Class Introduction

Apparently, the dude earlier, was not our real homeroom teacher he only guided us here. Arita Sakiko, our homeroom teacher was called out, that's why she's late.

After her brief introduction, she gave us 10 minutes to get to know our seatmates.

I bit my lips, because I thought, I was saved. But, I guess not...

So, instead of letting Arima speak, I spoke first about the girl he's with, last time.

"By the way, who's the girl you're with last time?", I said.

"Ooh, that girl.", then he pointed in a direction.

I followed to where he is pointing and saw a short brown-haired girl last time.

"Ohh, I see, so is what's your relationship with her...?", I asked.

"Childhood friends.", Arima said with a stiff smile on his face.

Then he asked me, "And, what about you t—"

But, I interjected and said, " Soo... Where did you go in middle school?"

I ain't letting you ask that punk, not in a million years. I thought to myself.

Arima who looked at me suspiciously replied, "Well, basically here too."

"Here?", I asked.

"Yeah, the majority of the freshmen are from the middle school department of this school.", Arima said.

"Middle school department?", I questioned him.

"Oh yeah, you are new here."

"Basically, most people here knew each other and transferees are pretty rare since the school's standard was pretty high..."

I remembered something that Aunt Ayaka said to me about this school, she said that it's one of the best schools in the prefecture. I guess, there will be more nobles here, like the violet-haired girl earlier.

"...That's why the majority of the people who went to middle school chose to stay here. Well, if I remember the exams for the people that didn't graduate here from middle school, have a different exam than us. I heard that it was hard enough that the passing rate was 10% or way below."

"Ohh, I see.", I said.

"Really? The exams aren't even that hard though? I have a perfect score for all of them.", Naoki said with a confused face on her face.

"Yeah, the exams aren't that hard, if I remember the only subject that is not perfect for me was Japanese, I scored 92.", I added.

"Eh? Are you bad at Japanese?", Naoki said.

"Ugh, not really, I just messed up that time.", I bit my lips.

Then Naoki laughed at me, while we are in our own world.

"Eh?!", Arima exclaimed.

I turned my head to him, and said, "What?"

Naoki did the same.

"Y—You two... Did you two really...?"

""Did what?"", Naoki and I said in unison.

"P—Perfected the exam!", Arima shouted.

"Um, yeah? Was that a bad thing? It's only an exam, what's the big deal about it?", I asked him.

Naoki nodded to what I said.

"O—Only?! A—Are you serious?! That's one of the hardest entrance exams in the country!"

Was is that really hard? Isn't he exaggerating it a bit much? I thought to myself questioning Arima's statement.

"Aren't you exaggerating it", Naomi said.

"Yeah, it's not that hard, I'm pretty sure many people had a perfect score too.", I said to him with a doubtful look on my face.

"Y—You two... Look around you.", Arima pointed.

Naoki and I looked around and saw the faces of our classmates who looked at us flabbergasted.

Then Arita-sensei spoke, "I didn't expect that you two are the ones who shook the whole staff room that day."

"Well, since you two don't know how impressive it is. I'll tell you, our school was top 1 in terms of education academics in the prefecture, and regarded as one of the top 10 best schools in the country. The exam you two took is one of the top 5 hardest entrance exams in the country. Why is it hard? Because the school thrives for the best education for the students and of course the student environment is part of that, that's why people, that are not here since middle school are like outsiders to us. It's like letting a stranger be part of your family that could cause instability in the education system that the school created. That's why the school created the exams for the transferees to be hard. It could be even compared to a university exam. Now, if you still think this isn't amazing, I'll tell you. Out of the 143 people, only 6 of them passed, and 3 of them barely passed. In addition to that, Ikeda-san over there aced it meanwhile Okita-san only got 92 on his Japanese, despite that, he aced all the remaining subjects, the last one would be the same as Ikeda-san too, but she's in a different class. Because of that reason, why parents often enroll their kids here in middle school. Prior to our school's belief, that it's better to nurture students at their early age.", Arita-sensei added.

Wait, I didn't know that this school was regarded as one of the top 10 best schools in the country. And, I looked around my surroundings, and my classmates are still bewildered by the fact that someone managed to perfectly score the exams. The only thought I could only think of was— Yep, peaceful life my ass, If I just knew that the exams were meant to be hard, I would go for the passing grade. Aah, who cares anymore. The male students here want to behead me, because of a certain someone— What's the point anymore. Better to accept this sh*tfest I'm currently getting.

I looked at Naoki, and she seems surprised, so I asked her, "Hey, Naoki, did you knew about this?"

"Eh? Yeah, I do, that's why I studied a little bit for the entrance exam, but I didn't know that the exam was supposed to be that impressive.", Naoki said.

When she said that, all the students in the classroom twitched, even Arima at the back.

"Eh?! For real?! I took the exam on a whim.", I exclaimed.

"But, was it really that hard? I'm pretty sure, you don't need to study to pass that though?", I added.

I could feel some murderous glaze, staring at me, not just guys like last but all of them even Arita-sensei. Well, except for Naoki. While they're staring daggers at me, I felt a hand around my shoulder— It was Arima.

"Dude, please just shut up.", Arima said while his angry eyes are twitching.

"O—okay.", I replied in fear.

"Fufu~ That's just like you, always.", Naoki who's beside me only laughed.

✯ ✯ ✯

After all the trainwreck earlier...

I just realized that I just dug myself deeper, because of the stuff I blurted out earlier. I cursed myself inwardly, my own naive self betrayed me. The dagger stares didn't lessen, it was still on full-throttle. I want to smack my head on a wall.

"All right, class, it's time for class introduction, we'll do it from left to right. You'll just say your name and then a hobby, that's all. Let's start.", Arita-sensei said.

The class introduction began and then I saw the guy with 2 beauties earlier at the entrance ceremony earlier, he introduced himself, "Hello classmates, I'm Nagasawa Kazuo, my hobby is helping other people. Let's have a great year!", then smiled.

Helping other people? What is he, an altruistic? What kind of hobby was that? I thought to myself. I could feel some protagonist vibe from him.

Next, would be the childhood friend of Arima, "Hello, I'm Ide Aoi, I listen to music, nice to meet you all."

I wondered if those two were just childhood friends, these two would be a great couple. She's cute then adding her petite figure, and Arima here got the looks.

After the introduction of Arima's childhood friend, the other girl who's with the Nagasawa-san earlier at the entrance ceremony, "Heyo~ I'm Hara Reiko, I love Kazou-chan~! Nice to meet you all~!"

I cringed so hard that I almost vomited. I can't believe that there are people like that, though I admit that it perfectly embodies her gyaru style. She got a long caramelized hair color, I could say that's her natural color. But, I was stupefied on my classmates. No one reacted, as if that's a normal thing to say. Look! She's a beauty, though a level behind Naoki, she's still a beauty regardless! Why is there no murderous glare for him?!— The world is so unfair!!

Next, is the other girl that's with the Nagasawa guy earlier, "I'm Nishimura Kohaku, reading, nice to meet you all."

Nishimura? Is she related to the student council president? They got the same black hair and kind of similar face, maybe. I thought to myself.

They're probably sisters, they got the same aura. She's the same as the president, cold demeanor, she got shorter hair than her sister as for the other one the student council president got a long hair that reaches her waistline.

After few introductions, the girl on my left stood up and introduced herself, "Hello, I'm Yokota Kazumi, I like reading literature books, nice to meet you all."

The girl on my left Yokota Kazumi, I could say a book nerd. She got glasses and her hair was black with a bluish blue shade, and it was tied in a ponytail.

Next to her was me, so I stoop up and said, "Hello..."

Around me, I could feel some of the stares are either with disgust or hate.

"...I'm Okita Tatsuya, um, my hobby is playing online games, nice to meet you all."

""Tsk"", I heard from some people in the class.

Oi! I have feelings too!! I thought to myself inwardly wants to cry.

Naoki stood who's beside me and then she introduced herself, " Hello classmates, I'm Ikeda Naoki, even though I look like a foreigner I grew up in this country, and I love watching movies, nice to meet you all.", then smiled slightly.

After Naoki's introduction, there were people before Arima's turn, after a while he got his turn and he introduced himself, "Hello, I'm Arima Koichi, I'm a basketball enthusiast, nice to meet you all."

And with that, the introduction of ourselves ended.

The bell rang.

"All right, class. That's our time, I'll see you next time.", then Arita-sensei heads out.

After few periods...

It's lunchtime.

"Haa...", I sighed.

"Hey, wanna join me?", Arima asked.

"Oh sure, why not, Naoki wanna join?", I said.

"Okay.", Naoki agreed.

We walked along the corridors heading to the cafeteria.

As we were walking, I asked Arima, "By the way, I thought you'll be with your childhood friend?"

"Eh? Err... Not really, we're not close like we used to be.", he scratched his cheeks.

"And you two, I don't that you two are geniuses.", he added.

"Not really, I just liked studying.", Naoki said.

"Me too.", I said.

But, Arima looked at me with narrowed doubtful eyes.

I didn't really lie, most of my free time for the last two years was either reading or playing Runic Chronicles, but mostly studying. I have read all the books that were in my mother's library. I even got invested in Applied Physics last year, and sometimes I would borrow some books from other doctors at the hospital. I could classify myself as a book nerd, I don't really have any hobby before I found Runic Chronicles. That's why I invested most of my time in studying.

"It's for real, I may not look like who likes to study but I study hard, okay?", I said in an indifferent tone.

"Hmm... Yeah, I guess so, you look more like an Otaku.", Arima said who seems to be convinced.

"Because of my hair?", I said.

"Yep, you look gloomy with your hair.", Arima pointed.

I know that, but I can't do anything about it. It's the only thing that could help me, for now. And, it's the only way for me to go to school.

"Yep, I know.", I said.

"Why though?", he asked me.

"Personal reasons.", Naoki who's quiet since earlier interjected.

"O—Okay, but what's really the relationship between you two? Okita said you're not going out.", Arima asked me confusingly.

"We're neighbors, her parents and my auntie have a close relationship. And, she's my friend.", I said.

"Y—yeah...", Naoki said while having a sad expression on her face.

Then Arima looked at me dumbfoundedly.

"What?", I asked.

"N—Nothing...", still looking at me dumbfounded.

"Oh, by the way, the Nagasawa guy from earlier, is that guy altruistic?", I asked Arima.

Then he furrowed his eyebrows, "Well you could say so, why do you ask?"

"Because I found it dumb, that people are not glaring at him!", I said.

"He got two beauties hogging all over him, instead I'm the who got it!", I added.

"Well, that guy was well-known for that, since middle school they called him the harem guy, because of the beauties sticking with him. Plus, who wouldn't be mad at you, look at that..."

Then I looked down to my side, it was Naoki sticking her body against me while walking.

"...Ikeda-san's beauty is on another level, and then you. Because of your hair, people are mistaking you as a gloomy person with a beautiful girlfriend, but on close-up, I could tell that you are good-looking, even though I can't see the top part of your face, the only gave away to you was your lower part of the face, sharp jaw-line and rosy lips, and then add that with your height.", then he continued.

"I don't know, why you have that hairstyle, but if you're trying lay-low, I guess you did a great job because at far, I couldn't tell. But, at the same time you failed, because up close it's still noticeable.", Arima said in a serious tone.

I grunted, then said, "Urgh, I—I was trying to have an average life, without getting into any troubles."

"Pfft— Hahahahaha.", Arima laughed.

"Hahahaha— You?! After all the stuff earlier? I—I can't! Hahaha", Arima said while laughing.

"Urgh, I know...", I grunted while biting my lips.

Then I looked at Naoki who seems to be in her own world, so I decided to ignore her for now.

"Haha— Average life my ass—Haha— You boasted about how easy the entrance exams...", Arima said.

"Unintentionally!", I interjected.

"Haha—Okay, okay, 'unintentionally' boasted the entrance exams. Plus, I bet you're hated by most all male students.", He said while holding his stomach from all the laughing he did.

"Urgh, I didn't even do anything for them to be mad, and on the exam part, it's my fault.", I said grunting.

Arima who seems to be able to calm down after all the laughing he did, said, "You're a funny guy. I'm liking you more."

"Sorry, I don't mess with men.", I said with an indifferent expression.

"Eww, if you want to pay back someone, do better.", Arima said in disgust.

"S—Shut up!", I exclaimed and my face flushed red in shame.

"Hahahaha", then he laughed again.

Meanwhile, the girl who's sticking beside me is still in her own world.

"Haa—aa...", I let out a tired sigh.

After a few minutes...

We reached the cafeteria.

"Oh, by the way, I thought Ikeda-san was the only foreigner, but there's another. I think she had silver hair?", Arima said.

Silver hair? Don't tell me...