Chapter 2 Don't Defy The Man Known Matteo

Amara's POV

He opens a door to a bedroom, a bedroom that was themed White. It was clearly a guest bedroom by the looks of the simplicity. The wooden oak bed holder that allowed the White mattress along with white pillows to sit on top of it. The bedside tables. The cupboards and draw stacked against the cream-coloured walls. The oak flooring that held my trembling body. "Ugly room," I added to break the silence. My hands glided across the bed as I stumbled on a photo frame besides his bed.

"Lucky for you this is just a guest room." My eyes widened as he lets out the last words. So, if this was a guest room? Where was his real room? That made more sense, nobody would bring a witness to their real home. But nobody would bring a witness to a bedroom, my father always kept his witnesses in the basement. That thought kept me going as a maid enters the bedroom holding a pile of folded clothes. Matteo took them from her shaking hands as she kept her glance to the floor.

"Here." He hands me his black shirt and open it looking at the size compared to my small frame. I shake my head and cross my arms over my chest ignoring his rested hands. "Take the shirt Amara." My eyes look up meeting his pale green ones as I shake my head. He throws it onto the bed and turns around. When he turned around, I put it against my nose which smells exactly like him. Cinnamon and wood.

"How do you know my name?" I whimpered. Glad to know that he didn't know my real name, which also gave me the ideas that he doesn't know who lam. Yet.

"I have my ways." I take off my coat and top throwing it onto the long couch besides the bed completely forgetting that he was behind me and quickly put on the shirt then removing my trousers.

I see him standing in the corner of the room on his phone, biting onto his lips. "What do you work as?" I ask wondering to see if he would lie, would he be straight up with me. He removed his gaze from his phone as he analyzed my questioning face. He tucked his phone into his trouser pocket and slowly unbuttoned the first button of his shirt, revealing more tattoos as he glanced into my directions.

"Businessman," he announced simply.

"Businessman, what type of business?"


"So, you own millions for shipping? Then why do you have a gun?" I asked, he looked at me with a sinister smile spreading across his face.

He walks towards me, his hand pushing a lock of my brown curls away from my face and behind my ears. His eyes downgraded my own, his eyebrows raised as the scar onto it had me questioning how he received it.

"You ask to many questions; it's going to get you killed one day."

"Why would I be killed? All you do is own a shipping business." I shot back. Before he could say anything but his phone starts ringing all of a sudden, he shoves his hands deep into his pockets slipping out a black iPhone before looking back at me and answering it.

"Hello... yes... tell her I love her... and if she needs anything just to call me... yes, viviamente come sta?" [obviously, how are you?] He walks away with the phone into the bathroom. Loves her? Who? Does he have a girlfriend that I didn't know about? Oh, my days he probably does. I turn around hearing the door click as I look trying to find an escape route. My eyes catch onto the window and I sigh in relief. Pushing my hands deep into my hair, I begin overthinking which is a speciality of mine recently. I think I could fit right, it was only halfway opened. Can I jump out of that window?

Beginning to pack my stuff, I rush towards the window and try to push it up farther only causing it to shrink. I groaned and threw my bag allowing it to collapse in the bush. Taking one more lock into the bedroom I throw one leg over. I steadily look down before noticing that I have a fear of heights. I took a breather and kicked both legs of as I held onto the window seal. Is it too late to regret this? I look down and before my hands were released, they were immediate caught with a pair of two strong ones.

I gasped when I drew my attention to his forest-coloured pupils, he dragged me back inside the bedroom as if I weigh nothing to him. He settled me back onto my feet. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Nothing, I was just folding my clothes."

I lied turning my gaze away from him. I knew I could not lie for shit, I just never could. I always twitch or raise my voice for it to be squeakier. He walks closer to me and I step back, his hands putting his phone back into his pocket as he looks down to me. "Half naked out the window?"

"It's a thing girl do... when they're kidnapped without choice!" I blurted out.

"I don't like liars." He asks stepping closer pulling me from the window not roughly but enough force against my restraints. I get back on my feet after a tumble and go near a wall trying to find some sort of weapon. Is he Italian? His thick accent begins to show... was he hiding it? I step back once more until life decided to play match maker and I hit the wall. Great. He steps closer until there was no more room between us.

"You have a girlfriend; we shouldn't be this close?" It totally slipped out my mouth. I am clever, aren't I? He dies of laughter until he meets my gaze, his eyes turning greener than before and puts his arm and rest it on the wall just above my shoulders. I noticed the muscles tensing on his shoulders. The tattoos were much closer for me to read and I picked up a few words.

Death is not the opposite of life, but a part of it.

His face moves next to my neck and he whispers, his voice tingles around my neck, "I don't have a girlfriend Mi princessa, don't worry. I don't believe in love," he looks down at my neck.

"What do you mean? You do not believe in love?" My eyes were scaling to his, the way he held my gaze without doing a single thing was making me feel something near my stomach.

"Because It is stupid, a dumb fantasy that little kids believe?" He answered.

Have you never been in love before? Never felt how it was." He chuckled slowly, his hands glided across my cheeks slowly, caressing it. "No, I don't feel anything. Now just stop asking these stupid questions, I have something to attend Gattina," My chest rises when I feel his presence leave, I took that chance to take a deep breath holding onto the wall as my back trailed down. My fingers dug deeply into my scalp, as I roughly hit the side of it. I was trapped. Imprisoned. Under his watch. The fear of dying here was nerve wrecking.

I needed to get out, the door opens slightly revealing a maid close to my age. She bowed her head and walked towards me. "Mr. De'Luca has asked me to show you around, since you would be staying here for a time." I shook my head, not wanting to go anywhere as I brought my knees to my chest. I hear her sigh slightly as she bends down to my height. "Please, if you do not come with me. I'm going to be next." Her eyes held fear, I couldn't help but feel partly guilty of the number of deaths I have caused today. I nodded my head and stood up; she gave me a thankful smile. Her brown eyes hiding away as she smiled, her hair was covered by a scarf. She was beautiful, so very beautiful. I noticed how she wore a longer dress covering her arms and legs fully.

"How do you know Matteo?" I asked as we walked out of the bedroom and into the long hallway.

"Mr. De'Luca? He is my boss, he helped me a while ago when I was homeless and offered me a home here, in return I work for him." She answered honestly. De'Luca. Why did that name sound so familiar to me. As if I have been told about it before.

"He is known to be a monster Delilah, there are some people you fight of but he is not one of them. He is stronger, more powerful. Make sure he doesn't find you." My mother whispered as she stroked my forehead trying to get me to sleep.

"Why would he want me?"

"Because your father did something very bad, so very bad... to him. You have to be careful. If he finds out he has a daughter then he would use you."

I stopped in my tracks, Matteo De'Luca. The Italian Mafia. The guns. The fear. This man was a monster. A monster my mother has tried to hide me from yet here I was. In his home. "There are places in the manor which are restricted. The fifth floor. Nobody is allowed to be on that floor, do you understand?" I nodded my head again as she continued showing me the floor, I was staying one. After a long tour she took me back on the way to my guest room, before slowly bumping into a man in a black suit, he drops some papers and I apologize bending down to pick it up. While helping something catches my eyes, this was a contract for drugs?

Before I continue to read this, he grabs the papers from my hands and grunts walking away downstairs. This felt all too real. My mind was spinning. I was back in the life of a Mafia.

I turn to notice the security who Matteo was talking to earlier walk towards me holding a pair of keys. Was he going to lock me in the room?

I immediately sprinted down the empty hallways passing by maids who reluctantly stared at me.

That's when I hear Matteo's voice from a room. He's not going to lock me up like some sort of dog! The door was an Auburn brown, woody lines that's tiled through it. The handle was black metallic as I rested my hands on it. "Voglio la sua testa, la voglio come una bella decorazione." That was definitely his voice, he has some explaining to do about kidnapping and locking me in that fucking room. [I want his head; I want it as some sort of decoration.]

I push open the door slightly taking in a glance.

"Signore, I'uomo a cui ha sparato era Johnson Bianchi." My father forced me to learn all the languages, Italian was my biggest struggle so I could only pick up a few words through the accent. But the minute they brought up my uncle, I knew I needed to keep on listening to see if they know who I am. [Sir, the man you have shot was Johnson Bianchi.]

"Though Mr. De'Luca, the questions are how does he know the hostage?"

"He doesn't, he has always been a rapist. Though a background check would help."

"What are you doing?" I gasped as I turned around bumping with the open door, which caused me to stumble back as I collide with the floor.

A long whistle catches my attention and I look up finding the whole table looking at me. Then I catch his eyes. His green beautiful eyes. "Hello beautiful," one of the men said from across the table. I look up seeing Francesco, my head turns as I slowly stand up from the ground. Matteo walks towards my side as he takes of his jacket and handing it to me to wear.

"Put this on and go back upstairs," he says without no sense of feeling.

"No, I won't! You're not locking me in that room like a dog." I was then interrupted when one of the guys cats called me. "I would want that in my bed tonight," The table laughed and I stared at him.

"Don't pass yourself-" Just before finishing off my sentence, I feel myself being pushed to the door, I meet his gaze before shutting the door straight in my face.