Chapter 16: A Test Of Strength (2)

Sorry for the wait, everyone. It was just a tad bit longer than expected, and I hope you can forgive me for that and still enjoy the series. I will try to upload around 3 chapters every other week, so you can all look forward to that, and I hope that you all enjoy this chapter.

- Yours truly Ghost_Writer :)


Punch after punch, the flesh on Oscar's knuckles ripped and tore apart. The sounds of cracking bones turned into the sounds of something hitting mud. His opponent's face was completely mutilated and deformed; however, this didn't stop Oscar's onslaught of punches but only increased his maniacal laughter. His twisted expression showed a savage beast with nothing in its mind but slaughter.

It lasted for the better part of 5 minutes. Oscar just repeatedly beat the man's head in until he was totally unrecognisable. As Oscar finished his onslaught of punches, he wiped the sweat coming off his forehead before taking a chunk of flesh out of the upper part of his trapezius muscle. He chewed for quite a while as he searched the man for anything valuable. When he finished his meal and realised the man had nothing of value, he got up and went to look for another worthy opponent.


Somewhere far away from Oscar Sei, he continued his rampage. Not a single living, breathing creature was safe from him. He had killed around 80 people by now, but he wasn't satisfied yet. Well, it would make more sense to say that whatever he had become was not satisfied yet. He was craving blood; however, due to his current state, he was unable to run the blood he drank throughout his muscles and veins and thus wasn't gaining any additional stats. Sei sniffed the air like a bloodhound and began running towards more people ready to be culled.

However, before he could get very far, a man about 5'9" tall stepped in Sei's path. He was completely bald and wore dark grey and black robes along with plain black monk-strap shoes. On his back was a long wooden staff. He had his eyes closed, and in his hands, he held a ring of pitch-black beads that he counted repeatedly. As he got to his last bead, he opened his eyes and stared at Sei, but more importantly, he was staring at Sei's current form.

"Amitabha. Although I have given up the life of a monk, I cannot allow a young man like you to give up your humanity just to become a slaughtering machine. I will help guide you to the light."

The monk swiftly grabbed his staff and hit Sei in the gut with a palm attack before he could even process what he had said. Unfortunately for the monk, he had gravely underestimated Sei's sturdiness. Sei had not moved a single centimetre, which confused both Sei and the monk.

The monk was confused, as he was sure he had added enough force to defeat anyone in the Core Making realm. And Sei was confused, as he thought the monk would be many times stronger than what he had displayed just now. Even Sei couldn't sense the cultivation realm of the monk. However, if Sei had attempted to use [Inspect], it might've been different.

But the monk did not waste any time and continued attacking Sei, repeatedly thrusting his staff into Sei's body. This time, instead of controlling his strength to defeat someone in Sei's current realm, he used as much strength as he could. This time, his attacks worked.

With each thrust, Sei was forced to take a step back. Thrust after thrust, palm after palm, Sei's health was continuously chipped away as he was moved back with every strike. But then Sei began to fight back; he swung his elongated arms, attempting to stab the monk with his elongated nails. The monk threw his staff in between Sei's legs at an angle so that it came up behind Sei, and the monk instantaneously appeared behind Sei.

He masterfully caught his staff before he began jabbing at Sei with it again, sending Sei crashing into another cultivator. To regain some of his health, Sei pierced his head and began drinking his blood. Immediately after, Sei began running towards the monk while his bruises and cuts began visibly healing.

Unluckily for Sei, he had no chance of beating the monk unless he got rid of his staff, or at least that's what he believed as he was jabbed in the head with the monk's staff. Thus he tried his best to swing for the staff instead of the monk; whenever Sei tried to do so, the monk would tactfully spin around Sei's abnormally long arms. He'd then throw his staff at an angle onto the floor and catch it again, after which he'd jab at Sei again.

After noticing this pattern, Sei swung at the monk's staff again, and when the monk threw his staff, Sei activated [Foresight] and saw the angle at which the staff was thrown and acted upon what he had seen. Unexpectedly, the angle at which the monk threw the staff had changed—not completely, but enough that fortunately for Sei, the staff was roughly going in the same direction.

Although Sei was shocked by the change, as long as he could get rid of that staff, he firmly believed that he could kill the monk. He once more swung for the staff, and this time he managed to split it into multiple pieces. However, what Sei thought would lead to his victory only managed to piss off the monk. His eyebrows furrowed, and the veins in his head bulged.

He ran at Sei and drop-kicked him, sending him flying, and then almost teleported behind Sei before rapidly punching and palm-striking Sei repeatedly. After which, using Sei's back as leverage, he dug his feet into Sei's back and wrapped his ring of beads around Sei's throat as he jumped while spinning around to wrap the ring of beads around his neck.

The monk used the full force of his body weight to slam Sei into the ground. He then initiated a full body mount on Sei and hammered away at Sei's face incessantly.


Name: Sei Zaghara

Title: Cold Blooded (+10% damage done when the host has the intent to kill.)

Goblin Slayer (+10℅ damage done to goblins.)

Murderer (+10% damage done to humans.)

Wolf Hunter (+10% damage done to wolf-type monsters.)

Race: Human 7/8 Demon 1/8

Age: 16

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 71 kg

HP: 455/1175

STA: 66/1175

NE: 883/40000

QI: 823/40000

Cultivation: 8th Rank Core Making (LOCK)

Level: 50 (LOCK)

Experience: 0/51000 (LOCK)


STR: 2350

DEX: 2350

END: 2350

AGI: 2350

INT: 100

MND: 150


Unassigned Point: 30


Blood Controlling Arts-

By infusing QI into any blood source, the host can control any source of blood.

Body Modification Arts-

By using NE and QI, the host gains the ability to completely modify the host's own body.

Demonic Fist-

By concentrating NE and QI into the fist and releasing it when the punch is dealt, the host can unleash unimaginable strength.


By using three-quarters of the host's NE and QI, the host can see 2 seconds into the future.

Heavenly Demon Lord's Eye of Destruction-

By concentrating immense amounts of NQ into the host's eyes and expelling it, the host can destroy almost everything. As the host trains this technique, the host will be capable of destroying more.

Heavenly Demon Lord's Fist Art-

By activating the previous Heavenly Demon Lord's inheritance, the host gains knowledge of 10,000 different punches and stances.

Heavenly Demon Lord's Judgment Fingers-

Using qi and negative energy, the host can summon giant fingers from the sky to crush the enemy. As the host trains more in this technique, the host will be capable of summoning more fingers.


By using NE and QI to warp any creature's mind, the host can control any creature with intelligence.


By simply requesting the system, the host can gain knowledge of anything or anyone.

Night Vision

By infusing NE into the host's eyes, the host can see clear as day in the dark.

Qi Expulsion-

By compressing QI into a tiny ball and expelling it insanely quickly, the QI will repel anything and anyone in a 3-meter radius.

Seismic Pulse-

By expelling NE or QI into the ground, the host can get a mental map of a 100-meter radius. By expelling NE or QI into a person, the host can get a mental image of the person's physical and mental condition.

Strong Bones-

By cultivating the host's bones, 10% less damage is done to the host.

Strong Muscles-

By cultivating the host's muscles, 10% less damage is done to the host.


By mixing NE and QI, the host can move and control animate and inanimate objects with their mind.

Vampiric Blood Rage-

By using a blood relative's soul, all of the host's stats increase by 100% for 10 minutes while also losing all sanity.

Vampiric Saturation-

By drinking blood, the host loses the need to eat or drink. By drinking blood, the host can regain HP and STA.

Cultivation Techniques:

Heavenly Demon Lord's Demonic Qi Refinement Art-

By utilising a special refinement art, the host can refine demonic qi and purify it.

Completion Rate: 0%

Heavenly Demon Lord's Body Cultivation Art-

By utilising this special cultivation art, all damage done to the host decreases by 60%. The host's speed increased by 100%, all damage done to the host increased by 120%, and the host's agility increased by 50%. If this cultivation art is cultivated far enough, the host gains full immunity to all poisons, as well as petrification, paralysis, burning, electrification, and suffocation.

Completion Rate: 1%

Heavenly Demon Lord's Mind Cultivation Art-

By cultivating this art, the host gains immunity to all abnormal mental status conditions. This cultivation art can also increase one's mental capacity and overall intelligence. If this cultivation art is cultivated to its fullest potential, it can give the host an unrivalled intelligence.

Completion Rate: 0%

Heavenly Demon Lord's Soul Cultivation Art-

By utilising a special cultivation art, the host becomes immune to all direct soul attacks. Using this cultivation art, the speed of all cultivation increases by 5%.

Completion Rate: 0%

Vampiric Blood Drinking Body Cultivation Art-

By drinking the blood of others, you can strengthen your body. However, side effects include insanity, an intense craving for blood, and an excessive amount of demon QI.
