A Plot

__________ POV Narration__________

Wolfram, against all of his judgement and suspicions, had yet to flee the country with his group.

He was currently coldly staring at a table in the middle of the warehouse. On it was a large map of Japan, circled in red were the places that they needed to rob, crossed were the ones they had already been to.

No member of his group was captured yet, but he knew it was just a matter of time. And he didn't know if his people would be able to resist interrogation.

The second one of them was caught he'd have to move bases and likely leave the country.

Even worse, the only reason none of them was in jail yet was because of someone he completely detested.

He always came in different forms and took the form of the same person during the heists.

The person in question became more of a reserve member, being left behind in the warehouse or being made as an escape driver.

Beru was not a topic Wolfram liked to talk about. The size-changing and form-taking intruder was the exact reason his sceptical mind was screaming at him to leave Japan.

He was always there to supervise them when the time was right. Seemingly appearing right in between them. It was frustrating for Wolfram.

But he was far too greedy to leave yet. They had already gotten a lot of money. But there was so much more to gain just from continuing that seemingly meaningless contract.

'What exactly is the goal?' Wolfram had asked himself that question many times during the last month.

Why were they being paid to create all of that chaos? There was simply no one to answer those questions.

The organisation that had hired them didn't even take a cut from the robberies. Wolfram didn't like the idea that he was being used.

So, with that in mind. He had finally made a decision. 'This will be the last heist. We will have to flee the country right afterwards...'

But something was making him anxious... How exactly would he go about getting rid of their shape-shifting intruder?

Beru seemed to always be present. Always appeared by their side when a heist was ready or in motion.

Wolfram was sure that the man was sent to look over them at all times. So, he was going to have an extremely tough time getting rid of him...

It actually sounded almost impossible if they were to get rid of him by themselves. 'But we don't have to do that... do we?'

As that thought surfaced in Wolfram's mind, a plan was quickly concocted as a sickening and crazed smile appeared on his face.

And so, the partnership between Wolfram's group and the Hero Public Safety Commission was about to come to an abrupt end... And Beru was the one to be caught in the middle of that.

__________ POV Beru__________

Damn, it's already the day of the heist?

I predict it to be excruciatingly boring and extremely predictable. But I still have that nagging feeling that it will all go to shit.

It's already the fifth heist. And I need to think of how to deal with all of the heroes that will show up...

I mean, not that I'm expecting there to be an army of heroes. But they should still be really on guard now.

The good thing is that they have no way of actually knowing where we are striking next. There is no actual pattern to the banks that are targeted.

One attack can happen in a city, the next can happen on the other side of the country. But they will happen, and I have to be there. So I guess I'll warp myself to them...

Well, I'll first transform into that bloke. It's a decent form to take. Like all of the gunmen in Wolfram's group, a gas mask perfectly covered my face.

And my suit covers my body perfectly(not a formal suit, combat suit). The kevlar and other things aren't really important. The only distinctive feature this form has is the red hair that sticks out a bit.

It's awfully convenient. This way, I have an established 'identity' with the authorities. So I don't bring even more attention to the group.

If I play a different guy every time it will give people the impression that this group is crazy strong or something like that.

I arrived at an alleyway near the place that was about to be robbed. This time it was a larger bank, one that was bound to bring more attention to Wolfram's group.

I stepped forwards, crossing the road with large steps as I entered the bank. The sublime sound of people screaming and shots being fired ringed into my ears and made me quite irritated.

Nothing grave was happening, obviously, the robbers were just scaring people into submission.

Although, something strange did happen. A lady with long white hair was running towards the entrance, which I found quite strange.

She was wearing a blue tracksuit and somewhat baggy clothes. Even then, it was quite obvious that she was curvy.

I guess Wolfram's people aren't used to larger banks yet? Anyway, I am right in front of the entrance, so I might as well be the one to stop her.

"Where do you think you're going?~" I asked as I enlarged my plan and placed it in front of the entrance. Covering it entirely and cutting off her path.

But, to my surprise, there was no fear in her features. Upon closer inspection. I could see a sharp-toothed smile stretched on her face.

She jumped almost instantly, she mounted my head and locked her legs around my neck.

"Luna Tijeras!!" She shouted out with force as she was about to start spinning in the air...

Such a move would most likely decapitate a regular person. But I'm not all that normal of an individual.

I quickly turned my hand into its normal size and grasped her thighs with both of my hands, stopping her from moving any further.

I looked up, to see the rabbit ears of the tanned woman looking down at me. Her smile was still present, even though her sneak attack had failed.

In that instant, I realised who she was. That rabbit hero from the first heist... And, it seems that she's not alone.

My movement was swift, my reflexes top-notch, but I still failed to react to what happened next. Maybe it was because I was distracted by the rabbit lady(damn she's hot).

From my side, a large familiar figure appeared and punched me square in the ribs.

I let go of the Rabbit Hero, not wanting to take her flying through a few walls with me.

I know the feeling of this punch... To think All Might of all people would be here... I guess he did take two days off from teaching...

I crashed through the wall of the bank and arrived in the middle of the street, I spun in the air and made my hand large enough to dig into the concrete.

I halted to a stop and stared at the bank. This time, my x-ray vision was on, I looked through the walls as the 'civilians' all seemed to get up quickly, some of them ripping their casual clothes to reveal their hero costumes.

And, Wolfram's group was still there. Untouched...

Well then, if we have to play it this way.

"VILLAIN! IF YOU STAY PUT YOU WON'T HAVE TO GET HURT FURTHER!" Shouted Toshi as he also walked out of the building. Rabbit hero in two.

Out of the bank followed all of the heroes, as well as Wolfram and his group.

Toshi probably thinks his blow dealt a lot more damage, he's always considerate. Either that, or he doesn't want to fight all that much.

But he shouldn't have much to fear. I could see even more heroes popping up from the buildings nearby. As well as a lot of police.

Some faces I even recognized. I didn't know Endeavor had this much free time...

"So that's how it is...~" I slowly got up as my hand returned to its original size.

Again, if I show off too many quirks, things can get troublesome. But gigantification should be enough... At least when coupled with my strength.

"Just give up you dolt! You have no way of escaping this! So much for you being a caretaker huh?!" Damn, that rabbit lady is quite savage.

"I would have to agree with Rumi here... You have been caught, just like a mouse in a trap..." Wolfram also walked forwards, a devious smile on his face as he looked at me with a strange sense of satisfaction.

"I should've expected something like this...~," I said as I looked at the encirclement that was formed around me.

They may all be gathered, but that means that I can at least go ham without any issue. They must've evacuated every building in this district.

"You have a lot of questions to answer... I would recommend you give up, you have no chances of escaping this predicament." A person dressed like a ninja spoke up now.

He should be a high ranking hero or something, I'm sure I've seen him before.

"You guys shouldn't get too confident~ We haven't even started~" I didn't move, but my words still made the heroes and policemen around me get into their stances.

"So it's gonna be this way huh?" The Rabbit Lady did her best to sound disappointed, but her smile is certainly not helping her credibility...

Still, this is such a mess. I can't wait to complain to Oyama about it.


Hope you liked the chapter.

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