Chapter 1: The new world

Yoo I'm gonna try to write 3 chapters today but I'm gonna only release 1 today, and then I'll release 1 tomorrow or 2 Saturday. I'm only releasing 1 today because I want to get these chapters rolling and get a start on this story because I'm really excited.

(I'm gonna try to write 2-3 chaps a day so ill be hopefully Release 1 a day, and if I miss a day I'll try to release 2 the next day. I want to be like 10 chaps ahead of the story so I don't stress out over when I have to release chapters or rush anything. So I'll Release 1 a day and maybe skip a day or two because I'm not a machine that can do this like crazy. But hopefully I'll release 1 chapter each day Mon-Fri. and if im feeling it i'll release 2 on saturdays. But not every saturday on;y if i'm feeling good that day.)

Sorry for the long rant. Hope you enjoy the first chap of This Story :)


A girl can be seen walking down the street while reading the jujutsu kaisen manga. While walking across the street, she forgot to look out for any cars. Before she even realized when happened she got hit by, no not truck-kun but Bus-kun.


(General pov)

'Ah what the hell just happened. The young girl tried to look around her to try to figure out where she is. But all she can see is endless darkness.

All of a sudden A bright light lights up the whole area. The girl quickly tried to cover her eyes but she couldn't. That's when she realized she didn't have a body anymore. Internally she started freaking out, but before she could get a whole mental breakdown the light starts dimming little by little.

Once her 'eyes' started focusing she could see an outline of a humanoid figure. It had spirally eyes and what appears to be a drooling mouth. Its whole body was black except for it's glowing white outline.

[It's anti-spiral lol. This is the only time it'll show up so don't worry lol]

The girl starts staring at the weird being like she was looking at the most unreal thing ever.

In her head, the girl starts going crazy because she recognizes this being as ANTI-SPIRAL. The girl of course knows who this is, after all, she is a little bit cultured.

Before she can keep fangirling she hears the being talk.

"Your dead". The girl's mind stops for a second to process what she just heard.

Once the girl gets some control over what she just heard she asks the being with a shaky voice "h-how am I dead, I mean I was just reading jujutsu kaisen when I started walking across the stree-" she stops on the last word she was gonna say. She finally realized how she died she was hit by a car.

"WOW, how cliche that is. Walking across the street and getting hit by a car." The girl huffs in annoyance at the cliche moment that happened to her. But then she freezes and starts thinking like crazy. 'If a cliche moment just happened to me like getting hit by a car, maybe, just maybe I'll get the package deal of getting isekaid.'

Once the girl comes to her senses she asks the being with hope in her voice "SInce I died and I'm here does that mean I get wishes and get to go to a new world?"

The being that has been watching the girl go through a lot of different expressions in the last couple of minutes was very pleased when she finally spoke up.

"Yes, you get a wish, no more than one though, but I will also let you decide where you want to reincarnate." The being says slowly but sounded quite bored?

The girl didn't hear the tone he said it in all she heard was she gets a wish and she gets to choose where she gets isekaid. 'okay so what should my wish be? I already know I want to go to MHA because that's probably my favorite anime. Hmmm, I really want some cool powers so I can be a badass hero, OH! I know'

"For my wish can I wish for anything?" The girl asks the being standing in front of her.

"No, not anything but you can wish for something and I will tell you if I can grant it."

The girl was hopeful after hearing that so she makes sure mentally she has the right wish. "I wish to be reincarnated as Sukuna from jujutsu kaisen, except I want to still be a girl, so A girl version of Sukuna but I still have all his abilities and powers." The girl said excitedly. Although MHA is her favorite anime it doesn't mean that she doesn't love any other anime less or anything like that. In fact, Sukuna is probably her top 3 favorite anime character of all time. So she was definitely excited to basically be him and have all his cool powers.

But she won't be a cold-blooded murderer or psycho. She's not a bad person in fact she's quite a kind-hearted person. She likes to help people in need, she has lots of friends, and she loves MHA because of heroes. She always wanted to be one.

So once she gets to MHA she'll protect everyone and be the number one hero.

The being looks at the excited and determined girl in front of it. "That can be done, consider your wish granted. I will give your powers to you but to that, I need to merge you with them, and then you will be reincarnated." As the being stops talking he slowly starts pointing his finger at the girl and shoots a laser at her. Once it hits her she blacks out.


In a black space, you can see a white ball floating around. Glowing from happiness and excitement. In the mind of the little ball is just a girl rambling on in her head about how excited she is.

Until suddenly a red flash appears. This shocks her a little bit but then she remembers what the Being said about how he needs to merge her powers with her.

'So this red ball is my powers. COOL!.' The white ball is brimming with excitement. The red ball slowly floats over to her and she can practically feel the darkness and death of the Red ball.

The little white ball starts to get a little scared but then she remembers that these are HER powers. She has nothing to be afraid of, so she starts calming herself down.

The red ball starts merging with the white ball and the white ball is slowly taking over the red ball.

The white ball or should I say the girl is now getting even more excited if that's even possible because she can practically feel the power and it's awesome.

when the white ball almost fully covered the red ball something strange happened the red ball started shining and started taking over the white very fast until there was a dot of white left.

The girl was very confused, one minute she's getting her powers the next minute she's losing them. She started feeling weaker and weaker as the seconds passed.

Suddenly she started shaking, and she didn't know why until she opened her eyes, yes her eyes she was somehow back in her body. She started freaking out and looked around until she saw it.

On top of a mountain of skull and bones was a man, no a demon. She knew who that was. That was Ryomen Sukuna, the King of Curses.

She started fading because she was about to lose her soul. Slowly the last white dot vanished leaving nothing but a black and red ball that started traveling to a new world.

The last thing the girl heard before she vanished forever was the one thing she didn't want to hear.

"You dare touch my soul?"

"Know your place, fool."


[A/N: I hope you liked the first chapter, I know it's kinda lame because it's just some random girl basically the whole time, but I needed a start to the story, and I thought the last part was cool. I'm gonna maybe release another chap tomorrow (or maybe todayシ) and if I don't I'll release 2 Saturday. Next chapter we get to see a baby girl Sukuna lol. And I'm not gonna do a long childhood I kinda want to skip till like the beginning of MHA but I'll do timeskips of his (or should I say her now lol) childhood.]

(any questions you have put here)
