Another Troublesome Person

The guy who said hello to Yuki was standing in front of our table, and said, "...I'm Fukuda Keiji, from the branch family.", the guy said.

Branch family? As I check the guy, he was pretty handsome he got brown hair and he's pretty tall.

"Fukuda family, huh, so what do you want?", Yuki replied in a cold voice.

The guy flinched with Yuki's reply, and said, "Nothing, I'm just welcoming you to our school, I didn't expect you to go to this school, if I knew I would've welcomed you, sorry if my late, Hatsumi-san.", the guy smiled.

"I don't care.", Yuki coldly replied.

The guy's eyebrow knitted for a second there, then it went back to normal, and said, "Don't be like that, Hatsumi-san, I'm just here trying to be friends with you, as you know that, my family is one of the branches in your family, so technically we're part of the Hatsumi group."

I saw the desperation in that sentence, he's really trying hard to get close to Yuki. The guy almost lost his patience earlier. Meanwhile, Yuki doesn't really give single care to him. She's treating him like air.

"I know.", Yuki replied.

"Oh! So, then...", the guy said happily, thinking that Yuki gave him a chance.

"But, you're only from the branch family, and why are you casually addressing me?", Yuki glared at the guy.

"Eh?", the guy was dumbfounded.

"I'm pretty sure, you know the customs, right?"

"A-ah, y-yes.", the guy faltered.

"So, you know the tradition of how to address someone from the main family, right?"

"Y-y-y-yes...", the guy was shivering, knowing that he somehow got to Yuki's bad side.

"I will be reporting this to my grandfather, your incompetence is not acceptable in the Hatsumi group, because of your inability to understand your own position. Furthermore, because of that, the future of the Fukuda family will be uncertain.", Yuki said in a demeaning tone.

While all of that is happening in front of me, I'm taking a bite one by one on my lunch. I have no idea what these customs or traditions in the high hierarchy of the society are, but I don't really give a single shit about it. One thing I noticed about Yuki, she's always serious when it involves her family name which really suits her character. She knows when to be serious, she could be playful sometimes and be mischievous.

Yuki is too mature for her own age, she thinks analytically and logically of what's the best scenario likely to happen, she thinks everything carefully and with consideration. Like earlier, the problem with the Oye Family, once she noticed that fear is taking over them, she immediately passed it upon me, giving me some sort of status or authority not below her, more likely an equal footing with her.

I said that I'm not scared of the Oye Family trying to do something against me, not just because of Yuki, because of the image that she established upon me—a status. The status of power that can destroy their lives, if they ever tried something funny against me. And, there one thing that is bothering me— she's too overprotective, even Naoki. Even though it's not noticeable, every action she made earlier is full of consideration towards protecting me, every step she makes is all for protecting me. Just imagining, the 'what ifs' scenarios—gave me a shiver. She's like one of those yanderes' I have read in some novels.

When she announced her family background to the school, then adding her actions earlier in the classroom is like telling the whole school that 'Once you mess with my Tatsuya, you'll face my wrath.'. It took me a long time to understand Yuki's action, but of course, I'm not saying that I understood all of that, there are things that I haven't fully figured yet.

Understanding someone is part of what I learned in psychology. I studied psychology books that I borrowed from other doctors when I was staying at the hospital so that I can grasp some basic understanding of my condition, and I became fond of studying psychology because of how interesting the human mind. But of course, just because I'm studying it, that doesn't mean it did help my condition, because I thought since I knew myself better than anyone I could probably cure it myself, that was my mindset at that time, but to my disappointment, the human brain is way more complex than I initially thought. I am still a novice when it comes to studying human behavior since I haven't interacted that much in society. That's why I'm taking baby steps by studying people who are close to me.

"Please! Hatsumi-sama! Please don't report it to your grandfather! I will do anything! I don't want my family to suffer the backlash of my actions.", the guy groveled to the ground as he pleaded to Yuki.

"Then, you should've thought of that when you approached me.", Yuki said in a cold tone.

"I-I'm sorry! P-Please!! I-I beg you!", he screamed in desperation.

Because of this, a huge commotion started around us, I looked around the people who are seeing this. Most of them have mixed emotions, like pettiness, disgust, pleased, and confusion. When I saw that some of them had a pleased expression, I could only guess that he's a no-good guy.

"I don't care. My grandfather will decide what to do with you.", Yuki said.

"Please! Hatsumi-sama! My father will kill me! Please!", he stood up and extended his hand towards Yuki.

As soon I saw that I tried to hold his arm. But, Yuki immediately stood up and hold the guy's wrist, and with the momentum on her side, she circled around the guy, making him fall while his whole left arm is on his back. Then what happened next, marked the terror of Yuki's relentless action. While the guy's left arm on his back, Yuki took this opportunity to put more power making the guy's shoulder snap, making his shoulder dislocated.

"AHHHHHHHHH!", the Fukuda guy screamed in pain and agony.

I was dumbfounded—I can't mutter a single word. I know that guy tried to touch her but... She got the upper hand when she immobilized him when she got his arm on his back while he is down so there's no need for that.

Naoki and I went to her.

"Hey, I think there's no need for that part.", I said.

"Yeah...", Naoki agreed with me.

"Hmpf, he tried to assault, so I acted. It's called self-defense.", Yuki said irritably.

"I'll call someone first.", Yuki added while she walked towards a corner where there are no people.

"Uhh, okay.", I responded.

I checked our surroundings. Most of the people who saw it are terrified. Fukuda Keiji was still screaming and his face whole was in a mess, he's crying while snotting.

Then Yokota stood up from her seat and went to Naoki and me.

"Umm, is Hatsumi-san gonna be okay?", Yokota asked.

"Yeah, I guess so, she's probably handling it.", I responded.

"Yeah... I think if it's Yuki, she probably gonna be fine.", Naoki added.

And then, we saw a girl who looks very similar to Yokota— It was the vice-president of the Disciplinary Committee, Yokota-senpai.

"Ahh, you again!", she screamed while pointing at me.

"Shit... It's Yokota-senpai.", I frustratingly said.

"Nee-san...", Yokota said in a low voice.

She rushed towards us with the members of the Disciplinary Committee.

The two members went to Fukuda Keiji while Yokota-senpai went straight towards us.

"Take him to the clinic.", Yokota-senpai ordered her members.

"No need, I contacted my people to take him to the hospital.", Yuki interjected.

"Eh?", Yokota-senpai looked at Yuki puzzled.

"I will handle it, this is an internal matter of the Hatsumi household.", Yuki said.

"Yeah, she's correct Ai, let her handle it.", someone interjected.

Then we all looked in the direction of where it came from— It was Hina-senpai.

"Eh? Rika-chan?", Yokota-senpai looked dumbfounded.

"Just let her, I saw everything.", Hina-senpai said as she adjusted her glasses.

"Oh, Hina-senpai.", I said.

"Hello, Okita-kun, you're at it again, huh, I guess yesterday's case isn't enough."

"I didn't even do anything, though.", I responded.

"Nevertheless, you're part of it."

"Ugh...", I grunted.

Hina-senpai does make a point.

"It's okay, Tatsu.", Naoki caressed my back.

Black-suited people barged into the cafeteria and went in our direction.

"Oh, I guess they're here.", Hina-senpai said.

The black-suited people stopped in front of us and shouted, "Greetings, Milady!", they all bowed to Yuki.

"Yeah, just go take him.", Yuki ordered them.

"YES!", all of them shouted at the same time.

The two members of the committee backed out when they saw the black-suited people walked towards the guy who now passed out Fukuda Keiji, he passed out due to his screaming and crying. They took him and went out of the cafeteria. After that, the whole atmosphere in the cafeteria became weird, how do I say this—It became unsettling.

After all of that, Arima came at us, and asked, "What happened?", he only looked at us puzzled.

For real?

With all the huge commotion going on here, you didn't even get to know what's happening?

I checked the surroundings and saw that they all went back to their seats while occasionally glancing at us. While I'm checking the surroundings, I was flabbergasted at what I saw—Yokota-senpai was hugging her sister happily.

"Hehehe~ Kazu-chan~", Yokota-senpai said happily.

Meanwhile, on the other hand, her younger sister is not having a good time, she was looking at her sister with disgust.

"Uhh, what's that?", I pointed to the two sisters while asking Arima.

"Oh, that one, I heard some rumors about Yokota-senpai from the disciplinary committee being a siscon.", Arima said nonchalantly.

"For real?"

"Well, at least, they're close.", Naoki said.

"Ye— Wait! We forgot something!", I exclaimed.

I turned my head to Yuki, and asked, "What's gonna happen to the Fukuda guy?"

"Don't know, I only told my grandfather about, so he'll be the one who will handle it.", Yuki responded.

"Ohh, I see, but how about the committee?"

"It depends really if the guy filed a complaint then we will take action, but since he's pretty much a goner, I guess Hatsumi-san is safe.", Hina-senpai said.

"Wait, why?", I asked them confused.

"Well, I did saw everything, they had a conflict, then Fukuda-san tried to grab Hatsumi-san which could be interpreted as self-defense since we have no way of knowing what he will do. As a woman, I would do that too."

"Hey hey what happened?", Arima asked me.

"I'll tell you later, we need to eat first we got like 10 minutes to spare!!", I exclaimed.

"Alright then, Okita-kun, bye", Hina-senpai bid farewell.

"Buh-bye, Kazu-chan~!", Yokota-senpai followed Hina-senpai.

"Ugggh.", Yokota-san grunted.

"Well... that went well unexpectedly..."

Is this the power of the Hatsumi Family? Well, what Hina-senpai said does make sense, but why do I feel like, they literally on it, like they really want that guy to quit the school or something... There's something weird going on, definitely.

But, the way the other students looked at us is definitely weird too, as if they're pretty satisfied with the outcome of what happened to the Fukuda guy. And some of them are pretty normal, they're looking at us terrified.

We went back to eating our lunches, Arima was surprised at our lunch. While eating our lunch, I proceed to tell Arima all the things that had been transpired earlier.