Grilled Sand Buffalo

Using the spices available on hand, Ban marinated the diced meat of the Sand Buffalo quickly. He then covered the bowl before shaking it rapidly as per the recipe's instructions. 

After shaking it for two whole minutes, he then put it aside as he went to Belle and helped her blow the charcoal to heat them up. 

Ten minutes later, the charcoal was already heated up so Ban retrieved the bowl where he marinated the meat earlier. The meat had already soaked up most of the sauce seeing that only half of it was left. Ban was satisfied as it was exactly what the recipe had said.

He retrieved the bowl and went towards Belle once more. 

Seeing him moved towards her with the bowl, Belle also moved aside so that he could have a lot of space to move. Ban or Leon then opened the bowl's cover and the instant he did that, a pleasant aroma immediately assaulted Belle's nose.