After-school Date

We are currently walking at the side of the road.

And as usual, the stares are still the same, there's a lot of students that are going home right now. It's only the first day of school and we still have a week to check out clubs and join. So, I'm not really that surprised at this.

However, I'm still thinking about what will happen if that bastard will really file an assault court case against me. Looking at his parent's background might be the best choice for me to check later— I need to gather much information as I can.

As we were walking, Naoki tugged my blazer.

"Hm?", I then looked at Naoki.

She seems to be looking at a fast-food restaurant that I went to, last time. And yes, we are currently at the shopping district since Naoki invited me to get something to eat.

"Let's go eat there.", Naoki pointing at the fast-food restaurant.

"Let's go then."

As we entered, people naturally looked at Naoki who's sticking beside me. Her beauty is really something and matching it with her natural blonde hair, which makes her more unique in a place where blonde hair is very uncommon.

We went to the line of people and waited.

After a while, it's our turn to order.

"Hello, how many I help you today?", the cashier asked.

"Uhh...", I then looked at Naoki, "So, what's yours?"

"How about that?", then she pointed at the list.

"Oh, all right, then."

As I was about to take our orders the guy in the cashier was in a daze looking at Naoki, "Uh... hello?", I waved my hands in front of his face.

"Eh? Oh! I'm so sorry! Um, what's your order, sir?", he replied staggeringly.

I proceeded to tell him our orders, once that's done, we head out to a vacant table.

"So, what did you choose this place?", I said to Naoki.

"Umm... nothing really... I just thought... we can... have an after-school date...", she said.

But, I didn't hear the last part of what she said.

"We can? What?", I asked her.

"Nothing!", she exclaimed.

I looked at her confusingly, wondering why she suddenly said nothing. When I could clearly hear that she said something after that.

Naoki's face was flushed red, to cover her embarrassment she then took a fries and stuffed it inside my mouth.

"Let's just eat!"

"Hm?! Mmm.", I was startled by her sudden action.

After eating the fries that she stuffed in my mouth, she asked me a question.

"What did you get?"

"Oh, some burger, fries, and chicken fingers.", I replied.

"And your beverage?"

"I got lemonade."

I then looked at what she got, she has fries, a chicken sandwich, and lastly a strawberry milkshake.

"I didn't know that you're fond of strawberry milkshake."

"Yep, I like sweets, you see, want to try some?", she then holds it near my mouth.

So in response, I unconsciously took a sip on her strawberry milkshake.

After I took a sip.

"Ooh, this is good.", I said.

"Eh? A-Ah, yeah.", Naoki said while looking flustered and staring at the straw of her milkshake.

She then smiled happily and she then started drinking while humming.

Meanwhile, I got confused by her sudden change of mood.

Was the strawberry milkshake that good? I thought to myself.

But, deep inside me I know there's more to that, but I decided to ignore it.

"Hey, Naoki, you shouldn't drink that first, get something to eat.", I warned Naoki.

"Hm? Okie~", she happily replied to me.

When I look at her, my chest will be fuzzy and sometimes unsettling. There were times that her actions are questionable to me. She's always been a cute person to me, sometimes I would even have the urge to hug or pat her head. And of course, there are times when she's like this making the urge in me, stronger.

I remember the smile she gave that day after our jogging at the public park, it gave me a feeling of something that I haven't felt. And then, after our dinner with them later that day. The feeling inside me grew and I think that I day I realized that I became more fond of her, we became even more close after she visited our house this last 2 days before the school started. There were even times, where she would often look at Asuka with a jealous gaze because Asuka would often always stick with me, no matter what. Of course, I interpreted it as Naoki being jealous of me, because of how Asuka was very fond of me.

But, looking at her right now, I really don't know. I've always been in denial at how she feels with me, since yesterday where I was sitting in the living room with Asuka sitting on my lap, she then laid her head on my shoulders, I then looked at her. At first, I thought she just fell asleep on my shoulders but I saw her eyes staring at mine, and ever since I've been in denial at how she acted and only interpreted it as a friend bonding thing. Even later that day, she would hold my hands and poke my cheeks, though she doesn't get flustered when she does that, only when I react like asking her what she's doing, those were the only times she would get flustered by her actions. Although, she didn't do it today like yesterday. Her actions are making me cautious that I started reasoning to myself or denying everything, that she's only doing that because I'm her friend.

Like earlier, I don't know if she does have feelings for me, but her actions are making herself that she does. The way she slapped the guy was out of the extraordinary, that time I looked into her eyes, and her eyes are boiling with rage. That time, I don't know if that's how a friend should respond to that, and then the time at the administrative building waiting for the committee. When I looked at her eyes that time without the cover in my eyes, it feels like there's more to it than 'just a friend.'. I've got this feeling ever since the first time we've met, the feeling of familial love towards her parents and the inexplicable feeling I got from her, I felt that my mind and heart is telling me how I've missed her so dearly like a sense of familiarity, and a part of me felt relieved for some reason.

I decided to not run away anymore, I've got so many questions for her like whether she knows me or how she feels about me. After that incident happened to me, there's a piece in me that has been missing. A memory that I can't remember, even if I tried remembering it, my brain would reject that idea and will make my head throbbed in pain. This only happened, when I met the Ikeda family whenever I tried remembering them, but—... I can't.

Maybe, someday... but for now, I need to handle that Oya guy first.

As we were eating, I finished the burger and fries that I ordered meanwhile Naoki only finished the chicken sandwich that she had.

I'm now eating the chicken finger that I got, then I saw Naoki eyeing the chicken finger so I offered her some.

" Want some?"

She nodded cutely, "Un".

Seeing her like that I couldn't help myself but smile at her.

But as soon, I was about to hand her a stick of chicken finger, she suddenly opened her as if asking me to feed her. I hesitated a little but seeing her acting cute I couldn't help myself even under the eyes of envy and jealous guys that are eating with us in the restaurant even the cashier from earlier is looking.

Since she's asking for it, I complied.

"Ooh, this is delicious", Naoki said happily.

Seeing her like this makes me happy, at least she could forget the things that happened earlier in the meantime. I could say that this so-called after-school date was worth it.

"Want more?", I offered.



With that, she happily started eating the chicken finger that I've been feeding her.

After a few minutes, we finished eating all the food, we stood up and decided to head out.

As we were about to head out, I just realized I completely ignored all the stares that have been on us ever since we entered here earlier. Even the guys who had girlfriends that are on a date are looking at me enviously.

Have some shame will you? You guys have girlfriends. I thought to myself.

We got out and started heading home.

Naoki was in a good mood and happily humming beside me, and as usual, she's sticking to me.

We reached our houses.

But as soon we reached our houses and standing outside, Naoki's expression changed.

"Tatsu— Tatsuya, are you sure that everything's gonna be fine?", Naoki asked while looking at me worriedly.

Even her worried face is cute, that I couldn't help myself to tease her.

"What happened to you, you're happily humming while sticking to me, since earlier.", I happily teased her.

Naoki's face flushed red, and exclaimed, "Take this more seriously!"

Even her angry face, I couldn't help myself giggle.

"Fufu, I bet you forgot about how fed each other in the fast-food restaurant earlier..."

Naoki's face even became redder, and her mouth started opening and closing swiftly.

"... Or the fact that you started humming happily on your milkshake.", I grinned at her.

Naoki started talking while stuttering, "W—What are y—you sa—saying..."

"Oh, you think I didn't notice you? Your mood suddenly changed when I took a sip on your strawberry milkshake and then when you realized it's an indirect kiss you didn't even waver to drink on it.", I said while having a wider smug grin on my face.

"A—Awa—Awawawawa.", her whole face became beet red, and then she crouched hiding her whole face from embarrassment.

Seeing her like this, I couldn't help myself but laugh. I get it now, why Sakura-san was so into teasing Naoki.


I grabbed her arms to force her to stand up—She did stand but her face was still looking down.

I unconsciously hugged and patted her, and said while laughing, "Hahaha, sorry sorry, I can't help myself to tease you."

"Y—You... buwwy", she said in a low voice.

Hearing that, another arrow struck my heart.

I stopped patting her head and grabbed both of her cheeks, I then looked into her eyes. Her eyes are slightly teary.

"Don't worry, everything is gonna fine, I assure you.", I gently smiled at her.

Naoki's eyes looked at me, I don't know if she could see my eyes but I'm giving an unwavering eye to her, right now.

"O—Okay.", she replied stuttering.

She looked sidewards to avoid me from seeing her flustered face.

"So, we good, now?", I asked.

"Y—yeah", Naoki who's still avoiding my eyes.

But as soon we were about to go in, we saw Sakura-san, Haru-san, and Aunt Ayaka holding Asuka and covering her mouth standing outside of Aunt Ayaka's house.

Haru-san was slightly blushing while looking at us. Meanwhile, Aunt Ayaka and Sakura-san were wearing smug faces, and their grins are the widest grin I've ever seen, while Asuka who got her mouth covered by Aunt Ayaka got teary eyes looking at me. I could only guess that she was about to shout my name but as soon Aunt Ayaka saw what's happening here, she covered her mouth. Douche move Auntie...

When Naoki and I saw them, even I got flustered but Naoki on the other hand, her eyes became lifeless as if her soul was taken. I knew what will happen just by seeing her reaction. I pray for you Naoki.

We head into Aunt Ayaka's house. While both of us are covering our faces in embarrassment.