
The city went serious upon the official start of the Beast Tide.

Adventurer's Guild's personnel scoured the city and called out those Summoners who listed themselves as Adventurers. Those who tried to hide from their 'responsibilities' will be dealt accordingly and 'fairly.' This was the declaration of the Adventurers Guild when they handed out the mandatory Quest to the Adventurers. It was said that the Guild Master and the City Lord personally issued the Quest and its corresponding rewards. 

Those who decided to participate will be rewarded 5 Gold Coins in advance. Meaning, they can gain 5 gold coins literally for free, just by participating. Participating means enlisting, it doesn't mean that they will have to fight to death. However, one must know that once you enlist yourself for the reward, you would no longer be able to flee and would have to stay on the battlefield or else, other Summoners can target you and gain a reward for doing so.