
Waking up into nothingness...

Walking endlessly into nothingness...

Someone is calling me...







I keep looking around but all I see are endless nothingness...



It was a female voice...

A female figure could be seen in a distance where there's the only light in this nothingness.

I walked towards the light.

I started walking...



But, no matter how long I walk—I can't reach it.

I tried running...

It's still out of my reach...

No matter how long I walk, no matter how fast I can run, no matter what I do.

The distance between us is only getting farther...

A light in this nothingness...

The female figure standing in the light...

Calling out my name...

No matter how far she is...

I could hear her crystal voice loud and clear...

I want to reach her...

I want her to help me...

I don't want to stay in this nothingness...

I don't want to be alone...

The light and the female slowly fade into nothingness...

Leaving me alone...

In this place...



Leave me...

But then, suddenly a hand grabbed my shoulder, forcing me to turn.

What I saw...

The thing that makes me shiver...



The horror...

Heterochromia eyes...

The dark shadowy figure in front of me, with its heterochromia eyes staring right through me...

Blue eyes on the right...

Amber eyes in the left...

Eyes that I fear...

Eyes that give me nightmares...

My whole lower part gave up as fear took me...

My whole body was shivering...

My mind was screaming run...

No matter what I tell my body...

But, I can't...

No matter how I want to look away...

My eyes are stuck...

I can't move a single fiber of muscle in my body...

I want to scream...

I want to cry for help...

I want someone to help...





The dark figure talked.

"I told you. No matter what you do. I will find a way to get you. I'm only the one who can have you. Fate binds us together."

The dark figure slowly started walking towards me.

Its heterochromia eyes slowly approaching me.

The dark figure stopped.

It smiled.

Its hands slowly caress my cheeks as it slowly approaches my eyes.

"This is what binds us together. These beautiful eyes of yours. These eyes are mine. Only mine."




Leave me alone...

I don't want it...






✯ ✯ ✯




Someone was hugging me tightly.


"NO! P—Please!"

"No more, please..."


I'm shivering in fear, as tears fall down my face.

I don't want to...

My whole body and mind are shaking.

Then my face was grabbed forcefully.

I saw...

The dark shadow figure with heterochromia eyes again...

My whole body stopped.

It's facing me again.

"P, P, Please..."

A voice...


I kept hearing it.




I heard a shout calling my name.


My mind is in disarray.

I heard it again.


The heterochromia eyes slowly fade into nothingness.


I heard it again.

The dark shadowy figure slowly fades into nothingness.

It's all blurry...

But, as the blurriness fades I saw long brown amethyst hair color and brown hazel eye color.

"A... Ant... Auntie?"

"Yes! I'm here! Tatsuya!"

As soon, as she said that, my consciousness gradually fades.

✯ ✯ ✯

I slowly opened my eyes.

Darkness... I can't see anything...

But, I'm feeling a soft surface pressing against my face.

I tried touching it.



I tried squeezing it.

"Mmm... Mguhh... Nyahh..."

Wait, I know this voice...

"My~ my~ What a naughty Tatsuya~."

Then, I realized what I was touching. A soft bouncy ball.


I slammed the back of my head to the wall.

"Nggggh... Aw... Aw...", I was touching the back of my head.

"Oh no, are you okay?", Aunt Ayaka rushed towards me.

"A, ah, ah, W—What are you doing here, Auntie!", I exclaimed.

Aunt Ayaka didn't reply. But instead, she hugged me tightly burying my face into her breast once again.


"Don't worry, it's just a nightmare.", Aunt Ayaka said while caressing my head.



It happened again...

My heartbeat started rising...

My breathing became rigid...

Calm down...

I tried calming myself down.



I repeated this cycle until my heartbeat stabilize.

After a while...

My heartbeat and breathing stabilized.

Aunt Ayaka saw me being able to calm down.

"Are you okay now?", she asked.

I nodded.

She then released me.

"Thank you, Auntie."

"No worries, I'm just glad you're okay now."


"I already called your mother, they will come here later."


"B—But, I need to go to school.", I added.

"You will go, but they will pick you up there."


Thinking that Auntie is here, maybe my screaming woke her up.

"I'm sorry... Did Asuka woke up too?"

"No, don't worry, she didn't hear it. Every room here is soundproofed."

"Eh? Then, how did you..."

Aunt Ayaka showed me a white little walkie-talkie.

I think I'm getting a glimpse of what that is...

"Is that..."

"Yep! A baby cry detector!"

God fucking damn it! Even here?!

"Is there a ca—..."

"Camera? Nope, though your mother is insisting on me to buy that too.", Aunt Ayaka said nonchalantly.

Mom!! Back at my house, my mom had those in my room, when I found out, I got angry and tried to scold but it backfired. Yep, I lost. All the reasoning that I tried to use, all magically used against me. I don't know-how.


"Nope, never, your mom also said if you complain about it, I need to strictly reject it. This is for your own protection too.", Aunt Ayaka interrupted me.

"O, Okay...", I downheartedly agreed.

"Auntie, b—but—"


"Haa... okay."

My pride as a man is being trampled by this thing that is supposed to be for babies! I cried inwardly.

"Do you need your meds?", Aunt Ayaka looked at me worriedly.

"Ah, yes."

"Just wait here, I'll go get a glass of water downstairs."

"Thank you, Auntie."

When was the last time, I got that nightmare? 3 months ago? I thought the thing with my nightmare is done...

Just thinking about it, makes me shiver.

What time is it, anyway?

I took my phone and opened it, it's currently 5:56 am.

Then, underneath there's a message from Zeno-chanღ.

I opened it.

'Yooow, did your school started too?'

I replied, 'Yeah.', I'm pretty sure he will not reply this early in the morning.


What the...

'Wait, you're awake?'

'Hell yeah.'

'For real? I thought you're one of the guys who will be asleep until 10 am.'

'How dare you! For your information, I'm one of the model students in my class.'

I giggled seeing this.

'Pfft, I doubt that you probably didn't sleep.'

'Fuck you! I swear! I am!'

'Yes yes, I believe you.'

'I give up, you will not even believe in me anyways.'

'You should've told me the truth in the first place.'


'So why did you message me early in the morning?'

'Oh-oh, I got a story to tell you.'

'And, what is that?'

'Yesterday, I saw a handsome guy.'


'No no, you don't get it, I saw an extreme! Handsome guy!'

'So? when you saw him, you became gay?'

'Huh?! What gay?! I'm a girl!'

'Yeah yeah...'

'You don't believe me, do you?'


'Haa... I'll just continue the story, well basically as a model student, I got called at the faculty.'

'So, you're keeping this model student thing, huh.'

'Fucking shut up! Let me continue! After I went to the faculty, one of the teachers ordered me with a task, so I agreed since I'm a good student.'

'You're basically making this thing up for your model student shtick.'

'It ain't! Let me finish! After I got out of the faculty, I saw 2 students and it's a guy and a girl. The girl had blonde, I think she's a foreigner and the other one had black hair. Oh, I could tell you not. I was watching them cause I saw the girl crying.'


'You're not even interested.'

'Just go continue.'

'Fine! I saw the girl crying, so I thought I could watch them since If it got heated, I will have some entertainment.'

'What a piece of shit.'

'Shut up! I bet you would do the same!'

'I would not.'

'Fine! You're the good person here.'


'So the guy tried coaxing the girl, then the guy removed his hair showing his face. At that time, I was in disbelief at how handsome the guy is. I want him to cosplay so bad, or eat him up.'

'You're sticking with your gay shtick too, huh.'

'I AM A GIRL!!!!'

'Prove it then.'

'We've been buddies for a year, and you didn't notice?'

'Huh? I told you to prove it, though?'

'I've been telling you my crushes and they're all guys!!'

'Well, that doesn't really prove anything.'

'All right, I'll send you a picture! What pose do you want?!'

'A middle finger in the middle of your nose with your right hand and then peace sign with your left hand.'


Zeno-chanღ then sent me a picture.

It was a girl wearing glasses with a surgical mask covering her mouth, a pair of two amber eyes matching her bright auburn hair, and lastly a pale white skin. All the stuff; I said is in there. But, I'm still having some doubts.

'Is this really you? I think you got this on the internet, write my name on your knuckle then.'

'You!!!!! OKAY!'

Zeno-chanღ sent another picture with a knuckle pose and my name is there.

'Oh shit, you really are!'

'Ha! I told you!'

'Are you dumb?'


'Why would you send me a picture, what if I'm a creep.'

'Oh don't worry, I trust you. Bahahaha.'

This stupid girl...

'Haa... I give up, model student of dumbness...'

'Hey! Fuck you!'

Aunt Ayaka opened the door while having a glass of water in her left hand.

'Yeah yeah, need to go. Bye.'

'Okie, Bye~'

Our conversation ended, so I closed my phone.

Though, I can't still believe that the guy, I befriended online would be a girl. What are the chances... The way she acts... Maybe she's a tomboy? She acts like a guy, that's why I didn't notice it.

For a year... Why didn't I ask her gender? Oh, I assumed that she was a guy. That's why.

But, she's really stupid, she really sent me a pick. A stranger. What if I'm a bad guy. Haa... This girl doesn't have common sense, I forgot.

"Sorry, Asuka woke up.", Aunt Ayaka said.

"No worries, Auntie."

"Whom are you talking to?", Aunt Ayaka asked.

"No one, just an online friend."

"Ohh, I see, here's your water. Where's the medicine?"

"I got it here."

I then grabbed the container that was in my pocket.

"Here.", Aunt Ayaka giving me the glass of water.

"Thank you."

After drinking the medicine, I gave the glass to Aunt Ayaka.

"Thank you, Auntie."

"No problem."

"By the way, Auntie can I take a jog?", I asked.

"Hm? Why? What if something happens to you?", Aunt Ayaka looked at me worriedly.

"I just need to get some fresh air, it helps me cool down."

"Hm... I'll ask Naoki-chan to accompany you."

"Ah-ah, you don't need to, I bet she's still sleeping."

"No.", Aunt Ayaka rejected the idea while glaring at me.

I felt cold sweats forming on my back.


"Good!", Aunt Ayaka suddenly smiled.

"I'll call her, and you. Just wait here, until she comes.", she added.

"Yes...", I dejectedly replied.

I changed my clothes and headed downstairs. I couldn't see Asuka, Aunt said she just woke up, I guess she went back to sleep again.

I went to the door and saw Naoki in her usual jogging clothes like last time.

She was beaming with energy and her smile brighter than usual.

"Let's go?", Naoki asked smiling.

"Yeah.", I replied while my face is flushed in redness.

Then we head out.