Chapter 45: Brother and Sister

Huang Fei Hong blew through the three girls in an instant, his legs a black blur. Using his trademark No Shadow Kick, he kicked the three girls far away from the Huang estate, sending them sprawling on the ground some distance away.




Blood dripping from their mouths, the girls raised their heads to stare at him in horror, clutching their midriffs where he had kicked them. Somehow he had managed to get under their guard and plant a foot on their bellies, kicking them away from his sister.

"Bro! When did you…?"

Huang Hong Lin was staring at her older brother in shock, but Huang Fei Hong waved her questions away, his attention focused on the enemies before him.

"I just got back a few minutes ago. Stay sharp, Hong Lin. Our opponents aren't defeated yet."

"Damn it!" Bai Xiao Li cursed under her breath. "Where did this guy come from?! We didn't hear about the first son of the Huang family coming back!"

"Why should I tell you about my schedule or when I decide to come back?" Huang Fei Hong retorted before jumping forward to kick her. Fortunately, Madam White Snake managed to twist around and defend her mistress from the attack. Huang Fei Hong's foot slammed into Bai Su Zhen's serpentine body with tremendous impact, causing her to falter.

"Ugh?!" the snake spirit staggered back, wiping the blood from her mouth. Just a single kick dealt some internal injuries to her. "Who is this guy?! He's no ordinary human…he can fight on par with a spirit?!"

"That's bro for you!" Huang Hong Lin chuckled, watching Huang Fei Hong leap upward to slam his leg against Bai Su Zhen's head from above. Bai Su Zhen dodged the axe kick, but Huang Hong Lin had already anticipated that. "Gan Jiang, Mo Ye! Support!"

Her two spirits flanked the evading Bai Su Zhen from either side, their swords flashing as crimson and cerulean. Bai Su Zhen flicked her tail out, trying to block the blades, but blood spurted into the air as the blades found purchase, penetrating her armored scales.


With a scream, Bai Su Zhen unleashed a blast of white qi, wooden vines whipping out to drive both Gann Jiang and Mo Ye back, despite them using their swords to cut through the tangle of overgrowth. White flowers and lilies spread across the vines, gleaming ominously.

Huang Hong Lin realized the danger, and just in time.

"Gan Jiang and Mo Ye! Retreat!"

Even before the words fully left her mouth, her spirits had already withdrawn, having sensed the powerful telepathic message from her mind. They had heard the warning mentally, a powerful neural impulse through their connection with their mistress, and reflexively pulled back.

"Huh…" Huang Fei Hong narrowed his eyes before he swung his hand down and sliced through the vines that sought to ensnare him.

"Back away, bro!" Huang Hong Lin called out to him. "Those white flowers…they seem to be the type to suck away your energy!"

"Yeah, I figured that out," Huang Fei Hong admitted, jumping a few paces back. Unfortunately, before he could get far, the three girls from earlier descended upon him, their hands crackling with a myriad of exotic qi.

"You think we'll let you get away?"

"You'll pay for what you did to us earlier!"


Wind blades, earth spikes and vines hurtled outward, trying to entangle Huang Fei Hong so that Bai Xiao Li's vines, dotted with white flowers – could ensnare him. Huang Fei Hong frowned and skidded to a stop. Swapping his stance, he held his hands out and stomped on the ground, creating a shockwave that dissipated the wind and obliterated the earth spikes and wooden vines. He then threw a punch, and an invisible qi blast hurtled forward to crash into one of the approaching girls and threw her into a tree. She smashed into the trunk, which then fell over and toppled on top of her, and disappeared under a shower of splinters.

Before her two teammates could react, Huang Fei Hong was already moving. He launched himself at one of them, twisting about to avoid a reflexive earth spike that she hurled at him. Then he flipped his body about and connected his foot with her face, the kick almost taking her head off and throwing her to the ground. The impact was so huge that she ended up being half-buried into the ground, most of her upper body disappearing into the dirt.


The last girl conjured up a storm, wind blades whirling around her like a wall of knives. Using her wind element to speed herself up, she weaved through the forest, speeding between the trees and trying to shake Huang Fei Hong loose.

"That man is a monster!" she swore under her breath, dread taking hold of her. She gulped, glancing over her shoulder, and was relieved to see that he was no longer behind her. She must have outrun him.

Good. Her wind element gave her the advantage in speed. Or so she thought until she turned back around to face the front. Unfortunately, her blood ran cold when she caught sight of a very familiar figure suddenly running beside her, keeping up with her pace despite the fact that her legs weren't moving and she was being propelled forward by a strong gust of wind.

"Hello," Huang Fei Hong greeted her in a deceptively friendly manner, not at all perspiring or out of breath despite running at an incredible speed that allowed him to catch up and keep up with her flight. The girl let out a shock of cry.


"You may have those silver feet, but I've got these gold fingers!"

He then smacked her in the face, causing her to scream.


"Here I go!" Huang Fei Hong shouted gleefully, shoving her back with his hand on her face. His fingers began to glow brightly. A classic Gundam theme played in the background while he attacked. "Shining Finger!"


"WHEN DID YOU LEARN SHINING FINGER?!" Huang Hong Lin shrieked, clutching her head in despair. "Bro, what the hell are you doing?!"

"It's my new move," Huang Fei Hong explained before flicking the girl's forehead with his shining finger and obliterated her head in a spray of blood. "I came up with it after watching a classic anime. Japanese animation has always inspired me."

"You are going to get along with Zhao Huan Shi very well…"

"Speaking of which, where is he? You said that you have managed to form an alliance with him and his wife, but I don't see either of them anywhere."

Huang Fei Hong was then forced to jump away when Bai Su Zhen's white scaly tail whipped through the place where he had been standing on. Another burst of foliage covered the woods, growing exponentially and stretching toward his retreating figure.

"They are probably dead by now," Bai Xiao Li declared, folding her arms and watching them smugly from a distance. As if to punctuate her point, explosions ensued in the background, some distance away. "There's no way they can defeat Hu Li Jing and her spirit, Su Da Ji."

"You're talking about the guy who can summon Lu Bu here." Huang Fei Hong shook his head. "I think you vastly underestimate their power."

"Bro, you should go help them. That Hu Li Jing should still have another four subordinates with her. I can handle this Bai Xiao Li and her Madam White Snake with Gan Jiang and Mo Ye."

"Neither of you are doing anywhere!" Bai Xiao Li snapped. "Bai Su Zhen!"

The white serpent lady lunged forward, her colossal bulk trampling trees under her wake. Not that it mattered, for new plants and vines sprouted in her wake, all of them surging toward the Huang siblings. Gan Jiang and Mo Ye swiftly intervened, interposing themselves between the growing foliage and their mistress and her brother, but try as they might, they couldn't cut through all the vines.

Worse, the white flowers were spreading across and beginning to sap their qi.

"You sure you can take them on your own?" Huang Fei Hong asked dryly.

"I'll figure something out!" Huang Hong Lin insisted. Her brother shrugged and held up a hand.

"I've a better idea. Why don't the both of us quickly defeat this Bai Xiao Li and her white snake spirit, and then we'll go link up with your new friends afterward? I'm sure the two of us, plus your spirits, would do a lot more against Su Da Ji."

"You…!" Bai Xiao Li snarled. "Do you really think you can defeat me quickly?! You look down on people too much!"

As if responding to her anger, Bai Su Zhen hissed before unleashing another tremendous wave of white qi, which rippled across the woods and conjured more of the plants and white flowers. However, in the face of such a dire threat, Huang Fei Hong stood his ground. Taking one step forward, he braced himself and took on a defensive stance, with one hand held up.


With a bellow, he then threw a punch. The first strike sent a shockwave that blew a hole through the incoming thicket of plants. Even Bai Su Zhen recoiled from the sheer power of the attack.

But Huang Fei Hong was not done yet.

Whirling around, he swung his leg about and delivered a No Shadow Kick. Black qi burst out of his foot and sliced through the vines, branches and flowers, destroying them in an instant. Bai Su Zhen crashed into the ground, despite crossing her hands to defend against the attack. Blood leaked from broken white scales on her serpentine lower half and she shuddered.

"What the hell?!" Bai Xiao Li cried out in disbelief. Huang Fei Hong shrugged and lowered his foot before taking another step forward.

"Like I said, little sis," he remarked, directing his words toward Huang Hong Lin. "Let's wrap this up quickly and then go help your friends."