Letters home

I opened the door seeing one of the maids standing there "hello dear dinner will be served soon" I nodded and she left so I went back to shinigami, He was still looking out at the rain. I sat next to him and he looked at me "You really hit it lucky with your room Umiko" I smiled "Thanks it just needed some cleaning and a bit of fixing up" He nodded "I'm going to hang out with you till dinner I don't really want to see phanes" I nodded "That's fine, what would you like to do?" He shrugged and I thought of something "Hey I have an Idea" I reached my hand outside and brought in some of the water. "I'll make shapes and different objects and you can try to make them with your mist while I make them with the water" He got up "Sure sounds fun" So we started we would make random things back and forth seeing if the other could copy it. We made a lot from a simple blob to weapons and even people. It was pretty fun, But soon we were called for dinner so Shinigami called back his mist and I sent the water outside. We then went down the corridor and to the dining hall. I helped them bring out the food while everyone else sat at the table. Once I finished I sat with them and ate. I was sitting with Jackson and malik since shinigami was surrounded by people. I talked with them, It was nice since I haven't been able to talk with them for a bit. After I finished eating I excused myself and headed to my room. I sat by the window and called for Azure. He appeared in front of me and I petted him. "Hey buddy, how have you been?" He hopped onto my shoulder rubbing his head against mine. "Aww I missed you too," I wrote a letter home to mother

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I give my letter to Azure before sending him off. I waited for him to come back with a response. Once he did I opened it up and read it

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I smile happily glad to see that everything is going well. I pat Azure's head "Thank you azure" I decided to play with him for a bit he seemed to enjoy it. I heard a knock at my door and opened it to see Gia standing there "Hey are you okay? I heard you laughing and talking to yourself" I laughed a bit "Sorry I'm playing with azure" She looked confused "You mean like the color?" I held out my arm as he landed on it. "This is azure" She squealed "Oh my! He's so pretty!" Azure tweeted happily "He says thank you" She looked at me "You can understand him?" I nodded "Yeah I sorta made him so it makes sense right?" She nodded "Yeah I guess- WAIT YOU MADE HIM!?!?" I nodded "Yeah out of water and some other things that gave him life" I smiled and held him out to her. She held him in her hands and petted him "He has soft feathers yet he is made of water." I nodded "Yep" She smiled at me "You are truly skilled at this umiko" I laughed "Oh no I had a lot of help making him" She nodded "Yes but that fact that he listens to you is amazing, He has a bond to you" Azure hopped back on my shoulder "Yeah I guess your right, He did fly all the way to the island and back for me" She looked confused "Wait for what?" I looked at her "I sent a letter home to my mother and he brought back her response" She nodded "Understandable" I set azure down "So is there anything else you need Gia?" She shook her head "Nope, Have a good rest of your day" I smiled "You too!" I then shut my door before relaxing on a chair. I read a book before slowly falling asleep and waking up to someone at my door the next day.