
7. The Game Changer

Like Dante said, he will tell what the origin , the true story of how the Devix family came to be. He also said, he has other information as well, what could this information be, what effect could it have on Lenor and Vernen, and could it bring mass destruction? This ancient information could be a game changer.

"So, are you ready, what I'm about to say will blow your minds. You have been warned" Dante said

Vernen and Lenor both looked at each other at the same time and told Dante to continue

"Very well then, I will start with the biggest well kept secret of the Devix family, I'm going to tell how we, The Devix family, came to be..."

Soon as Dante said that he closed his eyes for a few seconds, when he reopened his eyes, both eyes turned grey, Dante then began the story....

"Over 925,000 years ago, there were two lifeforms, one was an immortal blood reaper death dragon, who name is "Infergus Geo Devix", and the other lifeform was a hybrid reptile alien Demi God, who name is " Cradon Denazi". These two beings were rivals for thousands and thousands of years. Anyway, thousands of years went by, Infergus had a plan, he wanted to move to another galaxy to call home, but, he couldn't because of Cradon so, one day, Infergus had a son , his son name was "Merex Devix", he gave Merex the power of a god so he could kill his Arch-enemy Cradon. But one day, Merex saved Cradon from an assassination attempt that was set up by his father, Infergus, Infergus became so enraged that created massive blackholes that ripped apart time and space. After Infergus calmed down, he punished Merex by cursing him severely, by giving him, the "1,000 year punishment". This will also affect any other children he would of had, meaning, that if I had a brother, my brother would be cursed for an additional 1,000 years, so, instead of 1,000 years, he would have to wait 2,000 years. After one child, Me, anyway, after cursing Merex, he left that galaxy, but before he did, he gave birth to another lifeform, which was a hybrid alien bird. His name was "Rex Decema" the main goal Rex had was to get Merex to kill Cradon.

Infergus' original plan was to kill both Merex and Cradon, but Infergus loved Merex very much. So, instead, Infergus told Rex to become friends with both Merex and Cradon, but he told Rex to get them arguing so they won't trust each other. The crazy part was, it was an easy plan, Merex then declared war upon Cradon. Infergus was proud that his plan worked, so he fixed the broken flow of time and space, so that it would turn into the world we know right now. Infergus blocked this story from all of the future Devixs except Merex.

The Devixs quickly became the family of destruction, soon after Infergus fixed the floe of time and space. To summarize what I just told you, the Devixs was created from a legendary dragon, in other words, we Devixs are the children of a dragon. We Devixs also have a hidden stored last restort that can destroy a galaxy. The reason why we Devix are so unstable is because, it's a side effect from the curse/gift. There's not much to it really. During the creation of the Eye of Destruction, something went wrong it really was suppose to be called " The Eyes of Destruction", but the area where it was being created was severely attacked by some unknown beings. Some say that it was Cradon, some say it was the Denazis playing games. Nobody from the Devix family truly know what happened that day."

After Dante was done, his eyes turned back to one red and one black. Vernen and Lenor was extremely surprised and shocked by the story they just heard. Nobody expected that the Devix family were the children of a legendary dragon.

"That was a crazy story. I don't know what to think at this point." Lenor said

"I never knew there were more to our families than the wars. Now, I understand why the Devix saw the arrival of the Denazis as a massive threat. So, that also means, my family, the Decemas weren't really allies with either the Devix or the Denazi families.

Dante stared at both Lenor and Vernen, by the look on Dante's face, something dangerously bad was minutes if not seconds away, then it happened, the final phase in Dante's destructive transformation. Dante screamed at the top of his lungs. It was so loud, the skin on Dante's face and body peeled off. The floor was shaking and rumbling so violently. Large cracks started tp form. The sky quickly turned black, there was black clouds and lightening striking the floor. Dante's claws grew too big and his wings grew the biggest. Dante screamed extremely loud once more


"I think I fully understand now. Whatever happened when Dante stared in the "Eye of Destruction" is the key to what is happening Dante now, meaning Dante is really turning into the Immortal Blood-Reaper Death Dragon, Infergus" Vernen said