Chapter 13: Their Misery

It was a silly game all children played, Truth or Dare, mostly dare. Peer pressure often became a wicked tactic and produced traumatizing results. In Derry, young ones would test courage by known listed tasks and places. Three specific locations were the most terrifying: An abandoned cottage house deep in the forest, Neibolt house--for obvious reasons. Lastly, the storm drain surrounded by forest, where a small group of three will understand just how dangerous this innocent little pass-time can be.

"See Flora? Bryan is a Scaredy-Cat!" Shouted a little boy of about twelve years named Lewis Holton.

A third member of their group giggled into hands, a girl with golden curly locks. "Scaredy-Cat Bryan!" She copied.

Bryan pouted at her, a blush colored pale cheeks. "I am not! Take that back!" He was on the verge of tears.

While the unaware targets divided themselves childishly, the dancing clown lurked in dark shadows deep in pipes that served as camouflage. Pennywise sharpened teeth, preparing to begin his nightmare dance by first inspecting their young delicious minds. Bryan feared blood, such easy prey really. Flora was deathly afraid of balloons, especially when they pop. Lewis frightened of giant crocodiles.

Oh Excellent! A three course meal before him! This will be fantastic.

Gold began to flare, a sign of the creature manipulating his biological advantages. Since they each saw what is most feared, their individual scares all worked together in such pristine harmony. One by one will fall victimized to his conjured nightmares.

The moment Bryan saw tainted sewage water turn crimson, he fainted. One down, he'll save that for a snack. Pennywise now aimed for the girl. She backed away and tripped, falling on her bottom and soaking clothes. Eyes unable to rip from the unexplained floating red balloon, her fright caused paralysis.

Lewis however, stood ground even after witnessing Lake Placid inching towards him. It didn't take much effort until the boy's meek little wits crumbled in licks of fear. Lake Placid ripped apart Lewis and his small body, chunks of flesh ingested before taking the remaining two down into his decaying lair.

Hunting is usually so exhilarating but not this time.

Pennywise returned with immense animalistic rage as he indulged Flora from her miniature hands. For reasons unknown, he favoured shoulders to fingers, that is where they tasted the best.

Too bad he didn't feel satisfied, always empty and never full. Pennywise cursed as he swallowed down bites of young flesh. A realization now clear and it bothered him. Growling aloud in frustration, clawed fingers curled in irritation, monstrous body covered in blood trembled. "Why?" His wrathful tone echoed through the maze created of pipes.

He had her, took what he desired without remorse! So now what? What more can he possibility need from that girl?

What? What? What?

The image of that human she calls Dimi carrying her off and outside Derry invaded his mind. No longer did Pennywise feel Junia's presence within the town. Limit to his advantages become annoyingly clear. It sparked something, an emotion to be specific, he never experienced before. As if, the abyss somehow increased, creating a greater thirst for that single moment during their intimate exchange to once again feel full.

"Yes, I think I understand now." Pennywise hissed in self-realization of what exactly he desired from Junia.


Since Junia was young, her mother always preached a valuable piece of information that she would constantly need during this treacherous awaking life.

Travel over waters, it has the power to heal and spark enlightenment.

And that is what she did, with help of course.

Where to?

A place of year round summer breeze, rough waves, lively music and exotic animals: Trinidad, her second home and birthplace of her father.

She welcomed the warmth, absorbing its healing rays. Knowing to regret it later as skin will darken. Feet sunk into wet sand as the tide pulled pebbles, she loved the rush. It brought joyful memories of her childhood, of Jaison when he was only six and wouldn't fear of the tide's strength.

Junia tried to keep the nightmares at bay with happiness as her weapon. Didn't work most of the time, especially when aches left from Pennywise's wrath seemed to be engraved deeply. Passed skin, under flesh, through bones and straight into a heart that wept in sorrow. She was lost, feeling a piece of her was stolen. She not only experienced a most violent act against her but was also responsible for provoking it. Unable to cast blame solely on the creature.

In the far distance, browns saw an ever so daunting hint of shark fins breach water. Junia watched, mesmerized by witnessing a glimpse of her favourite animal. Realization came over her, one that answered doubts. She always had a talent, no. Not the right word, more like tenderness for sharks especially. Finding them so captivating although rumoured and studied to be dangerous.

Speaks volumes of her personality huh?

A tear fell, blending with salted ocean. Lips parted to allow voice speak softly broken. "Dad... What have I done? This isn't how I pictured things."

She loathed these haunted emotions of hers. Unable to erase or wash him off skin. It pained immensely but a lingering crave for more was left. How life failed her so. Fraternizing with a creature who hunts and kills children to remain alive. Even worse, how could she even attempt to develop such sympathy towards him?

A sickly bitter feeling settled in the woman forever bonded to Pennywise the Dancing Clown.

It was like a chain, Nolan watched Dimi who had eyes on Junia as she sat in sandy waters. The sun was scorching hot, even under shade the heat could be felt boiling against skin. Their bi-polar climate bodies that were custom to changing seasons found it extremely difficult to cope.

"We have to tell her man, this is brutal to watch." Spoke Nolan, the silence between them became too intolerable.

Eyes remained on not a girl but woman now, fists deep in cargo pockets of cream colour. "I know! I just need time."

Nolan groaned in frustration at his friend, hands went up, one held a beer. "Alright man, do it your way. Just don't say I didn't warn you when Deb chews you out."

"What do you want me to do!" Shouted the other defensively, not needing to be reminded of his dominate mother "Just randomly be like 'oh hey Junia you're supposed to get fucked up by this Shape-shifting thing to save a whole other universe you have no clue existed!' See how crazy that sounds Nolan? So fucking forgive me if I'm a little nervous." Dimi panted from the needed outburst, fingers rubbed the bridge of his nose.

The other blond sighed, understanding how difficult a situation it is. "Look Bro, I get it." His jaw flexed. "But we can't have another indict like Nicola."

Dimi calmed, hearing his friend's sorrowful voice when saying his deceased sister's name. "I'm sorry."

Defined muscles tensed from rage Nolan carried since that day, fingers gripped tightly around his empty beer bottle. "Then tell Junia, today before shit hits the fan, at least about my cousin."

"What about that prick?" Asked the person in question, she took a seat between the males, sitting under folded legs, her purple skirt fanned over. The thought of Giovanni made her stomach sickly wrathful. What she would give to shove a silver bullet into that idiotic skull of his.

Dimi nearly had a heart attack upon the woman's return, giving Nolan a glare as he very well knew she was behind them. Anxiety caused chest to tightened, still unable to find the right words. Was there a perfect way to explain this? Probably not.

"A lot of shit." Nolan blurted, earning yet another disapproving look from Dimi.

"Chill will you!"

Junia watched the two in confusion, browns looked down as she fidgeted with now shortened nails. "Look," The woman started in a careful voice. "Whatever you have to tell me can't be worse than what I know." Junia bitterly stated, feeling ready to reveal the deathly secret of countless victims.

The two friends exchanged bewildered looks before Dimi provoked an answer. "You first."

Junia sighed, anxiety bubbled. How would they take it? The knowledge of her best kept secret about Derry's recent horrific events. All the heart aching negative possibilities, she swallowed dryly. "I... I know what's been taking children... and making them disappear... and kill them..."

Nolan slouched deep in the hand weaved bamboo chair, a finger on his temple. "We know, it's the same twisted Glamour clown that had you fucked up. Isn't hard for us to figure out."

The other male covered face with a palm. "Could you have said it any less insensitively?"

"Whatever man, it is what it is, literally." Shrugged Nolan.

Browns shifted between them, caught off guard by how nonchalant her two companions reacted about countless children being brutally eaten. "What the fuck! How did you guys know that? Do you know how hard it's been for me knowing and keeping that a secret?" She fired back with volume, dismay leaking from her tone, relief mixed along.

"Bro, this is where you do the thing." Nolan pointed at her and spun his hand in gesture to speed up their already difficult process.

Dimi sighed, taking a place on the metal coffee table, directly in front of her. Coloured eyes locked in, he parted lips. "There isn't an easy way to explain this, so just bear with us." He glanced at Nolan to indict both males knew the situation.

She began to feel anxious but nodded in compliance. "Okay... I'm listening."

"All you need to do is watch."

The woman observed Dimi twirl the thick medal ring he always wore, slowly taking it off his middle finger.

Browns widened in utter shock as a white aura glowed once the piece of jewelry was removed. Skin heightened into tanner shade that mirrored hers, dirty blond brightened like gold, ears elongated into points, finger nails grew into razor claws and hazel eyes replaced by glowing violet, even whites. His level of beauty tripled.

Junia was shocked and amazed at the transformation. Eyes wide and mouth dropped nearly to the floor. "Are... are you Blood Elf or something?"

Dimi chuckled at the World of Warcraft reference she correlated his new appearance to. "Light Elf, Blood Elves are actually the bad ones." He corrected, head nodded in direction to the other male. "and he's a merman."

Nolan clicked his tongue. "Really dude? You know how I feel about being exposed."

"Too bad." Snickered Dimi, returning attention back onto Junia who took the reveal better than he thought. "You're not surprised?"

"Of fucking course I am." She blinked. "I mean I had my suspicions there were other beings and shit but fucking elves and mermaids? What you got vampires and werewolves too?" The woman said in frantic sarcasm.

Sighed Nolan in exhausted "Mer-man." he corrected, tone and expression dripped with annoyance that suggested this kind of reaction happened to him often. "And yeah, we got those too, Giovanni is a werewolf. I got lucky dodging that bullet."

"The point," Dimi interjected sternly, cutting the off topic ramble. "Is that you can trust us."

Relief washed over the woman as did guilt of her sins. Anxiety calmed, feeling she could actually breath for the first time since Johnny Boy was killed. Funny how these two boys once terrorized her now became saviors to an extent. However, there are other problems. "And Giovanni?" Round brown eyes rested on the newly found out merman. "Your cousin drugged me Nolan, that more than crossed the line."

They both hummed, knowing this conversation would happen but prayed it didn't. Neither enjoyed the thought of someone they grew up with turning a vile leaf. It was cringe worthy.

"Yeah that's a whole different kind of problem." Groaned Nolan, rubbing his forehead, green eyes looked to Dimi for permission. The other gave a subtle nod and he continued hesitantly. "This ... chick called him up and told us about you and Dimi. I already knew but Giovanni didn't. The girl apparently wired him blood money to purposely fuck with you."

Junia's brown eyes blazed with creeping rage. "who the fuck was it?"

"Ah." Nolan looked up at Dimi who put hands up.

"Don't look at me, you're the one that wanted to tell her."

"Fuck." He hissed and whispered the name in an extremely quiet and fast breath hoping Junia wouldn't catch it. "Angel."

She blinked, air paused in throat, hoping ears deceived her. "Pardon me?"

Both males gulped nervously, knowing what a hot-blooded woman she was back in grade school and only guessed it to be no different. Nolan spoke again, slightly louder. "Angel"

Junia boiled with trembling rage that heightened blood flow, heart raced in rapid speed. Never in her life, since her father was murdered in cold blood did Junia ever want to strangle someone so immensely with bare hands. Or desire for a certain shape-shifting clown to devour a specific individual purposely to quench her own blood-lust.

She got up silently and hissed through teeth before heading back to her room. "I've had enough of this childish bullshit. Get me the fuck back to Derry, this little nice bitch act is done. I'll show them just who they're fucking with."

The two friends didn't understand how a little girl sparked immense rage over a sadistic glamour creature that days ago violated her. It was beyond their brain capacity, more Nolan's. Dimi understood why feelings remained although a tragic event occurred. It was a force unlike any other. A force that could make two individuals who are enemies become one in the same.

Something ancient and powerful.

"At least she's not pissed off with us." Commented Nolan positively.

Dimi snickered. "Thank fucking God."

"This Angel is gonna be one dead board though."

"No kidding, remind me to never get a mixed girl mad."

Nolan smirked, blond brows wiggled. "Weren't you always Team Junia?"

"Hell no." Dimi shook his head at the hinted indication of having romantic feelings towards the woman. "The last thing I ever want is to be on that shape-shifters' hit list."

A chuckle rumbled from Nolan, greens saw the complete opposite. "Aren't you already on it though?"