Outcome and Visit

__________ POV Narration__________

Mirko didn't like the way that villain had escaped her. She was disappointed but her will to become stronger was only ignited.

She was even mad at herself for considering that waiting for reinforcements was a good idea. She was the type to act alone usually.

But the amount of damage Beru did to their surroundings was what made her somewhat panic. And she regretted not just fighting him with all that she had.

She realised that the man was about as powerful as her and extremely skilled. But she didn't expect his ability to shake off his pursuers was also that great.

She genuinely couldn't even find a trace of him after turning a few corners. It was as if he had vanished in thin air(I mean, he technically did).

That made her both mad at herself and interested in the new villain group that had just popped up in Japan.

The news of their appearance spread throughout the country, their bold heist and power were displayed for the world to see. But no one talked about the villains actively avoiding casualties.

That was because villains were evil, and such a thing wasn't possible in the eyes of the public (Beru was a special case). But the police knew it, so did Mirko herself.

They also realised that the villains wouldn't end their career with just that. As of now, they spotted two powerful individuals in that group.

One being the presumed leader, he had a metal manipulation quirk that ruined quite a bit of the infrastructure underneath the ground during this event.

And the other was the Gigantification quirk villain. He seemed to be able to grow both his body and limbs to a greater extent than even Mt. Lady. A hero with a very similar quirk.

What was even more astonishing, his quirk seemed to allow him to have a monstrous amount of strength. To the point where he could equal the Nr.13 hero Mirko.

The investigators weren't able to find anything about the group, but they could tell that they were foreigners. And they knew that said foreigners entered the country through illegal means.

Otherwise, they'd at least have some profile for them. For now, they were just known as the 'Foreign Criminals'.

The media could also tell that the group was mostly comprised of foreigners. And they obviously reported on that.

Citizens country-wide were shocked at the boldness of this attack as well as the strength of the villains. But they weren't worried at all.

They had the Symbol of Peace on their side, after all.

Not only that, but they also had a hero of about the same level of strength as the Symbol.

Beru was well recognized for his monstrous strength, he had gone toe to toe with the Symbol at a young age. And now, they knew for sure that he was on their side! (sike)

The festival, however, continued. Toga had actually lost in the first round of the tournament. She had just answered a question from someone and she was mind-controlled to walk off the stage.

It was really frustrating for her, Beru just found it amusing though.

She had already made it really far in his opinion, so he didn't care. He also knew how strong she was, her opponent just happened to be a bad match-up.

Nothing really interesting happened in the tournament besides that. There were a few interesting fights, like Bakugo and Shoto or Izuku and Shoto.

But, overall, he wasn't really all that interested in the tournament. Thirteen did chastise him for being away an entire hour.

At first, Beru wanted to say that he had diarrhoea or something, but Lunch Rush was present, and Beru didn't want to insult the man's food.

So, he was forced to say that he got distracted on his way to the toilet. Which was a shitty (hah) explanation, but it worked.

The rest of the day also passed quickly. Taking Toga out for ice cream was also quite uneventful.

The two of them just hung around each other for a few hours and went back home to continue hanging around each other.

But, after some time, Beru decided that he should visit his friend Nao. He also hadn't seen Kota in quite a while, and he didn't have much else to do.

__________ POV Beru__________

Damn, Nao's crib is just as great looking as I remember it. It's certainly been a few weeks, I'm sure Kota's missed me.

I knocked on the door with happy thoughts in my head. I waited around for a bit.

I could hear someone dragging a chair around, then I heard the door unlock. The door was opened by none other than Kota. Again.

"Why are you always opening the door to strangers?~" He never actually learns...

"Uncle Beru, you're not a stranger!" Please don't call me uncle, you're hurting me more than All for One could...

I guess people my age get sensitive about their age? It's understandable really, even a man-child like myself would at least feel somewhat conscious about it.

"Come in! Mom and dad are taking a shower" What? Together? With the kid at home?

Well, I guess as long as they don't make too much sound, they can play with their water guns as much as they want...

Still, didn't know Nao was this sneaky. Is he giving little Kota a sibling?

I could look and find out, but I do respect the privacy of my friend.

"Sure kid~ Let's watch some TV~ Really loud cartoons or something~" I walked in and sat on the couch with Kota.

I have extremely good hearing, and the cartoons being loud will distract me from the muffled moaning.

This time, I don't feel the need to raid Nao's fridge. So I'll just watch some TV for a few minutes...

Well, the few minutes turned into around 45 minutes.

Are they practising the entire Kamasutra scripture in there? What the fuck?

Well, I guess I'll speak to Kota a bit more, he's been pretty transfixed on his cartoons, but I'm sure he doesn't mind some distraction.

"So... How's school been?~ I'm sure you've started kindergarten already~" Kota looked at me with a smile.

"It's really fun! I get to play around with so many people-" He continued to go on about his kindergarten adventures for a while.

Apparently, he's making friends without any issue, other kids actually look up to him since his parents are heroes.

Eventually, Kota's parents decided to come out of the shower. They came down the stairs already dressed and speaking about making dinner or something like that.

Nao did notice me sitting on the couch though, he looked quite petrified. "Umm... Since when have you arrived?" He asked with a bit of sweat on his brow.

"Meh~ A few minutes~" No need to make him more uncomfortable.

"Oh! Uncle Beru has been sitting with me and watching cartoons for at least an hour." Kota doesn't seem to have the same inhibitions though.

His father turned red and coughed a bit. "W-Well, I hope you weren't too inconvenienced by that..." Miss Izumi was also pretty embarrassed, I guess they both know that I have great ears.

"Nah~ It's fine~ How's about dinner?~" No need to keep embarrassing them with this shit.

Nao and I spoke, while Kota helped his mother make dinner. We chatted about random things and other things that we went through recently.

I didn't speak much about acting as a villain though.

Still, Nao felt the need to give me a little warning.

"Beru... I looked into the Public Safety Commission, I don't really like what I found. I know that you don't have all that many choices, but I advise you to proceed with caution."

I already know that my partnership with this shady organisation is a crap chute. But, even if things sour between me and them, they still can't do anything to me.

But still, I will proceed with caution. If they ever end up threatening me with my friends though... I might just commit a few crimes (one of them starts with 'Geno' and ends in 'cide').

"I'll be careful~ Thanks for the concern~" It's nice to have someone that cares about you. Moments like these remind you that you aren't really alone.

The rest of the dinner went by uneventfully. I ended up leaving later in the evening, as I didn't want to bother them the entire night.

I shook hands with Nao and warped away.

Upon reaching my room, I could see quite the mess around. This implies that Toga once again forgot to fold her clothes and she ran off to do something else.

It got me a bit curious, I guess I'll look for her after cleaning up a bit(too big a mess can be bothersome).


Hope you liked the chapter! I had a lot of work today, that's why it's a bit later than usual

If u want to support me look up VeganMaster on Patr_eon.
