Chapter 8

Alex first noticed her in the welcoming ceremony.

She gives off an air of discomfort and distance.

She avoids everyone, She doesn't mingle with anyone.

Maybe that's why Alex wants to befriend her. He can't bear seeing anyone as secluded as her. He pestered her even though his friends find it weird. They find her weird.

But his friends know his very nature and someone like Alex wants to get along with everyone.

It took quite a while for her to open up. They became good friends and she started talking. Alex knew Elisia as a person with loneliness deep inside her, maybe that's why something's telling him to get along with her.

It was a challenge for him to change such an emotionless face to a smiling one.

Alex smiled.

He started to find Elisia very cute especially when her face turns red when he teased her.

Her rare smile felt satisfying.

Her bashful reactions and cool attitude as he gets to know her. He was happy to get to know her.

Then after a year of being friends, it was finally their last year in high school. That's when he realized that Elisia liked him, everyone teased them because Elisia's reaction was so obvious. She avoided him and Alex doesn't want that. He realized he liked her too.

They started going out.

That day, Alex started to notice Elisia's odd behavior. She was always staring into space, even when the teacher is there, her mind seems elsewhere.

After that, she cut classes. It surprised him. It was the first time he saw her do that. He wanted to run after her but her expression looked like she wants to be alone so he waited for her.

He guarded the bag on the chair. Some of their classmates are going home. His friends came around to ask about Elisia and he just told them randomly that something might have happened to her house and needed time to think. They stayed with him to pass time while waiting for Elisia.

He walked Elisia home and unlike before, she was quiet, he asks her if something happened but she won't tell him. He tried to be understanding as not everything needs telling.

The next day, she was back on her feet. She was back being herself, he's glad to see her cheerful again. Spending time with her as usual, he found something changed. He cannot pinpoint but he noticed

Did she become more mature?

She's the same but why does he find her more mature? Is it because of the way she moves?

She seems more graceful and her posture is getting better.

As days passed, her face also looked more fresh and pretty.

Maybe because she kept her hair up?

It was not only him but everyone who noticed the small changes. It was just little changes but why did it make much difference.

Getting to know her day by day

Made him like her more and more.