Looked Down by a Summon

Ban tilted his head after hearing what she said. Treating a Monster was also expensive? I thought it was only normal for an Adventurer to treat their injured Monster? 

'Should I also consider becoming a Monster Doctor? After all, just like the evolution method, the Book of Techniques, All About Them also have a complete list of how to treat injuries and other illnesses of a Beasts and Monster…' 

"Let's not talk about it for now… Let's focus on returning to the city first," Ban said. 

"Okay, Leon..." Belle smiled as she carefully hugged her Red Falcon. 

"Come over," Ban said. 

Belle did not hesitate any further as she went beside the Rogue Red Termite. She could not help but feel nervous as she also heard about the Rogue Red Termite Beast from their Book of Techniques. 

It does not look that different from the Rogue Red Termite Beast and Belle even thought for a second that it was actually really a Beast.