my Team members are going to come back with an empty stomach, Literally everywhere is blood, and let's not forget random pentagrams drawn everywhere AGAIN made by blood.

Oh yeah, they also hung this one dude named 'Daimyo' using his intestines, Can't say I didn't chuckle a little at that, their creativity is Impeccable.

Now that I think about it I did hear the Idiot Princess talk about being A Daimyo's something, a Porcupine? Concubine? No, I don't think so... OH YEAH, HIS DAUGHTER!

Wait a minute his Daughter? *Glances at Dead Daimyo hung by his intestines* *Chuckles*. Wait, NO! This is no laughing matter! Anyway, time to kill the Main guy here and steal glory maybe I can assassinate the girl and take her country?







This place is too poor for that.




After completing his Monologue Satoru proceeded to go to the Enemy's base which was not well hidden, I mean it's a Tower. After Admiring the Daimyo's Body hung by his intestines Satoru moved.


He first used Mayfly, the Jutsu that allows the user to move in and out of a Non-Living organism, and somehow also trees and plants as if they aren't living organisms.

He quickly reached the first floor and saw quite a lot of skulls, Blood, Flesh, Skin, Hair, and many other organs lying around casually on the floor. Oh yeah, there were a lot of Jashinists as well.

And with Satoru being a Warrior of Justice (PFTTT--) he picked the best option and.... [Katon: Lesser Annihilation flame] and proceeded to burn every person on the 1st floor.


"Now that I cleared the 1st floor........ Time to head to the final one" Satoru said in a minor tone as if he just didn't massacre many people.




"Oh someone survived?" Satoru rhetorically asked and grabbed the 6-pronged scythe thrown at him.

"Arent 6 too much-"

"TAKE THE WRATH OF JASHIN-SAMA LET ME TEACH YOU WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU MESS WITH THIS YOUNG MASTER," The cultist said and took out a sword resembling Samehada while being vastly inferior to it.

"Oi calm down will you, don't start talking like a Cheap Young Master," Satoru said with a frown and punched the sword.





Somehow the copy of Samehada Exploded into pieces sending its fish-like scales flying everywhere, "Wait a minute it didn't explode it--"

"Exactly it didn't explode! I made it explode--*BAAAMM*" The cultist wasn't able to continue his swords as he was punched by Satoru.

"I KNOW that it's Iron Release you don't HAVE to say it so arrogantly and like a cheap Mini-Boss, oh wait you are one," Satoru said with some Enlightenment.

"Ah sorry, ma- Oh you're already dead.... Well, this sucks I wanted to try out some of my Chinese as well, I guess 'Chingpong pinpoint is useless now" Satoru sighed using his Chinese that would make any Chinese person cry.


"Sate Sate Sate, time to go and kill the Main Boss of this event," our Protagonist said and used mayfly to get up.

Satoru quickly got up and found a person Kneeling In front of a Statue, The Statue had 3 Eyes, 2 horns, and was wearing a Noble Kimono he also had a Large Wand in his hand, and on top of the Wand was a Green Gem.


The Gem of Gelel.


After seeing this Satoru grinned and dashed from inside the wall and flew to the Man and cleanly cut his head off and made his Body turn on the fire,

The fire In question was sort of Like Amaterasu meaning that it can burn forever, However, the 'Forever' until all the Natural energy around it has finished which is impossible.

Satoru was able to tap into Natural Energy by chance but still can't use it as a weapon by bringing it into him, the only thing he can do is Make fire with it, Like a Caveman.


"Now then *Grabs decapitated head* I have some questions," Satoru said smiling as the immortal man in front of him started to intensely sweat.


[AN- Extra Chap at 100 Powerstones]