Delo's Ambush


A transparent and glass-like object made its way towards Belle at extreme speed. 

Ban noticed that immediately, he was taken by surprise but before he knew it, his body had already acted on its own. 

He pulled Belle towards him instantly as he swiped the Noble Moth Cloak in front of them to cover them from the incoming object.


Although it was only a small object, the size of a fist, the strength it brought was not the same. 

Even though Ban had successfully blocked the object with the Noble Moth Cloak, he could still feel the pain on his arms as he was pushed back a few meters backwards. 

He gritted his teeth as he glared at Delo and his Barrier Turtle, Tori. 

That object came from Tori. Sending out a compressed barrier to attack the opponent. 

"Hehe- what if you're strong? I can still defeat you!" Delo exclaimed with a frenzied voice.