From Falcon City, Sanders Household

Crunch! Crunch! Crunch!

The sound of crunching echoed on Ban's ears as he, Eva and Tria happily munched on the crunchy skin of the Mild Tempered Crocodile. 

The taste was a bit salty but was to his liking. Eva and Tria seemed to like it as well, seeing that Eva's mouth was stuffed, while Tria did not stop biting even for a second. 

The meat, especially the inner part, was so packed with flavors, that they could not get enough of it. 

In only a matter of 15 minutes, half of the half of the Mild Tempered Crocodile's body were already consumed by then. 

One must know that the body of the crocodile was truly massive, one could only imagine where the food they consumed went.