Chapter 37 The Truth She Knew All Along

"I was right, this whole time none of you believed me and I'm right... I have all my answers." I shouted as I barged into the office where stood Matteo, Gabriel, Marco and Francesco. I pushed myself into the middle as Lorenzo stood near the door. Matteo rubs his forehead as he leans on the front of the desk, his hands holding onto the edges.

"The morning on the balcony, when you thought I was crazy? I wasn't, I knew exactly who and how I saw Anna. So, the minute you disbelieved me, I started gathering up evidence to prove Anna isn't dead. First, I will start with how you though Anna was innocent." I threw the back at him, which he easily caught. Matteo looks at it before glancing up at me, "read it Matteo. Read it out loud. The entire page now."