Massacre and Plan

__________ POV Beru__________

I waited a bit, sat on the edge of the building while looking around.

I checked on Toga a few times. She had gotten injured once or twice, but overall, she had taken down around 32 people.

She consumed their blood and turned into different people at many points, creating confusion in the large group.

She was rapidly switching in between transformations and taking people by surprise repeatedly. Her strategy made the fight much easier.

I remember the first time I saw her use her quirk. She transformed into me, it startled me at first, but it was also a bit fun to see. It seems like she can only copy appearances, she even copied my voice.

But she didn't really copy the toughness of my exoskeleton or the sharpness of my claws. So it's purely cosmetic. Still, a pretty great quirk.

But it's not horribly interesting. Apparently, she has enough blood from me to stay in my form for at least a week.

Well, enough about that, I have to watch over Toga after all...

Eventually, she came out. She had the appearance of a middle-aged man, covered in blood and gore. The 'knife' that I gave her had been soaked in more blood than it had ever been.

I jumped down, arriving in front of her as she transformed back into her original form. A greyish slime covered her body and undid her transformation.

It left her naked in the middle of the alleyway. I warped a blanket and covered her with it. She looked up at me with glee.

I just sighed in frustration. It's always annoying that she has to take her clothes off to properly utilise her quirk. she had to enter the hideout transformed as me. (mainly because I didn't want people to ogle her, even if they were going to die afterwards)

Well, no reason to let my prejudice against exhibitionism ruin her fun.

"Did you have fun?~" My question was only a formality, the smile on her face said it all. She had a lot more fun doing this than regular sparring. Even though she got injured a bit.

It's mostly bruises, and a single cut across her back from a knife.

"This was the best! Did you see me in there!? It was so awesome!" She jumped around in excitement, forgetting about her wounds(and nakedness) and hugging me.

"Of course~ You fought nicely~ Let's go home now~ I'll patch you up~" I can't really take her to Recovery Granny as she is now. I don't want any suspicion to rise.

Besides, I can take care of minor wounds by myself. I can also heal most of her bruises with that weak-ass healing quirk I still have...

Maybe I should get Recovery Granny's quirk? Meh, I don't know, I'll see about it.

I can't really think of a good method to ask for DNA from her. 'Eyy Granny, ya looking fine. How's about ya give me some blood or hair or something.' Yea, it sounds stupid.

She also has her hair caught up all the time, so collecting any strands randomly is annoying(also disgusting, but I ate live snakes, so I can't complain)

I'll figure something out.

For now, I just created a portal to our dorm room. Toga skipped in, I waited a minute or two, giving her some time to dress up a bit.

I also called the police from a random payphone. I used the voice of that fatty that I consumed the blood of before, and I only gave them the location. They can figure out the details by themselves.

I usually use a more distorted version of the voice of that Weaboo Swordsman with red hair.

After I was done with that, I also stepped into the portal.

Toga was already wearing her skirt, she only had a bra on though, and she was still putting on her socks.

She looked at me with the same, somewhat deranged, somewhat cute smile.

Aren't her cheeks hurting at this point? Pretty sure she's had this exact expression ever since she came out of the building...

Also, I didn't really think about this, but thankfully, the cut wasn't bleeding much. She would've made quite the mess of our room.

Although she finally calmed down after she stood up. I stooped her from putting on a shirt though, I still have to dress her wound...

"Why were you dragging behind? Did you have something left to do there?" She asked, tilting her head with a 'knowing' smile.

God dammed Midnight! Teaching my innocent Toga to have such impure thoughts! (I mean, I did just take her out to kill 30 people, but whatever)

"Yea~ I had to make a call~ Let's get you patched up now~ Can't have you bleeding all over the place~" I went into the bathroom and brought a first aid kit.

I was the one that told Nezu to bring me one, just in case I didn't feel like visiting the clinic after a spar with Toga.

I first touched her back and used the healing quirk. The cut was pretty long, but it wasn't all that deep.

Still, with my shitty healing quirk, I won't be able to close up this wound. I took a bandage and started circling it around her torso. She just stood there and sighed.

She sounds like a purring cat though.

"Mhm~You know, this feels quite nice. Maybe I should go topless more often." She said with a smirk.

"Teasing won't get you far with me~" Unless you're a hot Russian model, but I'll keep that to myself.

"Hmpf, you say that, but I'm pretty sure you enjoy it." She turned her head away and pouted a bit.

I mean, she has a point. I do like a bit of harmless teasing from time to time. But I would avoid hitting on a pre-teen.

She can be cute, but that's it, at least for now. I find it hard to look at her in any way other than 'cute'.

I stopped my healing quirk as her bruises mostly disappeared, I covered her entire back in back in that same bandage. Maybe I used a bit much, but it's been quite a while since I've done this.

She got up and stretched a bit, I grabbed her shirt and just threw it on her head.

"Hey! You'll ruin my hair!" She shouted as she started putting it on with an 'angry' face.

"It can't be worse than it currently is~" Oh, that's a mistake.

"WHAT!?" She quickly ran into the bathroom and screamed. Her buns were undone and her hair was all over the place.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?!" She shouted from the bathroom as she started doing her hair, again.

"You didn't ask!~" I shouted right back.

Oh well, this has been fun. I should take her out killing more in the future.

But I do have some work to do right now.

"I'll be going out for a bit!~ Take care of yourself!~" I shouted at her and prepared a warp gate directly in front of Oyama's office.

"Sure! See ya soon!" It's nice that she's less pissy about me being somewhere without her.

After hearing her goodbyes, I entered the portal and directly knocked on the door to her office.

The guards were, once more, startled. I guess it is technically almost midnight. But she should still be around this place.

"Oyama around or Nah?~" I asked, one of the security guards just nodded and motioned for me to go in.

"Kay, Cya~," I said as I entered.

"Beru! I wasn't expecting you to come so late..." Oyama started speaking as soon as I entered the room.

"Well, me either~ But I do have some stuff to talk about~ I think the sooner I get it out of the way the better~," I said as I took a seat in front of her.

"Well, speak out. I'm sure it's related to the mission right?" She asked as she put the files she had been looking through at the side.

"Yeah~ Well, I think I will actually rip out my antennas if you give me another mission like this~" She chuckled a bit, but my frustration is very real.

"No~ I mean it~ What the fuck?~ How am I supposed to find a single person in such a large area?~ I spent this day looking through the entirety of Musutafu~ She's not here~ And I can't be fucked to do this for every city in Japan~" I said as I waved my hand in exasperation.

I could see that she is quite amused at my predicament.

"Honestly, we were expecting such a result. Although we were still hoping you'd be able to find her somehow..." Her face reverted to its usual cold look after her amusement died down.

"We've already devised a strategy to draw her out. It's quite simple really. But I will need you to take part in the operations." She said as she took out another file for me.

"The plan is written down in here, as well as the dates and locations for every part. You just need to do your part, we will take care of the rest." Her cold eyes gazed at me, I just nodded.

"Kay(understandable, have a great day)~" I slowly got up. I'll look into the file later, It's already late after all.

I warped away as I waved Oyama goodbye. She just responded with a nod.

I warped directly in my room and threw the file on my desk for later reading. After which I just jumped on my bed and buried my face in my pillow. I then turned around and stared at the ceiling.

Toga came out of the bathroom soon after, looking a bit surprised to see me.

"Well, that was quick... I was expecting you to be gone for a bit... I kinda wanted to do something..." She said while looking a bit coy.

What did she want to do? I'd rather not ask. But I already know since I'm not that dense.

"Do that in the shower or something~C'mon, let's sleep~," She just turned red and jumped in bed.

She must've been tired because she passed out as soon as she hit the pillow. She didn't even entangle me yet, although I guess she usually does that in her sleep.

I guess I'll follow in her footsteps and get my beauty sleep.


Hope you liked the chapter!

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