New Recipe?

Carmen stared at Mr. Leon suspiciously. She knew that not every person has a Preservation Box. After all, it was not a common item that one could pick up on the streets as if picking trash. 

However, she could just not imagine how someone like him, who obtained two Red Hermit Termite's eyes, didn't have any. After all, she knew Joana very well, and basing on the tone of her voice, she most likely loved the Item she just received or she wouldn't have that kind of excitement in her voice. 

Just as Ban was about to tell her that he got something better than the Preservation Box- the Dimensional Storage Earring, Joana beat him to it as she said, "Carmen, stop asking things and just state the price already!" 

Carmen was taken aback by Joana's outburst, but nevertheless, she knew her friend quite well and she knew she won't act like that without reason. "Alright, 2 Years old Glass Ginseng, that would be 10 Gold Coins."