Situation Diffused

__________ POV Beru__________

After giving the two wannabe bank robbers a concussion, I quickly turned off my infrared vision. Using it during the day hurt my vision a bit.

Ok, now to get rid of meathead over here.

As much as I don't want to get a criminal record as a 5-year-old, I really don't feel like being a punching bag until the authorities arrive.

Actually, would I even be blamed for anything at all? Some record of my existence should still be left in the country, so my identity can surely be confirmed.

I was planning on going to the police station to sort things out. I really don't get why I got this sidetracked, but I guess I will end up in the police station regardless, so it doesn't matter.

So everything's good there. Now I just need to figure out a way to beat this guy up.

Oh, what am I to do? I guess I could just outmanoeuvre him a bit and teach him that strength doesn't mean all that much.

I mean, I'm quite sure I'll grow stronger than him eventually. I'm already abnormally strong for a child.

I didn't even train all that much... Although, I guess living in the wilderness does count as physical training.

While I was standing around thinking of a way to take out this tank, he swung his arm around a few times and parted the dust that was clouding our vision.

He looked a bit surprised, I think the leader was one of the two I just took down. This guy should just be the muscle. There's always one in such a group.

Still, I shouldn't underestimate him too much.

"Behind~" My raspy voice sounded itself from his back. He quickly twirled around and tried to punch me.

But being only one meter tall has its advantages. As I just slipped in between his legs and swiped his ankles with my claws.

The pain brought him to the ground, from there, the fight was pretty much done. I could finish it in quite a few ways.

But the best one, I chose to just kick him to the ground, avoiding cutting him up too much, and axe kicking him unconscious right afterwards.

Worked like a charm. After that, I proceeded to munch on one of their guns whilst a concerned bank employee approached me.

"A-are you alright sir? Are you also a hero?" The lady was professionally dressed and quite cute. Even with my shitty Japanese, I can still tell she is a bit concerned about me.

I'd 100% hit on her if I didn't risk getting her in the slammer for being a pedo. Still, I always thought Asians were cute, living in Japan won't be all that bad after all.

Well, it hasn't really been a great experience till now, but hey, it can't get any worse right? I should really shut the fuck up before something actually goes wrong.

"I~Beru... Five years old!" I fucking hate this. It feels like I'm speaking through a shitty microphone that only picks up some words and distorts my voice...

Ok, maybe I kinda like the distortion part, it does sound a bit cool. But I want to be able to speak properly at some point.

She looked extremely taken aback by that statement. I don't really blame her. But the signs are there. I am 1 meter tall, speak in short sentences... Well, I guess there aren't any signs besides that...

But hey, I don't care.

"I-I see... Did you get lost or something? Do your parents know you're here?" Well. She sure believed that instantly. What the fuck?

There go my expression judging skills, straight out the window... I thought she wouldn't even bother considering the possibility of me being a kid...

I mean... I just skillfully took out a group of bank robbers with barely any effort. And here she is, asking if I know where my parents are...

Oh well, maybe children fighting villains is something that happens a lot here.

__________ POV Narration__________

It was truly not something normal.

A 5-year-old child fighting dangerous, bloodthirsty villains was completely unheard of.

The bank employee was really hoping this was all a bad dream. Everyone else was too scared to get too close to the one that had saved them.

She approached the small monster hoping it was just a nice person with a mutant quirk. And she was completely right.

But the bank employee was trying her best to take the child's mind away from the situation. She, and everyone present, had seen one person die during that conflict.

And she hoped the one that helped them wouldn't be harmed in the future by this experience. She didn't think that the child would be so young.

It almost terrified her, but at the same time, it also explained why their mutant quirked saviour didn't even flinch in the face of those gunned men. He simply didn't know what they were...

Yes, that must be it. Guns aren't common enough in Japan for a five year old to know what they were. It also turned out that his quirk was unbelievably strong.

Overall, the situation was mostly handled before the authorities even got an emergency signal.

The woman proceeded to talk a bit to the strange child. Who only responded in short sentences or single words.

Her fear of his appearance was quite easily forgotten during that exchange. She also forgot how he had just almost clawed a man's heart out of his chest.

But hey, moving instinctually can be blamed for that... Not so much for his skilful disregard of the strength quirked villain at the end.

The Bank Employee was too tired to notice those things at that time. But the police that arrived found the situation extremely weird.


Hope you liked the chapter.

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