
Next day.

Kotarou: hmmmmmm.....!

Kakeru: are you okay?

Kotarou: No, I just happened to meet a strange guy yesterday.

Kakeru: strange, in which way?

Taichi: well, we also have the kinda same stuff going on.

Kakeru: ohh, yeah...!

(Three of them): hhhaaaaaaaahhhhhh....!

Kakeru: anyway, what does he said?

Kotarou: he said! I'm letting senpai down, she can't focus on

Her stuff because of me.

Kakeru: hunghhhh....!

Taichi: is he good with the brain?

Kakeru: frankly, I think you're the victim here kotarou...

Taichi: yeah, I don't think kawabura-senpai have any problems

With anything...

Kotaroru (tearing up ): you guys... Thank you!

Kakeru: I mean your relationship with senpai is...

Taichi: is like master and servant relationship...!

Kotarou: WHAAAAAT?


Kotarou: Kakeru you too...., why are you guys suddenly being mean.....!

Taichi: kakeru, Can you imagine kotarou in a maid outfit!

Kakeru: Yes, and he says "WHAT YOU WANT ME TO DO MASTER"

Kotarou: Mmmmmmmm.... hey...! Stop it guys...

This is so embarrassing...

Kakeru: kotarou, you should add "MASTER" at the end.

Taichi: or you will upset your masters...

Kotarou: What? You guys are not my master...

Ayato: Kotarou you are right, you are not a servant...

Kotarou: ayato...!


Kakeru and Taichi: hahahahaha...! What the hell was that...

You are timing is amazing Ayato...

Ayato: you guys think so...!

Tanaka: hey, why are guys bullying a little kid...

Kotarou: hey, I'm not a kid.

Ayato: you are in high spirit for someone who just got heartbroken.

Tanaka: what did you say?

Ayato: Fear not my child, you will find someone one day...

God will help find that person.....

( goddess Makoto: count me out)

Tanaka: are you trying to pick a fight with me!

Ayato: No, fighting is not a good thing to do... And for a priest like me, it's forbidden.

Kyoko: is that so...


Ayato: Ouch, why you...!


Kyoko: hey, why are you hit me back isn't that forbidden.

Ayato: for protecting people from evil witch-like you, I must fight...

Kyoko: who's which...?

Ayato: there's only one "AMONG US"

kyoko: hunghhhh.....

Kotarou: Hey guys stop fighting...

Ayato and kyoko: shut up!

Kakeru: I told you to add a master.

Taichi: now you are fired from a job...

Kotarou: what?

Taichi: now you are a maid...

Kakeru: Yeah, you can't disobey us.

Kotarou: what's the difference from?

Kakeru: before, we were just imagining.

Taichi: now you became one

Both of them: hahaha hahahahaha...

Kotarou: I told you to stop it guys...!

Kakeru: no, no, no, I said add master...

Taichi: we are not going to stop unless you add master...

Kotarou (embarrassed ): AAAA. Could you please stop teasing me, "MASTER"

Taichi: OHHHHH...!


(From the corner)

Akane: I see you are having fun...

These days not going to last long... I'm going to crush you all

You better be prepared kotarou Kageyama, you are going to

Lose your most precious things,

Then I will go for the main boss kakeru kitsuragi and

Taichi Makabe.

I will never forget that day when they made fun of me.

You guys are so going down....!