Fighting the Demon Mushroom

The Demon Mushroom was the height of Ban's waist. Its body was as thick as five adult people combined. Its color was that of a deep black, with red spots all over it as if it was its pores. 

There were two eerie dark blue eyes at the top of its cup, while its gills seemed to be that of a wide gaping mouth. 

Ban was already aware of its appearance beforehand but seeing it in person was truly frightening to say the least. He had eaten plenty of mushrooms and Beasts before but he would surely not eat something like this Demon Mushroom at all. It does not look appealing, and its body was also made of miasma. 

When Ban arrived at the 1 meter distance earlier, he had already activated the Echo Hearing Skill in an instant. 

He might have reinforced himself with the Reinforce Skill but he would surely not be arrogant enough to take a Lord Grade and E-Elite Rank's attack head on. 

Though, he was also not planning to get attacked at all.