Tanaka's...! ( extras#3)

Kakeru: Hey, morning! Taichi.

Taichi: Yo! Man, Good Morning!!!

Tanaka( flying ): heyyyyyy....! Good Morning guys...

Today is a beautiful day, isn't it...Woohoo...

Kakeru(confused): BRUH..., WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT??

Taichi: why is he so happy? did something happen to him?

Ayato: apparently, he has a crush on someone...

Kakeru: Wait, what???

Taichi: I have a bad feeling about this...

Ayato: me too...

(Three of them ): Hmmmmm.....

Kotarou: aren't you guys being so mean right now.

PriestAyato: I know kotarou what you think but you must accept the fact, I know it's hard but don't worry my child, God will show you the way...

Kakeru: Nevermind him, bro, you are freaking me out right now...

Ayato: WHAT???

Taichi: I think kyoko - San hit his head pretty hard...

Kakeru: you are right hahaha.....

Ayato: Hey, what are you guys laughing at??


Hey.....!!! What the...

Kyoko: Stop saying weird stuff! Around the school...

Ayato: YEAHHH, that said, but you can say that without hitting me, you know...


Kyoko: ohh, Am I...

Anyway, let's go to class...

Ayato: Hey, Don't ignore me... Hey, hey, are you hearing?

Kyoko: yeah, yeah....!

Taichi: let's get out of here guys!!!

Kakeru and Kotarou: yeah.....!

In the class

Tanaka(humming): hmmm.hhmh.h.hm.m...

Makoto: hey, kakeru! Do you know what is going on??

Kakeru: huh??, What?

Makoto: I'm talking about Tanaka, you know something?

(Kakeru's thinking)

*Tanaka: hey! guys, you know what, I met a girl at the shrine temple! She was so gorgeous and her name was Shiraishi, you guys may be shocked but your brother is in Love...

I wanna breathe in the same air as her *

Kakeru: Oww. Yeah, Tanaka! A.. Don't ask...

Makoto( confused):???? *what's with the reaction..*

Tanaka: *I'm going to shrine today again*

In lunchtime...

Nagisa: kotarou Say "AHHHH"

Kotarou ( embarrassed): a.a.a. hey, what are you doing?? I'm not a kid anymore...

Nagisa( sad): Kotarou, you don't like the lunch I made for you...

Is that it..., right?

Kotarou: tha....th.that's not what I meant...

Nagisa: then, hurry up!!! Kotarou!! "Ahhhh"

Kotarou: a.a.a..* what should I do but if I didn't eat it, senpai will get upset * A.A..A.A.Ummm...

It's delicious, senpai! ( embarrassed)


ayato: heyyyyyy....! Why do you hit me this time...?

Kyoko: nothing! It's just kinda satisfying...hahahaha.....

Angry ayato: Why you...


Tanaka (smiling): Shiraishi - San, Shiraishi - San, Shiraishi - San,

Kakeru: are we the only normal ones here???

Makoto: this group is getting weirder and weirder.....!

One week later...

Kotarou: good morning! Kakeru, Taichi...

Kakeru and taichi: good morning...

Dead Tanaka: heeeey... Guys, hope you guys have a good time.

Ayato: Owww... What?

Kyoko( scared): what the hell happened to him??

He's freaking me out...

Kakeru: a.a.a..hey! Tanaka, what's going on?

Makoto: Yeah, you aren't looking good. Did something happen?

Dead Tanaka: guys, remember when I told you that I was in love...

Ayato: a.a.yeah...and?

Dead Tanaka: I got heartbroken...

Goddess Makoto: I did say" maybe" didn't I ...

Kakeru: but how? That's so soon

Taichi: Yeah, your love life isn't even started...

Dead Tanaka: one day, when we were talking at the shrine about fireflies and stuff..., then she told me that she

Has a fiance...!

Makoto: ohh....!

Ayato: Man, that's so sad...! But don't let yourself down bruh...

Kakeru: Yeah, let's have fun like before, spending money on the cafeteria and other stuff like that...

* I don't know what I'm saying*

Taichi: Yeah, man! You deserve better!

* I don't wanna know, what I'm saying*



Tanaka: why you guys? I was so mean to you guys these days, then...

Kakeru: what are you talking about?

Taichi: we are Friends aren't we?

Kotarou: don't think too much of what happened...

Miyuki: just be yourself...!

Tanaka(crying ): YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST.....!

Goddess Makoto: Thinks will change eventually but I never said it will happen only once, it can be twice or more than that ...

You can't accept life to be on your way...

But Maybe things will eventually change, but always remember


And who knows what will happen next, Maybe God or something.

But never leave your friends, because...

" Friends are like fireflies in the dark forest, glowing, sparking in

The darkness, that makes the whole forest beautiful"